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The BBX with the longest running time

success - 2008-03-10 18:12

I was wondering what of your BBX has the large amount of hours in use. I mean a relibility talk about the BBX whose were used daily ...

For me, the system I used for more hours,was a cloack cassette radio. I've used it for about 7 years at 7 hours each day !!!!!, of course daily use. The same score was for the turntable that I had attached to it.

The clockradio was an OEM chinesse product branded realtone, and as Jens researched, an offbrand of Soundesign.

To figure the amount of use, I changed the deck motor three times !!!, belt two times, and head once. Lot of use. Electronics didn't have any problem .... Still works.

- 2008-03-10 18:24

well I still use my Sansui Z-5000X reciever since i bought it in the philipines back in 83 and I have had it repair 2 time's for the same thing a power resistor would keep burning out ,,, finally he put in a larger wattage resister and it dont burn out no more and its still puts out 70 wpc yes i know its not a B'box but its the longest running constantly electronic radio thingy that I have that plays the radio and my other source's

erniejade - 2008-03-11 09:24

Not a boombox but I have a 1973 kenwood top of the line amp KA8006. Never been in the shop yet!

retro.addict - 2008-03-11 10:30

It seems for once that people aren't talking about boomboxes, but my most heavily used boombox at the moment is the Hitachi TRK-8200E (I also love looking at the thing!). If I can find a JVC RC-M90 anytime soon things would be sure to change! Cool

isolator42 - 2008-03-11 10:49

My Hitachi 3D7 got heavy, daily use for years. An hour on FM every morning (on a timer), & a minimum of a couple of hours on tape most evenings. Everything was on a tape back then (I bought vinyl or CD & recorded it on my brother's hifi).
I was one of those people who put in a tape on my way out in the morning, so I could walk in home from school/work & click - music Smile
I still do this with the car stereo: set what I think I'm going to want to listen to the next time I get in the car. I am not mad.
Weekends would see the radio or tape playing constantly if I was in. When the I went out with the 3D7 (around once a week) it played tapes for as long as the batteries lasted, which was often all day. It regularly did youth-club & party sound duties - so it got a damn good thrashing on a regular basis. Also, more use recording, when the Capital Rap Show was on & A Fresh Start To The Week (Radio London) - & the chart countdown on Radio 1 of course.
All this solidly for at around 3 years, until separates hifi was within my means. Then it was relegated to kitchen radio & holiday duties until around 1998, when I bought a Panasonic CD b-box (RX-DT37, half decent egg - wanted a cobra-top but they'd all gone by then).
Finally it endured an ignominious retirement, chucked in various cupboards & garages until 2005, when I discovered s2g Smile
The 3D7's tape deck still works, it's just worn out & doesn't sound so good anymore (Digisette sounds ace, however). Radio is still A1.

That's 21 years, albeit with about a 6 year hiatus. Not bad for a Hitachi... Smile

tpr - 2008-03-11 11:46

My TPR runs since 10520 days.

interesting theme!

bredgeo - 2008-03-11 12:36

My TPR runs since 10520 days.

Your TPR has been running for 10520 days?

None stop JENS?????? No! Not possible, right? Confused

Yeah, you are pulling our leg! Laugh Out Loud

tpr - 2008-03-11 12:47

HAHAHAHAHA! Laugh Out Loud


yep, with interruptions

......and 3 belt changes. Cool Laugh Out Loud

bredgeo - 2008-03-11 12:51

Laugh Out Loud

success - 2008-03-11 17:53

To talk about a BBX, the most used was my aunt's RS-4300, everyday, for about five or six years, at about 3 hors each day. Of course my Aunt used it a lot before ... during the 80's
I remember that ....I was a child and I've never heard about head cleanning, neither my Aun't ... and at some time the National stopped recording. It played but it couldn't record anything !!!!
As sound quality wasn't a subjet for me the lowered quality caused by the dirty wasn't noticed ...
I cleaned the head and started to record fine again that happened in mid 90's ... figure this !!! about 18 years without cleaning heads !!!!!

Other thing that happened is I forgetted the unit paused for two weeks !!!!!!!!!, that is the unit, with motor and mecha runing for full two week (I din't live with my Aunt and she didn't use the BBX frecuently). When I noticed that, I went near to the National (it was warm ...) and release pause switch, just continue playing the tape as nothing ocurred. Perfect speed and quality.
That happened another time caused by my Aunt, who forget the unit paused again. I can't tell how much time but a week for sure.
It's an endlees BBX !!!!

jcyellocar - 2008-03-12 15:55

Def my Panasonic ED-90 which I bought in '96 or '97. I used 2-3 hours per day until about 2002 when it became our shop radio. Well, our factory ran 24/7 so it was cranked for two years straight night and day. I finally brought it home and put it out to pasture in '04. It's dinged and dirty put still pumps out that crystal clear cobra-top sound (using the remote of course, the logic controls kicked a long time ago.) They banned radios at the factory or else it still probably would be there. Best $350 I've ever spent.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-12 19:20

For me it was my Panasonic RX-CW55. I've had it since 89'-90' and she still cranks hard as ever and evrything works just as a typical quality Panasonic should! You can see a pic in the collections section under the title "By Popular Demand...". (It's getting squashed by my RX-C100)Big Grin

arkay - 2008-03-13 20:24

My longest-serving boombox is a "lowly" one, a Sanyo M-W3K. It was used commercially for hours every day in an English-teaching place for a couple years back in the 1980s. I got it used from them when they closed up (the owner ran off to escape debts and left his father the job of cleaning up the mess -- long story). I then used it almost daily for 20+ years for portable sound, back-up or fill-in sound, etc... It actually suffered a bit of abuse (paint drips as it went through several moves/redecorations, for example), but a year or two ago I did a detailed cleaning on it, so it looks good again now. The cassette drive belts had melted so they got replaced at that time, but otherwise it has been working great (at least as a radio) since it was new.

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-13 21:52

SmileMy first,Aiwa w 330
For close to 11 years before it died in a fire and i replaced it recently.
Since the collection really"bloomed",Def The Jvc 838 a Daily Grinder that just gives pure enjoyment. It never gets dull or boring and is a true blue friend! Wink