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I'm taking my GF-777 to a car show!

retro.addict - 2008-05-19 10:00

Hi, yes that's true. Smile It's on Sunday. The place is huge apparently. My mate has an old car which we're going in and I'll be sitting my GF-777 on the back seat. It's for some music when we're there, and for the experience really. I've never done this sort of thing before. It should attract some good attention. I remember a member showed a pic ages ago, of one of his boxes at a BMW car meet. I'd like to try it myself! Big Grin

We'll be outside (hopefully the weather will be nice!), and I can't wait because it'll be the first time I've be able to turn it up loud! Cool Of course, I'll have the box's best interests at heart so I won't push it too hard. I just want to see how nice it sounds at high volume.

It's my favourite box, and one person I know who's going, loves things from the '80s (mainly cars, but other things too), and he expressed an interest in my boomboxes the last time I saw him. I'm taking it mainly to show him as he's never seen one as big as the GF-777. Well, you do have to take the BIGGEST! Big Grin

I'll hook my personal CD player up to it. It should look great with the '80s cars, playing some '80s tunes! Cool My mate said we can power it from a power pack, which has the correct plug socket on. We're buying one this week. I can't wait! Smile

I'll take some pics when we're there (if it all goes as planned that is).

I hope it does! Cool

chancenellie - 2008-05-19 10:24

Hey RA that sounds cool,Manleytronix used to show his old VW's and had a colour coded gf8989.I'm heavily into 80s cars so know your show will be a gas,i go to quite a few,make sure you get some pics to post and share.

retro.addict - 2008-05-19 10:34

Originally posted by chancenellie:
Hey RA that sounds cool,Manleytronix used to show his old VW's and had a colour coded gf8989.I'm heavily into 80s cars so know your show will be a gas,i go to quite a few,make sure you get some pics to post and share.
I'm into '80s cars too, and I've been to a few with my mate in the past. It's an Austin/Rover/MG meet, and we're going in his Automatic Metro! Big Grin Cool I'll take some pics for you to enjoy! Smile

- 2008-05-19 10:54

Good to read RA hey as for powering the box up just buy 10 alkiline batts you should get 30 plus hours out of one set I did the 777 lasts way longer than any other box ive had on batts.

fatdog - 2008-05-19 11:14

Originally posted by rimmer36:
the 777 lasts way longer than any other box ive had on batts.
I Agree

ford93 - 2008-05-19 11:50

I remember when I first got my Panasonic RX-DT680 the next day I was with a friend in his car on a long drive. The Panny really filled the car with the most sweetest bass and highs.

masterblaster84 - 2008-05-19 12:44

Great way to spend a Sunday RA, I'll bet that will spark some comments/interest. Nod Yes

transamguy1977 - 2008-05-19 16:05

I always bring a box with me when I show my car.
People get a kick out of seeing an old car with an old portable sitting next to it. Smile
I am going to be in a show this Saturday .
The last show I brought my JVC M-50
This time I will bring either the M-70 or the M-90 .
What kind of car does your buddy have???

retro.addict - 2008-05-20 04:48

Originally posted by transamguy1977:
What kind of car does your buddy have???
Nothing like yours! Wink He has a 1990 Rover Metro Clubman Automatic. The auto ones are pretty rare. It looks a bit like this, just a later one. The one on the pic is a Mk1, my friends is a Mk2. To the untrained eye they look almost the same.



Mk3's and 4's are the horrible Rover 100 type.

BTW the M50 looks cool in front of the Trans Am! Cool

blaster - 2008-05-20 06:39

i remember back in the days when i to use cruise with the crew in the car with two boxes my conion and my friend and the nippon we use to blast both of them at the same time with the same recordings, those were the fun days....lol

ao - 2008-05-20 23:13

I remember going to the 78 Motor Show where they launched the Metro, I never thought it'd earn vintage status.

My mate Cog who's a cheap-rate garden designer still drives one as his works van, complete with wheel-barrow on the roof & tools & mowers inside.

retro.addict - 2008-05-21 07:14

Originally posted by agentorange:
I remember going to the 78 Motor Show where they launched the Metro
I've seen a picture of the pre-production '78 Metro, it still exists I think.

Originally posted by agentorange:
I never thought it'd earn vintage status.
I think the fact that they have the same running gear as a mini has helped them. Early Mk1's and MG Turbos are highly sought after, as is the 310 van.

