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Removable Cass Boombox

bods - 2011-01-21 05:15

Old story

When I was a kid, I was in town with parents looking for my portable stereo for Xmas present. I remember seeing one on offer, display model that had a removable cassette player.

It was a single cass type. Sure the original price was about £80 but they were asking £40 due to the Cassette unit missing and wouldn't of been any use, but would of been far better quality sound than the Prinz STR 2020 that I did get

I think it may have been the Ingersoll that was recently on ebay but wondered if there was any others that are similar



driptip - 2011-01-21 07:31

hey bods, i know there are few boxes that have removable cassette players i dont have any pics,i hope someone can post some pics.

davebush - 2011-01-21 07:36

chris ....i posted this a while ago.....


im.out.of.hear - 2011-01-22 12:32

heres a couple of walkman boxes chris/dave..

Not had a PC100 but i hear they are quality..

Chris (bods),you know i've got one of these because you brought one up to my house years ago,i dont have it anymore,it fell and smashed beyond repair,but i got another to replace it :-)

I had an Hitachi TRK1W in around 1984,they are heavy,quite loud but they have'nt got terrific bass..nice quality though..its hard to find one of these now with the top walkman front door,they'r usually missing for some reason..

driptip - 2011-01-22 14:22

yes ghettoman, those jvc's are quality and very small, tiny! i saw one at the swapmeet was missing the cassette player left it there,
they'r heavy too.

bods - 2011-01-24 10:33

Cheers guys

I know it wasn't a top brand so not Hitachi, JVC, though I do remember Tesco near me having a display model hitachi with removable walkman for sale in the early 90's,

Ghettoman, I remember the Amstrad, I got another 2 from the tip after that, robbed one for parts and the other is still here smiley peaking

I think it was the Ingersoll one, I got my girlfriend to get it for me and will have it for my birthday, will post some pics then Smile

Just wondered if there was anymore that it might have been, but I seem to remember it being Ingersoll

transwave5000 - 2011-01-25 20:30

Picked up this YORX from the thrift store
few months ago.

retro - 2011-01-25 21:10

The Sanyo MR-88 with a removable micro cassette recorder. Cool