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VERY URGENT!! Schematic for GE Blockbuster

retro.addict - 2010-12-08 11:51

Hi, my Blockbuster (General Electric 3-5259A) has been at the repairers for ages, and he can't fix a persistant Stereo problem due to not having a schematic to refer to, so he claims.

I would PAY for a member to provide a PDF or suchlike, for me to give the repair man. Someone must have a manual for one, hopefully with a schematic in. I would be extremely grateful if ANY member contacted me concerning this.

Thank you so much.

P.S. I wouldn't normally post techy stuff here, but I really need this schematic! I can't find one online ANYWHERE!

lav.loo - 2010-12-08 15:45

i know the messing around you have had with this repair guy RA, and the months of him having it only to tell you he can't fix it Frown i really hope someone can help you out here, best of luck Wink

panasonic.fan - 2010-12-08 19:24

The following website has this model listed:

Search for the model # on this page.

Kind of an odd site, I haven't purchased from them before, but worth a look.

Good luck with it.

panasonic.fan - 2010-12-08 19:38

I just noticed, they only ship to US addresses.

I have made a request for invoice to purchase the manual for you. Please PM me so we can work out the particulars.

lav.loo - 2010-12-09 03:20

this site really does have some awesome people on here, i love it Big Grin Wink

davebush - 2010-12-09 10:51

yeah nice one P F

retro.addict - 2010-12-09 14:45

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
I just noticed, they only ship to US addresses.

I have made a request for invoice to purchase the manual for you. Please PM me so we can work out the particulars.
That's very, very kind of you PanFan, I have PM'd you. Smile

retro.addict - 2010-12-09 14:55

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
i know the messing around you have had with this repair guy RA, and the months of him having it only to tell you he can't fix it Frown i really hope someone can help you out here, best of luck Wink
Yeah Lav, he's really messed me about, I can't believe how long he takes to do things. You wouldn't believe how I felt when he told me he's replaced the IC, and it's not sorted the problem, after all that time!!! Eek Mad Well, he keeps banging on about a schematic, so hopefully if I get one thanks to PanFan, he won't have an excuse not to fix it. One thing that really gets up my nose about this repair guy, is that I've phoned him to enquire about the radio quite a few times, but he hasn't phoned me once!! thumbs down Not even to say he has the part and he's about to fit it, or to say that he's been really busy and sorry for the delay. Unbelievable... Eek I'm just hoping he'll be able to fix it with the schematic. Then I'll have a mint, fully working Blocky to look forward to! Bopping

lav.loo - 2010-12-09 15:38

unfortunately the world is full of people these days like the repair guy you talk of Nod Yes it seems too many people just don't give a s**t and it;s a shame, let's hope the guy can fix it fully for you when he gets the schematic and like you say above, you can look forward to a fully working blocky Big Grin now i bet there's not many if any collectors in the uk that can say that, it really is a special box and i can't wait to hear that it's 100% functional...fingers crossed all round Wink

panasonic.fan - 2010-12-09 18:26

I've put the order in and paid for the manual. When it arrives I'll PM you about what you want to do. I can scan the section that you need quickly to get it to you asap.

If that's all you need, then you don't need to send me any $. I'll scan the entire manual over the holiday break and put it up so everyone who would like it can have access to it.

docs - 2010-12-10 01:02

First thing the repair guy should have done is recap the tuner board. A lot of FM stereo issues are simply fixed this way. If he hasn't done that I would be wondering why not.

Really nice of you to help a brother out PF, kudos.