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i need a boost!

andyboombox - 2009-11-27 02:21

after loosing by 4 pounds on ebay yesterday my personal dream grail- a sanyo m9990, its left me at rock bottom.i was pitching everything (money wise) i had on getting that.id seen them so many times on here and fallen in love with the model.and when that one came up i thought my boat hand just come in.
just lately im having it bad.none of my contacts are coming up with anything, the heart foundation charity shops i go to are bone dry,and all ive found at car boots lately are low rent tiny cheap stuff.i even got ripped off there the other week- some geezer walking off with a decent size sharp 3 piece with cd player for 4 quid, just a few seconds before i clocked it- under his arm.
all it would take is a single large box discovery- thats all. just to pick me up a bit.
i mentioned it before, but this time im seriously considering it-giving up. steve if your out there mate- some words of encouragement- please!or bendy perhaps- your always good with words!
you chaps and chapesses are decent folks and if anyone can offer advice then i know you can Frown Frown
sorry for the rant but im on a downer is all.

andyboombox - 2009-11-27 03:10

just read a classified ad from someone in wakefield offering a marantz portable seperates system for £10! trouble is they were on the phone when i first rang and now their answerphone is on. so have i lost it you think?

banana95 - 2009-11-27 16:22

Originally posted by andy v:
after loosing by 4 pounds on ebay yesterday my personal dream grail- a sanyo m9990, its left me at rock bottom.i was pitching everything (money wise) i had on getting that.id seen them so many times on here and fallen in love with the model.and when that one came up i thought my boat hand just come in.
just lately im having it bad.none of my contacts are coming up with anything, the heart foundation charity shops i go to are bone dry,and all ive found at car boots lately are low rent tiny cheap stuff.i even got ripped off there the other week- some geezer walking off with a decent size sharp 3 piece with cd player for 4 quid, just a few seconds before i clocked it- under his arm.
all it would take is a single large box discovery- thats all. just to pick me up a bit.
i mentioned it before, but this time im seriously considering it-giving up. steve if your out there mate- some words of encouragement- please!or bendy perhaps- your always good with words!
you chaps and chapesses are decent folks and if anyone can offer advice then i know you can Frown Frown
sorry for the rant but im on a downer is all.

I find this funny! funny because i was thinkin of starting a thread like this last week! I've had zero luck at all at any of the many car boots ive been to in the last 5 months!So your not alone there andy...
All ive seen is some 'eggs' and a couple of matsui type of minis, which aren't my thing at all,and ive arrived at some car boots when its still dark, even raced round to 4 different sites in a day! It kind of gets me to thinkin i could save the money i spend on fuel, get a much needed sunday morning lie in, and just buy boxes off ebay... But, its the thought that maybe one time i'll land lucky and get a gf777 or a crown sz5100 for £20 that keeps me going! Laugh Out Loud

andyboombox - 2009-11-28 01:55

I Agreeba na na na!
like you i feel the same lure of the car boots. unlike you, ive been finding bits, but i never seem to find anything other than cheap, tacky basic small stuff, and as i said before a couple of weeks ago i would have had a decent sharp 3 pce with cd if id have just got there 5 mins earlier- so i guess stuff is out there, its just dropping on it. i also go when its still dark. and i go in all weathers im that desperate.ill be going tomorrow morning, despite the rain and crap weather forcasted! apart from seeing my little girl once a week its my only highlight.
heres a bit of hope for you too, mate- dont forget several weeks ago i found a philips d8534 at the boot, for a fiver!but on the down side it was SEVERAL weeks ago! nothing major since.
good luck to you, and lets hope for a good un tomorrow.fingers crossed.in fact everything crossed Laugh Out Loud

transwave5000 - 2009-11-28 21:33

It has slowed down alot finding them.
But they do still come up now and then.
Not as often anymore.
I still go around just to take a look.

Another thing is that some people
(must be from this board)
are posting local "BOOMBOX WANTED" ads.
All this does is make people realize they
have something that might be worth keeping.

davebush - 2009-11-28 22:13

andy...some words of encouragement....dont rely on car boots to get your boxes....i did this for weeks and weeks and weeks and it just doesnt happen like that....when i first started i was going to 6 car boots every sunday , rushing round to get to the next one......and i was looking in every secondhand and charity shop i went past asking them and leaving my phone number.....i was thinking and dreaming about boxes 24 hours a day.....it was just crazy........now 5 months later and i have calmed down a lot....i get most of my boxes from the bay because as you said, you just cant find anything of any substance at bootys,,,just the black 90`s cheap crap....i think the best score i have had at a booty is a sharp gf 8989 and a gf555 and a gf8585 at a second hand shop...but these are not great whatsoever.......i just go to bootys once every month now winter is here just on the off chance i might pick something up...............what you need to do is hang around your local council re-cycling dump and get in with one of the blokes there.....see if he can do anything for you.......if not, climb over the fence at midnight...........good luck matey

andyboombox - 2009-11-30 04:25

ah, dave- those words of yours ring so true with me too. i totally agree with what your saying.ive been trying the recycling dumps on and off for ages now, and it gets me nowhere- did get a guy tell me i could take anything i wanted once, but there was nothing there on the day and hes never been there since- probably got the sack for letting people have stuff Laugh Out Loud
but i take your words on board mate- very wise and true they are! Wink

andyboombox - 2009-11-30 05:56

things are now dire.ive made an offer on ebay for another one that the offers been refused.and theres noithing at all out there. even the auction in selby had nothing today.just whats going on folks?what dave writes here is true for instance- i have written wanted messages on all classified sites, in local papers and around the towns- and ive had 0 response!nothing!ive tried travelling further and wider and still nothing.i have limited means, money wise. for example, right now im sitting on 30 quid i can spend on a nice box/a couple of scruffy ones to do up. but i cant even find them!ebay is useless as i cant afford to hang around putting offers on that keep being refused,because i have to factor in stupid delivery costs,and waiting to see if bids are outbid the whole time when knowing my luck something else will then turn up miraculously and leave me potless-or worse- in debt because ive overspent!
i need a fix for a new one-soon-or im giving up!!!!!

saxonman - 2009-11-30 06:29

I hear what you're saying Andy but you must realise that it's a hit and miss business carboots are!!! next one you go to, you may have a 777 or something like that, but and this is the big but!! most of the time all you're get is modern stuff.I have found nothin at the mo I have adverts everywhere I go to three bootys a week all in door markets and nothin also go to my local charity shop which has two box's at the mo but both not my thing,small one's.So keep your pecker up mate you're only find stuff if ya kepp going..also check out gumtree!!!

andyboombox - 2009-12-01 05:39

cheers saxon, i hear you, bro.
had a spot of luck this morning- got a little aiwa cs230k slimline box off me mate david at british heart foundation barnsley. good nick, apart from a little nick in the front, finished in maroon and still has original instructions.paid a fiver for it, which isnt bad for me.
btw mate what are the 2 small boxes at your charity store? and how much are they? i may be able to buy em if theyre any good. rule of thumb with me with mini boxes is this:
pre 1988, silver if poss if not ok- as many extras as poss.
yes, the bootys are painful. the only significant box ive got from them is my d8534 sound machine.but i live in hope.
thanks saxon, and everybody, for the advice.