bredgeo - 2010-09-06 10:44
Yeah.... I posted there (see link).... But being that more people come here, well here is the link: yas!
If only this was a human that was not trying to get free ads.
That FuUcking money will make humans do anything...
Dude, slip and fall.
Buy an M90 and feel free!
But this brings it back down to it... To buy an m90... you need money, to get money you need to work!!!!!!!
So it is a circle!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, get a trim from me... Oh, and I am only asking for monetary exchange for those, 'cause the other humans I have to get the brute product(s) ask for Money as well.... Ahhhhhh, we are all screwed.
Come on take a Top Trim, you will feel! satisfied.
brigadier.vytas - 2010-09-06 23:34
im.out.of.hear - 2010-09-07 08:04
i could handle spam but if they offered up ghetto blaster shoulder bags,ghetto blaster ptotective covers,handle cushions..but i'm not intersted in fake bags and crap..