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Pioneer boomboxes.

ash25 - 2010-11-07 07:53

Can anyone tell me what the difference is between the Pioneer Sk-61, Sk-71, Sk-81? I have the Pioneer Sk-61 and recently won the Sk-71on Ebay but it hasnt arrived yet. And the Sk-81 seems to be more rare as I dont see that often. Price was, in the ballpark, what did the Sk line go for originally? Did they make a Sk-91? I know its alot of questions but I really like my Sk-61. Its pretty nice to look at and sounds warm but not that loud. Had it at work yesterday next to my M70 and sounds very very good. NOW, its not nearly as loud as the M70 but I think I prefer the looks over the M7o. Thats for now coz I am trying to rotate some radios and give them some use. Give me your opinions on Pioneer if anyone has them!!!

walkgirl - 2010-11-07 08:01

Tim would know that! Smile

lav.loo - 2010-11-07 10:52

can't help you with the models in question ASH25 because im not familiar with them, but what i can say is that i have owned the sk909L, and it was awesome, the best built box iv'e ever layed hands on. i would say deffinetly in the top 3 best sounding iv'e ever heard too, very loud with great highs and lows. it has the horizontal 4 speaker layout, very responsive g equalizers, nice twin vu's that move flawlessly, weighted tuning dial, just simply an awesome quality box Nod Yes it is the one box i really regretr getting rid of, i would take another pioneer in a snap if one ever came my way Big Grin
my verdict on the one and only pioneer i have been fortunate enough too of owned, here's a pic below, not my actual one but one i borrowed Wink Bopping

ash25 - 2010-11-07 15:55

Yeah lav loo. That is def. rare. I do want one of those but they hardly ever appear and when they do the price is always high.

redbenjoe - 2010-11-07 16:32

because sane folks never sell these
Big Grin

ash25 - 2010-11-07 19:23

You got one of these Red?

redbenjoe - 2010-11-07 19:29

yup --
and i seriously advise you should $$ go for it -
in case you have a chance to buy one-
i paid 600 plus freight for mine-from a member --
and i think its the best money i ever spent on any

retro - 2010-11-07 19:56

I was only able to find a comparison between your SK-71 and the SK-95, I may have something on the other models.

l.lopez - 2010-11-07 21:54

Big Grin I have the SK-95 and is awsome, I like the quality sound of it, Very rich bass, Now for the SK-900 is even better with top quality sound reproduction, But if u want even better sound, Then the Ck-5 is awesome as well with outstanding bass and treble reproduction.

lav.loo - 2010-11-08 02:54

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
because sane folks never sell these
Big Grin
I Agree i must have been somewhat insane at the time, i think the cheese slipped off my cracker for a while Big Grin Bopping

devoltoni - 2010-11-08 06:27

That SK's got the microphones integrated in the handle jaw drop

ash25 - 2010-11-08 14:10

Retro thanks for the pics that clears it up a bit. And Red, you paid 600? wtf. Man I paid that for my M90. I do like these Pioneers and will try to get the SK-95. They also make a SK-80, but that has a tv band which I reall dont care about. THANKS for ALL the input.