pacwestuk - 2010-11-29 17:05
why would this thread get a 3 star 5 votes rating
i think someones being silly round here
I made a 5 star out of it, but it still does show 3 stars
Yeah, I demoted it to 1 star & it still shows up as 3. maybe it takes the mean average of a greater number of voters than we can care to imagine.
Id have deleted it and pointed it at my chocolate star tbh.
I was the first person who voted, giving it only 1 star as a joke. The author must have countered with 5 stars, which would average it to 3 stars
I wager the author in fact gave themselves 4 stars as my one star and Reli's one star would have not been enough to reduce the total by one alone. Unless of course some of you have been giving it a high score despite feedback to the contrary.
This is important!, this means something!
its addressed to someone so why bother looking makes me lol
i bothered to look cos it had star ratings, think it's got 10 now, wow
Anyway, Isolator for christ's sake check your PM
I love this place...
me too, you never know what's coming next
brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-04 07:41
maybe pacwestuk was asking other guy to check his pm - it is written "isolater", not "islator"