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I had an old Stereo once...

retro.addict - 2008-06-04 06:32

It was well before I started collecting (I was about 15 when it was thrown away for looking 'very old fashioned', (I didn't throw it away, my parents did), I knew it was an old radio, but it didn't register to me in the way it does now. I can hardly remember what it looked like, but I'll describe it the best way I can. It would probably date from between 1984-86. It could have been a Sharp or a Panasonic, but more likely a less well known brand. It was a fairly large 1-piece, maybe lower end quality, but fantastic in it's own way. About the size of a Philips D8634, only taller. It was very slim, 5 inches maximum. I can sort of remember it was a creamy colour, or something similar, it definately wasn't silver or black. It looked nothing like any box I currently own, or any box I've ever seen pictures of as far as I know. The closest in looks has to be my little Grundig, but still not like it. All the controls were on the front, I'm pretty sure it had twin tape decks, and it definately had a graphic equalizer, 5 band I think. I'm almost certain the equalizer levers were red. Or they might have been black, with a red surround. Confused No, definately red levers. It was a very 'busy' looking box, awesome looking, colourful with plenty of period '80s graphics. The speakers were around 4 inches, they looked small for the box, probably with removable grilles. The one I had didn't have any grilles, either they'd been broken off, or removed and never put back. It may have had thin chrome-effect trims around the speakers. I don't know if it had tweeters. I can't visualise the tuner window. I think it might have been a very small bar/slit which is why I don't remember it, but again I'm not sure. It could have had an LED meter of some sort, I can again sort of remember that. It had a truly amazing sound, which is what I remember it for more than anything. The bass was incredible, it's got to have been close to my 777 for bass. I know, from 4 inch speakers!! The midrange and clarity was awesome, almost unlike anything I've ever heard. It was enormously loud, and sounded more like a small home Stereo, but with a classic sound. It would have made nearly all my current boxes sound rubbish. I can also sort of visualise it having a grid design, a fantastic '80s feature which I'm always raving on about. If any of you don't know what I'm talking about, look at my Avatar. The GF-9000's VU meter has a grid design inside, lots of squares joined together. Very '80s. The box I'm trying to identify might have some sort of a grid design on it.

Does anyone have an idea? Smile

This is my little Grundig, the nearest to it in looks, especially with the 3-piece look-a-like theme. Don't stare at this picture for too long though, it looked NOTHING like this, and was much bigger.

isolator42 - 2008-06-04 06:56

the grid design like this JVC?

...pic from the base Smile

retro.addict - 2008-06-04 07:03

Could have been, but more likely a graphic than moulded plastic. Nod Yes

With the speakers only being 4 inch, they only covered the lower half of the box. I can't remember what it looked like above the speakers. The design of the box seems to be coming back the more I think about it, but it's still far away. Why didn't I ever take a picture of the thing?! Eek

Now I think about it, some of the controls could have been on the top... I don't know! Oh dear!! Roll Eyes Big Grin

isolator42 - 2008-06-04 07:49

Could've been a Saisho.
The Dixons-own brand rebadged all sorts of stuff - rubbish mostly, but one or two decent b-boxes came from them. My brother had one - I've never seen one since. This was it, under another brand name:

...not bad for a Saisho, eh? Damn loud too.
Anyway, good luck in the search - don't give up Smile

retro.addict - 2008-06-04 08:00

That's not bad at all for a Saisho, it looks even better than the PT-770 (have I got that right?). I like Saishos very much. Always have, I don't know why. I have a weekness for some cheap, but good, products. I have a home Stereo by Saisho (a CDM-500) and it's fantastic. It's styled like a separates system with a vinyl player on top, but it's all one piece. Really, really light-weight. I've looked inside, damn it's practically a very big empty box! Someone could put a couple of loaves of bread inside it, and you wouldn't know about them until the humungous stink when they go off! Laugh Out Loud BTW, the boombox looked nothing like that Saisho, not far off the size though. But thanks anyway. Smile

jovie - 2008-06-04 08:11

It could be that it's performance wasn't quite what you remember.Everything a person perceives is only relative to what they have experienced up to that point.If the box was as cheaply constructed as you remember,it's likely there were other branded versions produced.As the detail on it was mostly graphics its possible you have actually seen another version without those graphics without even realizing it.Flashy looking chrome plastic grills can really transform a boxes looks.Perhaps an example of your mystery box is hiding behind a set of these in someones collection here in the forum.Just a few things to consider.

It's mysteries like this that make box collecting so exciting.Since that box was obviously mass produced (as all were) I'm sure you or another collector will run across an example of it.I have a hard time believing that there are no remaining examples of anything that was ever mass produced.Wish I could help you find it.Like yourself I love those '80s graphics.The more dated looking the better!

jcyellocar - 2008-06-04 08:15

You say it was cream-coloured? I recall a friend having an Emerson that was that colour around that time. Maybe somebody with the base could check that out. Smile

retro.addict - 2008-06-04 08:31

Originally posted by jcyellocar:
You say it was cream-coloured? I recall a friend having an Emerson that was that colour around that time. Maybe somebody with the base could check that out. Smile
Cool, thanks! Smile Can you remember what style it was? What size were the woofers?

jcyellocar - 2008-06-04 08:37

Four inch woofers im guessing. It was not a huge box. Don't know if you had Emmerson boxes in England, might have been rebadged. They were pretty cheap over here in Canada. Come to think of it, may have been a three-piece.

jcyellocar - 2008-06-04 08:42

Hold on, I think it was the brand 'Classic'. They also came in black and white.