stretch - 2009-10-06 17:16
ebay auction ended today. this the norm price for this model? Bear in mind the cassette does not work, and it ahs broken antennae holding tabs.
I have a pearl white one without the broken tabs, with workig cassette, and original sticker on door, so when I saw what this one sold for I nearly boxed it up right then!
Tell me, this went for way more than it should have right? Or is the Sharp GF7 really that rare.
she is a sweet mini - but bloody hell - i wouldn't pay that
im.out.of.hear - 2009-10-06 17:51
The blue GF-7 is pretty rare,that could be why it sold for that much.
That is a lot of $$$$ for a unit with a handful of problems though.
Wow Bendycat I love your red one! I would also love to add it to my collection
Blue, rare, cool...
But still way overpriced IMHO.