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Anyone interested in a new ghettoblaster poster?????

billy.the.binman - 2010-08-05 12:07

Howdy everyone

i did a fake crown poster a while ago and posted it on here passing it off as one i found, crafty i know.

since i quite like it and a few other folks i showed did aswell, im getting a few printed up with some of my other pieces onto good quality A1 gloss paper.

im not posting this on boomboxery, since i dont go on there, so if anyones interested its abit of an S2go exclusive offer of the decade kinda thing.

anyone interested for one? ill be printing off about 10 of this one in particular, if anyone would like one let me know. it wont be too expensive - probably under £15 for people on here + postage or can collect from me in brighton. ill be trying to flog them to a local gallery and other haunts plus ebay probably.

this is the one (it will be edited a little to make it abit better in the final cut) - its made to look old and like its just been discovered after many a year.
measures in at 60x90cm, and remember this is an original!

so anyone interested?

lav.loo - 2010-08-05 13:09

i tell u what ANDY, they would look nice in a classy frame maybe red/black frame to make it look more 80,s, that way you,de earn more from them too, then again i suppose the buyer could always do this, as for having one, well i don,t really put posters on my wall nowadays im 35 yrs old Big Grin

ghett0blaster - 2010-08-05 13:11

that looks really good , I think you should be able to sell them well... I don't really have the money but I must say I see what your trying to do with the old look of the paper but I think a lot of people would still prefer the poster to look new.. just my opinion Smile

lav.loo - 2010-08-05 13:31

I Agree i was going to add that myself, they would look better new and glossy Nod Yes still it,s a good idea and im sure they will sell, could you do other models to give people more choice ANDY?? the crown is,nt everyones fave, just an opinion Wink

billy.the.binman - 2010-08-05 14:42

yeah i was going to do a bunch of different old skool bits of gear not just boxes, this was the first i just didnt get to doing many others.

i have a version of it without the creased up paper but it looks alot plainer without it.

the first lot will be with the crinkles as thats a big part of the style it fits into (retro futurism). im only printing off 10 and maybe more if theres interest/

but yeah conion and other popular ones will be in the offing!

cheers guys

billy.the.binman - 2010-08-05 14:43

oh yeh by the way, the actual print will be smooth and glossy its just the image thats made to look old. dont mean to be patronising just making it clear.

lav.loo - 2010-08-05 14:59

ye i thought that would be the case ANDY, i did,nt think you would charge 15 notes for crinkled up paper Laugh Out Loud
if you do get some different boxes printed i may be interested Nod Yes i was thinking they would look good framed Nod Yes il,e leave it with you ANDY Wink

ghett0blaster - 2010-08-06 03:33

Originally posted by billy the binman:
oh yeh by the way, the actual print will be smooth and glossy its just the image thats made to look old. dont mean to be patronising just making it clear.

no worries.. I think if you find the right place to sell these you can get a lot, especially like lav loo said if you frame them (even though the buyer could do this) will make it seem like they are worth a lot more.. also maybe if you sign it on the back?

billy.the.binman - 2010-08-06 13:33

yeah ill have abit of print on the back and they will be signed and numbered. this is the sort of thing i would expect folks around my age (20's) will more likely want, hang them up in their flats/studios etc

lav.loo - 2010-08-06 13:40

I Agree go for it ANDY, if it,s gonna make you some coin then it can only be a good thing Wink