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ghost town!!

fresh.produce - 2010-11-16 23:37


lav.loo - 2010-11-17 05:09

I Agree with AGENT lets move on, this site is far from finished, it's up to us guys to pull together and keep it moving in a positive way, let's not let 1 or 2 people try and upset the applecart, good times ahead await us im sure, i love this place and i will do my best to keep posting as much as i can, all positive and all good fun Nod Yes Big Grin Wink Bopping

isolator42 - 2010-11-17 05:34

Originally posted by l1:
agreed tell that to pf seems he likes to agitate ppl for fun.
well, that's the benefit of the doubt gone.
Agree 100% with Agent. Far to early to be getting personal about people on here (not that it's ever acceptable).
Oh well, l1 has gone now anyway...

Moving on, I can recommend this thread:

docs - 2010-11-17 07:57

Well I for one don't give a toss about someone bleeting, I'm here because I love boomboxes, stereos, ghettoblasters etc. And I love that SOME members participate in many threads and not just ones that mates do. I aint arsed about no shiznit about "other" sites or the nabcakes that need to cause issues here. This site kicks fkin ass, if others are unable to see that and offer contributions, then leave the saddo's to it and don't rise to it. We are here for other reasons altogether.

driptip - 2010-11-17 08:08

i would like to add, that this thread should have never started, and if is possible, should be removed we dont need to see this negative comments.

docs - 2010-11-17 08:11

Which is why mine is very positive about this site and how good it is.

2steppa - 2010-11-17 10:21

Playground stuff, totally unnecessary and counter-productive. BOTH sites have a great deal to offer and are typically welcoming and fun places to hang. Business as usual, moving onwards and hopefully upwards Smile have fun

docs - 2010-11-17 10:24

If both of your remarks are aimed at me then you misunderstand my comments. I love both sites. I collect boomboxes. People trying to cause trouble fk off. The End.

2steppa - 2010-11-17 10:45

Originally posted by docs:
If both of your remarks are aimed at me

Not that I'm aware of.

It was the troublemaking guy who was claiming the merits of one site over another, as I've stated BOTH sites are great.

retro - 2010-11-17 10:51

I understood you Doc, and now we have to move on. peace

docs - 2010-11-17 12:05

Got ya!
Lets get movin!

im.out.of.hear - 2010-11-17 12:42

The part about this thread that i'm absolutely astonished about,there is 3 moderators and not one has closed it way before it got to this,ridiculous,no wonder i stopped posting a while ago,nothing positive worth posting about anymore..think i'll stick to that no posting !! Might start posting again sometime,when all this childish crap stopps..until then see you later !
Ohh yes,everyone can go and call pf because he was a "bad" moderator,least..if he was still a moderator here now,this thread would "never" have got this far..he would have closed it 15 posts ago !!

ao - 2010-11-17 13:03
