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Just got a Sanyo 9998K cassette don't work

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 04:31

Does anyone have experience with the Sanyo 9998K model ...? I won one on e-bay (good price) from Austrailia that has a bad cassette hoping that it's just the belts cause I can usually fix that...Is it usually Belts? or did I toss money down the drain ya think??? Just lookin for opinions...

ao - 2010-09-07 04:37

I hate to say it but changing the belts on these is virtually impossible. Working on the dreaded Aiwa TPR-959 is a breeze by comparison.

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 04:48

oh no...I was hoping that wasn't the case...I have a Toshiba SK-31 that's just a radio now cause they couldn't just put the thing together in layers and make it so ya can remove stuff from on top of the cassette deck, they built the boombox around the cassette player and you can't get anything off without breakin stuff..
What am i lookin at? I've done a couple hard ones so far..but if it's real real bad I will back out of purchase...I got it for 50.00 but it's expensive to ship...he thought he was gonna git 300.00 for it.. If I offer him to keep it he may do it. 50.00 is far from 300. (i'm payin a fortune shipping though)

torres - 2010-09-07 04:56

Don't give up Smile hope this link will help you .

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 05:40

Ya think I can do it???? Thanks for the encouragment...It's an awesome bb, and it does have shortwave...i love listening to shortwave...i just like to know that the cassette works on my Booms if i need it. All but one that I own have workin cassesste players. I guess I'll see when I open her up huh?..hahaha If it isn't the belts then I'll cry!!

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 05:42

awesome...a manual...thanks...I'll check it out!

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 05:51

Well...Ya have a point there...I am able to do some pretty tricky belts, but I hope that I can do this one... So far i have done a Panasonic 5010, Toshiba 8290S, and a few Magnavox 8344's...I couldn't do the pioneer SK-31 though to save my life.....was imposible without destroying the unit. I find that if they are old old booms (the first ones made) that they didn't have the know how or technology to make them yet, so there is alot of junk in the way...wires and circuit boards galore especially if it had alot of bells and whistles..and they pressure pressed posts connecting the board to the cassette deck in there that you can't remove and replace without alot of trouble, so that made the belt replacment near impossible and really not worth it. I paid 30.00 for it so it wasn't much lost. The ones I did fix sucessfully made up for it in spades so I customized that pioneer. First I removed all the cassette deck guts, and I covered all the holes associated with the cassette deck with thin plastic board and Painted it Burgandy and champane colors (I am a model car and plane builder from way back, so I know what I'm doin). Came out pretty cool for a 2 day job! The radio and everything else still works so it made a cool conversation piece at work...She's still in service to an extent!

ao - 2010-09-07 08:22

If I remember rightly the issue is that the main board covers all spools and pulleys and it's clear that it cannot be removed without removing connecting wires. So, yes, of course it's possible but it's a chunk of work.

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 08:39

OK....so if it's possible...i can do it..
The magnavox 8334 looked easy, but needed some cutting and splicing to get deep into it...The toshiba I did though, thought ahead for people..they used connectors from the circuit board on top of the cassette deck to the board under it, so ya can dis connect it easily with 2 plugs, take the deck out, and easily re install it when done and just plug the board back in...that's what I was hoping for with this one...but...like like- ya just never know...That service manual gives a glimpse of what i'm in for, and it ain't pretty..hahahaha...at least i'm single without kids and have time and some patiences left..hahha thanks for the help. and glimmer of hope.

ao - 2010-09-07 09:00

It's a nice project indeed.

I tell you what would be great, do you think you could take some progress pics?

I suggest you stock the fridge up on Friday and lock the door until Monday morning at which point you'll be smelling of roses.

walkgirl - 2010-09-07 09:29

I Agree

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 09:35

hahahaha...yeah...I better take a shower first huh?...
I can take pictures...Is that something that this site could benifit from? I have tried to fin a link to post pictures but can't...I remember when i signed up it asked me ifin I wanted to post a picture with my name, and I didn't...now i want to go back and do it, but am not seeing how to do it. As bad as e-bay is, it's easy enough to navigate and find way's to do things...Here I just seem to be fumbling around. maybe i just have to get used to it.
Should I take pictures of any repairs I attempt in the future? And- where do i send them?

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 09:38

Agree?...that maybe I should take progress pics.??? or that it's hard to find things here? lol :-)

superduper - 2010-09-07 11:15

A service manual will help but SM or not, I would rank this one in terms of difficulty as maybe an 8 out of 10. It is definitely one of the harder ones as this boombox is packed in there tight and significant disassembly needs to take place to access the deck. Then hopefully you did it right the first time before you reassemble because if you didn't -- you will really dread disassembling it a second time. Then hopefully it will power up for you afterwards because a few people have found the boombox, for whatever reason (likely mis-connections, as there are many) caused a no-power up situation after reassembly. Then hopefully, you can actually bolt the back cover back on since the wire looms when loosened are fatter than before and if not in the exact same spot, interferes with fitment of the back case.

Don't want to scare you off, but just want you to know what you are up against.

ao - 2010-09-07 11:51

To add, it's clear that the 9998 is a much feared box to open up so I for one would really appreciate some pics. Not many, just some of the wiring & how you go about ensuring things go back the way they were found.

Obviously don't bother if it just adds further stress to an already stressful task.

walkgirl - 2010-09-07 12:18

My sanyo boombox does have not such troubles Smile

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-07 16:14


wildbillo68 - 2010-09-08 04:08

I took some, but don't know how to put them on here...

torres - 2010-09-08 04:15

It's pretty easy http://stereo2go.com/eve/forum...6018954/m/1271057043

saxonman - 2010-10-02 11:12

I managed to do mine took it apart took pic's of everything and got the belts before hand but it was a pig to close the lid in the end i rerooted most of the wires very carefully and tied them all back!!!Yer and the tape works brilliantly aprt from the rest of the box which is static heaven!!!

wildbillo68 - 2010-10-02 16:52

Thanks for confirming how tough it is hahha I have backed out of the purchase since hearing from you guys here on stereo2go forums...Thanks. I am curious to see the videos or pictures anyway...incase I run into another one that's cheap enough to warrent the hard task.