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lav.loo - 2011-01-11 16:45

ok guys, today i went into a local post office for the first time to buy some envelopes and stamps, as i walked up to the counter and looked through the toughened glass, i was shocked to see a mint looking box sat on a shelf Eek
i asked the guy behind the counter for my things but all the while my eyes was on this real nice shiny box that i have never seen before.
i asked the guy if i could buy it without hesitation he said how much, off the top of my head i said £40, he said yes i think so but i will just check with my mam, who was stood across the shop.
i could'nt believe it, it seemed too good to be true, and yes it was Frown
he shouted his mam over and asked if it was ok to sell, she looked at the box and said...no sorry, i have had it for 25 years and it's still like new and all working, i upped my offer but she declined and said it's not about money, it's sentimental Frown
after chatting with her for a few minutes she said if she changes her mind then it's mine, a bit better news i thought Big Grin
anyway im going to pop in their regularly now for a stamp or something, just to keep trying my luck, i will prevail in the end Big Grin
i told member DOCS about this and he asked me for the model number, i said i could'nt get it but the lady said it was a toshiba, i described the box to DOCS and he kindly sent me a pic which he found in shiz audio.
i have put the pic up below but would love some more pics and info on this box, i would really appreciate any help here Nod Yes Wink

retro.addict - 2011-01-11 17:26

WOW Lav, that was a close one!! Eek If his mum wasn't in he might have took the money! And good on you for being up front and just asking. good one Interesting BIG box too, with digital tuner. Its general shape reminds me of the Panasonic RX-5350, especially the brushed aluminium bit at the bottom, minus the tuner window of course. Nod Yes To be honest if there's sentimental value concerning her and this box I very much doubt she'll part with it, in those situations people just don't seem to ever budge. Frown I have to think though, was the box put on display like that so she could see if anyone asked about it? hmm I've often thought of taking my mint GF-9000 with me somewhere and seeing if anyone asks me about it! Big Grin

chiplayer - 2011-01-11 18:43

Nice one too Lav! That's a shame you couldn't get that one. I've done the same thing before. Just today at the local flea market, I saw a nice Goldstar that was turned around and asked the guy "how much" and he said "Not for sale!" I hate hearing those three words when I try to buy something, especially BB's!

driptip - 2011-01-11 21:53

i used to have one, is mid size sound not that good. i sold mine didnt really like it much.

lav.loo - 2011-01-12 04:38

RA, ye your probably right mate, she probably won't budge, but il'e be as persistant as a migrane Big Grin
CHIPPLAYER, ye it's hard to swallow those 3 words (not for sale) maybe you should go back and bug him for it Big Grin
DT, to be honest mate, im not really too bothered about sound quality here, i just love the look of the box Wink

walkgirl - 2011-01-12 07:31

Soon you have 400 stamps and no boombox! Frown Big Grin Eek

nevone - 2011-01-12 09:21

You could also buy the local post office making sure they leave all the props on the premise. Just kidding. Better luck next time.

davebush - 2011-01-12 09:42

Originally posted by walkgirl:
Soon you have 400 stamps and no boombox! Frown Big Grin Eek

thats a cracker nicole hahaha

lav.loo - 2011-01-12 10:24

NEVONE, everything i own is'nt even worth the post office contents Big Grin
and WG, ye very good humour Laugh Out Loud when i have the 400 stamps, maybe i will offer them all up for the box Big Grin
nice one guys Wink

driptip - 2011-01-12 12:26

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
RA, ye your probably right mate, she probably won't budge, but il'e be as persistant as a migrane Big Grin
CHIPPLAYER, ye it's hard to swallow those 3 words (not for sale) maybe you should go back and bug him for it Big Grin
DT, to be honest mate, im not really too bothered about sound quality here, i just love the look of the box Wink

you are right lav, when i got mine i bought it just for the looks of it, but when i finally got it the sound killed the looks crying

lav.loo - 2011-01-12 13:56

if i am lucky enough to get it, (which i doubt) i won't even bother to power it up if that's the case Big Grin Wink

litfan - 2011-01-12 14:06

The old tosh rt-9510. Good solid box. I had one.

