redbenjoe - 2008-05-25 23:33
A general-sound-gs1018 IBBN 7-11528
cariole-unkn5 IBBN 7-08309
gcr-8560 IBBN 7-07624
gpx-990 IBBN 7-03500
helix-hx4631 IBBN 7-00461
prosonic-pqr9960 IBBN 7-12760
sensor-rt-unk IBBN 7-09672
differences in reception(2 and 4 bands)
and instead of led meters :needle meters
sensor-rt1246 IBBN 7-04606
thanks Jens --embarrassed to have to ask -
-because i just send a GPX990 to a member this past friday !!!
It's one of the best looking BBXs that's for sure!
Hi Tim,
Haven't got round to it yet. Thanks for reminding me though, I'll have a go with the Servisol tomorrow.