Originally posted by agentorange:
My mate Cog who's a cheap-rate garden designer still drives one as his works van, complete with wheel-barrow on the roof & tools & mowers inside.
Really? Eek If it's the same style as the ones above (not the later Rover type), and it's a proper van version (the 310), a 3-door with panels instead of rear windows, it's very rare. Someone I know owns a very nice 310 Metro van and it gets the most attention at shows.

Here's one...

retro.addict - 2008-05-21 08:10

The main thing stopping me powering it on D-Cells is the price of them. The ones I want are the best non-rechargable ones (Duracell Ultra M3's), which will set me back £20+ for just 10 of them! Eek

retro.addict - 2008-05-27 08:58

So, I went to the car show and had the 777 on the back seat. It chucked it down with rain all day long! Frown I didn't even take the box out of the car, and didn't feel like taking pics. It was a crap day, but the highlight has got to be playing the big GF inside the car! Wonderful bass in such a confined space! Big Grin

- 2008-05-27 09:26

Sorry to read it pissed down all day what a gutter man. I have my 777 on now i have to say its one of the best sharp boxes made, it blows away the gf9000 for example.

transamguy1977 - 2008-05-27 19:17

Awe man Retro that sux!!!
I was really looking foward to seeing your pics. Frown
we were forcast 40% chance of rain but it was clear.
We need the rain here right now because its been very dry for a long while.
That combined with the dry heat equals fire down here.
Well it wont be that last car show for you im sure!!!

retro.addict - 2008-05-28 05:02

Originally posted by transamguy1977:
Awe man Retro that sux!!!
I was really looking foward to seeing your pics. Frown
we were forcast 40% chance of rain but it was clear.
We need the rain here right now because its been very dry for a long while.
That combined with the dry heat equals fire down here.
Well it wont be that last car show for you im sure!!!
Don't want the fire to burn that lovely Trans Am of yours!! Eek Wink And no, it certainly won't be the last show I'm going to. Smile There's one planned later in the year, which I'll also be taking my 777 to. Hopefully the weather will be much better for that one. I've looked at your pictures - they're awesome! Great car, amazing in fact. The M70 was a cool box to take! I wish I could relate to the excellent quality sound. Frown Nod Yes

retro.addict - 2008-05-28 05:12

Originally posted by rimmer36:
Sorry to read it pissed down all day what a gutter man. I have my 777 on now i have to say its one of the best sharp boxes made, it blows away the gf9000 for example.
It was awful, Rimmer. I was all for going home after just half an hour! We stayed for about 2 1/2 hours, but hardly anyone turned up (not surprizing given the conditions), and we stayed in the car most of that time. The car looked good though. We'd polished it the day before and it was nice how the rain water 'beaded' on the roof and bonnet. Cool That said, getting the car wet wasn't in the script! No No Big Grin For the last hour or so we stood the boombox up on the rear seats and played some '80s tunes. I still should have taken some pics though, at least it would prove I went!

And about the GF-777 sound vs the GF-9000 sound, both in standard form, I can sort or agree and disagree. For bass, the 777 totally whips my 9000, it must have over twice as much bass. But for clarity and definition I have to say the 9000 wins that one. If I could merge the sound of both into the 777 it would sound brilliant! Big Grin

Sorry for not taking any pics...

- 2008-05-28 08:27

No need to apologize for not taking any picks my friend Smile thats strange i find both the clarity and bass on my 777 way better than the gf9000 ever was, i found the treble harsh i just diddn't like the sound of it and also i find the 777 has balls the gf9000 had no power and your right about the bass too.

jerry007 - 2008-05-29 15:52

Haha..Nice one...Old skool radios and 80's cars go hand in hand....I've had my Mk1 GTi for 22 years and my M90 for 26 years.... Big Grin
I have taken my car to shows since 1987 but never the radio,may have to change that for this years major show next month..... Wink

retro.addict - 2008-05-31 05:51

FANTASTIC!! A 1984 Golf GTi! Eek It looks mint!! Cool Those chrome BBS wheels look great on it too!

jerry007 - 2008-06-01 16:07

Old skool cool baby !!!!!....lol
Thanks Retro addict..Actually its a 1983 Campaign Edition,last of the Mk1's.BBS's and Mk1's go together like strawberries and cream...lol

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-01 16:45

That's awesome jerry, your GTi and M90 look great. I'll bet you'll stir up some conversations with both of them displayed together. Nod Yes

isolator42 - 2008-06-05 06:00

Originally posted by jerry007:
Is it me or is this one f*** off cool picture? Smile

ford93 - 2008-06-05 06:02

Nice pic. man! Cool