lav.loo - 2011-01-12 14:13

a bit of positive input on the tosh here, thanks LITFAN, im still going to be harassing the shopkeeper for it regardless of opinions Big Grin i really like the look of this one Nod Yes Wink

litfan - 2011-01-12 15:08

Sound, let`s it down though lav. Sorry.

lav.loo - 2011-01-12 15:32

hey no worries LITFAN, im glad people are being honest here, atleast i know what to expect if i do aqquire it by some miracle Big Grin

driptip - 2011-01-12 16:04

LAV maybe should just offer her 100 and get it over with, pretty sure she will say yes.

lav.loo - 2011-01-13 07:08

im not so sure of that DT, she said it's not about the money Mad Wink

isolator42 - 2011-01-13 10:52

If she sold it to you, sure she'll have some money, but no radio. Then she has to go & buy another one, which is hassle.

Try offering her a replacement that does more in todays world.
Y'know, DAB radio, iPod dock, CD player... Tell her you'll pick one up for her & everything. When she's got the whole thing solved for her she might be persuaded.

...good luck, btw Smile

lav.loo - 2011-01-13 11:12

great advce i will try that on my next visit soon, thanks I42 Wink

weetabixears - 2011-01-13 11:30

LL keep on as you said i was in the same boat it took me a good few months and then finally said yes and that how i got the unisef , soon as i said a price and a replacement deal was sorted or you can buy a pair of tights and saw a broomstick in half wrap it in a black bag go in get your stereo and a good days wage rofl

radio.raheem - 2011-01-13 13:51

Originally posted by walkgirl:
Soon you have 400 stamps and no boombox! Frown Big Grin Eek

Couldnt have said it better myself Smile

lav.loo - 2011-01-13 14:15

Originally posted by weetabixears:
LL keep on as you said i was in the same boat it took me a good few months and then finally said yes and that how i got the unisef , soon as i said a price and a replacement deal was sorted or you can buy a pair of tights and saw a broomstick in half wrap it in a black bag go in get your stereo and a good days wage rofl
ha ha lol, nice 1 DAZ Big Grin

lav.loo - 2011-01-14 07:51

ok guys today i went back to the post office to make another offer on the box Big Grin
i offered to replace it with a brand new DAB radio, not a chance in hell, today the lady's husband was in and he said no chance, iv'e had that radio 30yrs from new, and i still have the receipt Eek
he said the only way i will get it, is if i brake in and steal it Frown
tonight i go back with a sledge hammer Big Grin
no seriously, im absolutely gutted Frown Wink

driptip - 2011-01-14 08:00

sorry to hear that lav, if you really like it, just wait a while, one will pop up on ebay.it always does.

weetabixears - 2011-01-14 10:04

LL looks like the tights sawn broom stick trick and a good days money lol!

weetabixears - 2011-01-14 10:15

or leave it another week or so and try again and then again and again even if you dont make full offers just comment on if they will sell then leave a week if not try again and then go in and up the ante the intrest will either get them on the computer then your proper fcuked or they will sell it you atb daz tell them you had one as a kid and you just want to relive your childhood or ask him how much it was on reciept and equal the amount with a replacement Smile

also mention the fact it will be no good as a radio soon as they stop the analouge transmission have fun

krtek - 2011-01-14 17:31

lav.loo - 2011-01-15 07:38

Eek thanks for the great close up pic KRTEK, makes me want it even more now Nod Yes Wink

isolator42 - 2011-01-18 07:53

ah well, you gave it your best shot.
Sounds like you'll be more likely to get em to sell my M90 Smile

lav.loo - 2011-01-18 08:14

ok il'e try and get em to sell me your m90 I42 Big Grin
naah seriously, that tosh is wasted in a post office Nod Yes it should be sat in my house as we speak Frown Wink

weetabixears - 2011-01-18 10:07

when you going to buy some stamps again keep trying mate they will break in the end just dont keep uping price keep it as the offer you have said with a replacement Smileatb daz

isolator42 - 2011-01-18 11:32

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
ok il'e try and get em to sell me your m90 I42 Big Grin
Bloody hell, my typing's going downhill... Smile

lav.loo - 2011-01-18 13:50

Originally posted by weetabixears:
when you going to buy some stamps again keep trying mate they will break in the end just dont keep uping price keep it as the offer you have said with a replacement Smileatb daz
i hink il'e leave it for a while now DAZ, i will prob call in again in a month or two just out of curiosity Big Grin
and I42, your typing is fine mate, i can't find any errors Big Grin Wink

davebush - 2011-01-18 14:01

Lav....is it behind the reinforced glass counter of the post office or is it behind the normal counter like a newsagent ?????

