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Another suitcase compo

stereo2go - 2011-02-04 18:14

For those not familiar with LO-D was a child brand of Hitachi. The name is clever, it originated from Low Distortion. You can translate the Japanese Wikipedia page if you're curious about their history: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lo-D

retro - 2011-02-04 19:19

I have the Japanese brochure for that model with some nice shots in it. I'll post it when it's scanned.

driptip - 2011-02-04 19:57

now thats a rare bird, great looking unit. SILVER.

reli - 2011-02-05 04:43

I think there is a Blaupunkt a.k.a. of that model

brigadier.vytas - 2011-02-05 06:46

Lo D? Kool! Sounds like a oldshool rap MC name:].

bendycat - 2011-02-05 06:55

very sweet looking and clean - so very 007

now you can go to work and enjoy it Cool

retro - 2011-02-05 18:09

Ok, here's what I have. Cool

stereo2go - 2011-02-05 19:03

Wow, this is great--thanks retro!

That Jewel J1 looks sweet. Wood-grain cabinet, over 40lbs! Has anyone ever seen one of those?

I kinda like that little green van thing too.

retro - 2011-02-05 20:33

I haven't, but S2go member hifitom has some very nice compos.

driptip - 2011-02-05 23:09

where do you find all those pics Retro? nice one.

redbenjoe - 2011-02-06 03:31

there is also a spectacular sounding set made by
aiwa -its their 44 pound mini
carry compound -
AO has one--
the bass is about as strong as a kaboom

docs - 2011-02-06 03:43

Thanks for the pic scans theyre sweet!

retro - 2011-02-06 15:02

Originally posted by driptip:
where do you find all those pics Retro? nice one.

Thanks Driptip, a few years ago I started collecting brochures after acquiring most of my personal grails, now I need an OCR that can translate this stuff because I have tons of it.

im.out.of.hear - 2011-02-06 15:23

That LowD box looks very simular to the Hitachi Trk9900,nice quality,hey retro,we have known you a hell of a long time,but you are such a mistery,we dont know your name,age,you sound like a pretty reserved type of guy,you would fit in perfectly in uk,alot of english people are like that..and you ole dawwg,i never knew you had some nice grails..i do remember you from pocketcalculator site in 2002,but i dont think i've ever seen any of your boxes,have you ever posted up pics in the past ? the only thing i know is that your a genious at designing nice prototype futuristic boombox pics Smile

driptip - 2011-02-06 21:19

Originally posted by retro:
I'm 40 years old and reserved would probably an overstatement Big Grin. I'm also saving the goodies for the new site wiggle

more goodies? wow, this is getting better and better. hmm

samsnite - 2011-02-07 00:01


im.out.of.hear - 2011-02-07 02:41

wow retro,cant wait for the pics..yes you are just like me,i am very reserved..i try not to meet many people,and i only have a hanfull of friends..i'm very solitary,sometimes i dont see or speak to a single person for weeks at a time,and i rarely leave the house,i'm only loud and chatty on hear,because i am sat behind a keyboard,i'm not like this in person..and your almost same age as me,i'm 41..

lav.loo - 2011-02-07 04:37

great post ST2G, and great pics and info RETRO Nod Yes love the look of that lo-d box, looks very hitachi, and i love the hitachi look Big Grin not posting much at the mo as i have personal issues but i hope to get back fast and furious a.s.a.p Wink