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new fourm member sayin hello

brian84corvette - 2010-06-10 21:58

hello all
new fourm member here sayin hello.
im actually in the market for my first real box. the one i have now is home made by my self using car stereo parts and flood light batterys lol - but it works good and thats what im more about.
I mean - the old school style boxes look amazing but if they dont perform amazing then its not something im realley intrested in.

hopefully I can read around this fourm a bunch and find the ones that perform better than others and then keep my eyes out for one.
so far from what I gather - the earlier units put out more power / vs the later units so that probly is a good thing to keep an eye on for a box that plans to be played alot when I go out riding ( I ride flatland bmx )

anyhow - just sayin hello and look foward to finding my first good box. - I also posted pix of my home made box in another section of the fourm - again its not pretty but it works

lav.loo - 2010-06-11 02:06

hello there brian and welcome.
i would say go for an early box 80/85 the golden era, depending on what kind of cash you got spare depends on the box your gonna pick up.
as you may already know the conion c100f and jvc m90 can sell for £1000 plus, mad i know.
but you can sometimes have a bit of luck in the wild and pay penny,s.
there's lots of great boxes out there even some later boxes sound great but don,t have the appeal of the earlier boxes.
my advice for your first box would be to go for something like a midsized panasonic or sharp model from the early 80,s Nod Yes
anyway good luck in your quest and im sure you will get plenty of help in this place, there,s some really good genuine people round here Nod Yes Wink

devoltoni - 2010-06-11 02:08

Welcome here Brian,

I'm sure about one thing, your first box wouldn't be the last. Big Grin
I have experience in this, believe me Big Grin