driptip - 2011-01-18 16:28

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
naah seriously, that tosh is wasted in a post office Nod Yes it should be sat in my house as we speak Frown Wink

hey lav how long you think you would keep it?
remember you are the trade master.

lav.loo - 2011-01-18 17:13

Originally posted by davebush:
Lav....is it behind the reinforced glass counter of the post office or is it behind the normal counter like a newsagent ?????
it's behind reinforced glass DAVE, now don't be putting ideas in my head Big Grin Wink

lav.loo - 2011-01-18 17:14

Originally posted by driptip:
Originally posted by LAV LOO:
naah seriously, that tosh is wasted in a post office Nod Yes it should be sat in my house as we speak Frown Wink

hey lav how long you think you would keep it?
remember you are the trade master.
probably about a week at most DT Laugh Out Loud Wink

driptip - 2011-01-19 09:07

hahaha yeah! thats what i thought. hmm

radio.raheem - 2011-01-19 09:18

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
Originally posted by driptip:
Originally posted by LAV LOO:
naah seriously, that tosh is wasted in a post office Nod Yes it should be sat in my house as we speak Frown Wink

hey lav how long you think you would keep it?
remember you are the trade master.
probably about a week at most DT Laugh Out Loud Wink
Laugh Out Loud yea i think docs would have something to do with that Smile

jameswp67 - 2011-01-22 13:24

I feel your pain LL! In my town there is a pawnshop and they have a Conion C-100f on the counter!! Its a dirty store and when I first saw it the owner was going to sell it to me for $150, but his wife said she liked its looks, and enjoys the radio! so he refused. I went in for two years and have seen it get dirtier and now it sits on the counter on display, but she still will not sell it

weetabixears - 2011-01-22 14:04

jeez ive just googled that conoin box you are on about and i want one they are cool and got the proper bbox look

driptip - 2011-01-22 17:03

whats the latest on this deal lav?

lav.loo - 2011-01-23 07:53

Originally posted by jameswp67:
I feel your pain LL! In my town there is a pawnshop and they have a Conion C-100f on the counter!! Its a dirty store and when I first saw it the owner was going to sell it to me for $150, but his wife said she liked its looks, and enjoys the radio! so he refused. I went in for two years and have seen it get dirtier and now it sits on the counter on display, but she still will not sell it
i feel for you to here JWP67 Nod Yes it being a c100f makes it even more harder to swallow, i hope after your eternal wait you will be rewarded Wink

lav.loo - 2011-01-23 07:55

Originally posted by driptip:
whats the latest on this deal lav?
sorry DT you have lost me here mate, what deal Confused Wink

driptip - 2011-01-23 12:20

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
Originally posted by driptip:
whats the latest on this deal lav?
sorry DT you have lost me here mate, what deal Confused Wink

sorry for the confusion, deal meaning radio.

lav.loo - 2011-01-23 13:26

if you mean the radio in the post office then i don't think il'e ever get it Frown Wink

andyboombox - 2011-03-26 03:27

thats a real heart breaking story is that lav,old son.ive had many instances of this kind of thing in my collecting time of 3 years-odd sharp qt77 here.....other odd smaller boxes there,but nothing major as that toshiba-check out the wegavision.pytalhost.com site and hit the toshiba page-theres a brochure pic in there of that very same model......i realise this is quite an old post now but i do hope you have since scored that gorgeous toshiba-other than mentioned above my biggest heart break was the vz2000 i saw sat on a pile of old electrics at the dump....i was basically told to fook off and didnt get it...it ended up being crushed.....what a total waste of time