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A Well Worth 550Mile Trip!!

lav.loo - 2010-06-19 09:49

hi all, yesterday as some may know, i went to member boomers house in wales with andy v to do a pick up.
i don,t drive so my bro took us there, first off we had to set off from manchester to pick andy v up in yorkshire.
after picking andy up we set off for boomers house, it took us hours to get there, to cut a long story short,when we got there we was greeted by a man with a very funny sense of humour as he laughed and joked a lot.
after going up to his flat we was shocked at the amount of boxes piled everywhere Nod Yes
after being told to feel free to look round and have a test of anything we liked, which was very kind of boomer, andy bought an M90 and a SHARP 9000, i was,nt really struck on the M90 after seeing it in the flesh No No
anyway to cut a long story short, i could,nt raise the cash i needed to buy an M90 but i was,nt bothered i just wanted to meet boomer and have a nosy at his collection Nod Yes as it goes andy would,nt let me leave empty handed and so he bought me a SANYO MX920 (WOW) for setting up the deal and providing transport, he also bought my brother a bombeat wx1, for taking him there, what can i say apart from what a guy.
anyway after spending an hour with boomer i got to realise that he is a really nice guy and very funny too, but he does drive a hard bargain Nod Yes anyway after leaving boomers we set off home for the daunting journey and ended up getting home about 11.30pm.
to sum it up i had a really good day and i think everyone is happy with what they got Nod Yes pics of the bombeat and sanyo in collections area very soon Nod Yes i also want to take this opportunity to thank boomer for his kind hospitality and great sense of humour, and to andy v for a box i only dreamed of owning, cheers guys, smile
oh and can i just add that im a d**k head, i forgot to take a camera to take pics of us all together, dhhhhhhh

kid.sensation - 2010-06-19 10:49

now that's a great story!!

so nice to hear that this place consists of top-dogs only!*cool*

gonna check out the collections-area right now.

did anyone of you made pics of the "meeting"?

would love to put faces to the sceneria *smile*

thanks for sharing this story with us!

lav.loo - 2010-06-19 10:52

sorry Kid S, i have just edited my post above explaining i forgot to take my camera Leaving

kid.sensation - 2010-06-19 10:55

no biggie!

I just checked out the pics of the boxes - man what a nice trip you guys had !

lav.loo - 2010-06-19 11:09

thanks Kid,S, ye it was a really good trip apart from the long trek back, all in all it took 13 hours to complete, but it was well worth it Nod Yes i love meeting guys on here this really is a good place with some awesome guys on here, i hope this place stays alive Nod Yes smile

redbenjoe - 2010-06-19 11:18

what a great set of boxes --
and fun..
so well worth any day and any 550 mile trip.
nice going to all of you

lav.loo - 2010-06-19 15:06

thanks redbenjoe, smile

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-20 05:06

holy crap thats very generous of mr V!

although this all does seem remarkably far fetched.


lav.loo - 2010-06-20 05:17

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud your not gonna get any pics of the actual trip andy cos numnuts here forgot to take a camera, but i have put pics of the sanyo and bombeat in the collections area Nod Yes also andy i will be posting pics up tomorrow evening of andy v with his m90 an 9000, watch this space, smile
also ye i agree it does sound far fetched Nod Yes but i swear it,s all true, smile

andyboombox - 2010-06-21 02:19

yeah watch out for subsequent pics-you guys will find out once and for all how fecking ugly i am lol-but seriously-one hell of a trip that was-been to glasgow there and back in one day a few years ago-and that was knackering-but this-was a ball breaker-well, almost lol.
az im glad you like the sanyo-it was a close run thing for me between that and the 9000-but the best man won-and you deserved it mate.and im glad phil is rocking to the bombeat-cant wait to get my wx1 today Wink

lav.loo - 2010-06-21 02:24


- 2010-06-21 08:29

God bless lav I cant speak highly anough of you guys you got to meet the legendary Rimmer36 smile and yea i do drive a hard bargin lol but i assure you I made nothing on the boxes you had em for what i paid smile..

Like i have stated if only we could have spent some time togeather, andy v was the type of guy i would love to hang with not so sure about you ya bald sod Laugh Out Loud GREAT time i love it when a plan comes togeather.....

Btw the deal is off I wanrt my BOXES back Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

master.z - 2010-06-21 09:50

Damn, Thats 4 grails the man parted with.
Are you sure your telling us the whole story?
Sounds like you guys strong armed Boomer and jacked his grails. Laugh Out Loud

Great score.

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-21 14:00

wheres the pics Yo!? Tap Toes

davebush - 2010-06-22 13:13

yo bill...i can vouch for the story cos you know what ?????????.................they all came to my bloody house and forced me to sell a 777 and wx1........they wanted other stuff to but i told them to p@ss off before i gave away my precious M70....hahaha.........no seriously they were all great guys and we had a scream while they were here.....nice to have put a face to the names............

2steppa - 2010-06-22 13:45

Sounds like a blast was had by all. Two absolute beauties the 777 & WX1, what a score. Cool

lasonic.trc920 - 2010-06-22 17:42

WOW....I mean WOW! I would have loved to have seen that collection!

I can't wait for those pictures!

driptip - 2010-06-22 18:45

hey lav, did you visited Rimmer? (TIM)

andyboombox - 2010-06-23 03:48

i second that in motion, lav Laugh Out Loudbut with what we got hes one Cool dude,and a top fella Wink

lav.loo - 2010-06-23 12:39

ye he is a top guy Nod Yes i would love to go and see him again sometime Wink

bredgeo - 2010-06-23 13:09

Cool to hear all worked out...

I remember about three years ago (when I was going from France to Ireland) I had gone through Wales. I tried to contact Boomer to see if we could meet up, but I think that was at the time he was having computer problems... I pushed and pushed, tried and tried... but he never got the PMs Frown

It is a bummer that no pics were taken... We all would have loved to put faces on every one!!!

The way lav loo described Boomer fits the (more or less) image I have of Tim... Put still, no face to put on him!!!!!

OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

lav.loo - 2010-06-23 14:17

i know im an ASS for forgetting to take my canon with me Frown i hope to go again sometime and i won,t forget pics i promise Big Grin oh i nearly forgot, thanks again to you Bredgeo, it was you that set the trip in motion and earned me my best box, the sanyo mx920, it,s an absolute stunner in all departments, thankyou so much Nod Yes Wink

lav.loo - 2010-06-23 16:48

well if i can ever help you with anything and it,s not out of my reach, id,e be more than happy to oblige Nod Yes Wink

bredgeo - 2010-06-24 00:28


I will remember!

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


andyboombox - 2010-06-24 02:40

yeah thanks from me too,bredgeo-i know i didnt take your victor m50 (sorry) but i got an m90 off boomer instead, so i am really happy-triple yay! Big Grin
and although the journey turned into a marathon,especially for lavs bro,it was great to visit boomer and see has eclectic mix/collection of boxes.one day boomer....one day......we may just make a return visit mate Winkbut let us get over the emmense journey first-best of all-cant you just move to yorkshire or lancashire? Laugh Out Loud

- 2010-06-24 09:56

Look what I bought with some of your money guys there beutiful


lav.loo - 2010-06-24 11:29

hey boomer!! that,s a lot of coin to spend on a pair of headphones Nod Yes but if you like em it,s money well spent Wink

bredgeo - 2010-06-24 13:16

Now that is some old school headphones!!!!!

12 to 30000Hz..... Cool!

Most of us, at our ages, are lucky to make out 18000 to 20000Hz!!!!!! Laugh Out Loud Big Grin