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Anyone know what this is ?

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 08:20

Hi All Smile New to the site and I was wondering if maybe some of you kind folks might be able to help me id this Box I found over the weekend ? I've been collecting for about a year now and last night was the first time I saw the site. THIS PLACE ROCKS OUT ! I'll have to post up a few pics of my Blasters but here is the Box in Question

Thanks in advance for any and all help I greatly appreciate it Smile

I Moderate a Old School BMX site and I know how many hours of research go into these sites. I don't want you guys to think I just showed up to find out what my Box is and Bounce... I'm here for the long haul and I'm anxious to see all the stuff the site has to offer

Anyway on to the Box

When I found it I though it was a Visonic ? Now after looking around for hours last night I'm thinking it could be a Brooks, Helix, Visonic or I could have no clue LOL

Maybe one of you guys might know what it is and maybe where I could find a lower door (yeah right I know LOL)

Here she is

Sticker inside the battery Tray

Cabinet specs:

And one pic of my baby from the day I scored it Smile

Enjoy guys

Cheers Brian

ned.209 - 2008-03-10 08:44

hi Smile i think is a llyods? they made a version of that. check this out, its your stereo in grey


if you search the helix 4636 with the find function above youll see another offshoot of the same frame, also Rambo has a gold version labelled majestic

thats a tasty bmx

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-10 08:49

Welcome aboard!

Yes I also believe Lloyds made that one.

Nice find, I had one in the 80's for a very short time and wish I still had it.

- 2008-03-10 08:51

Originally posted by Smokin_Endo:
Hi All Smile New to the site and I was wondering if maybe some of you kind folks might be able to help me id this Box I found over the weekend ? I've been collecting for about a year now and last night was the first time I saw the site. THIS PLACE ROCKS OUT ! I'll have to post up a few pics of my Blasters but here is the Box in Question

Thanks in advance for any and all help I greatly appreciate it Smile

I Moderate a Old School BMX site and I know how many hours of research go into these sites. I don't want you guys to think I just showed up to find out what my Box is and Bounce... I'm here for the long haul and I'm anxious to see all the stuff the site has to offer

Anyway on to the Box

When I found it I though it was a Visonic ? Now after looking around for hours last night I'm thinking it could be a Brooks, Helix, Visonic or I could have no clue LOL

Maybe one of you guys might know what it is and maybe where I could find a lower door (yeah right I know LOL)

Here she is

And one pic of my baby from the day I scored it Smile

Enjoy guys

Cheers Brian

Uh, it uh, looks like a ( BoomBox ) :-)

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-10 08:59

Hmm, almost feel a little retarded right now. I just looked at the label and it says Lloyd's Electronics on the back. DUHHH Razz

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 09:02

Thanks guys Smile

I thought Lloyds was just too easy LOL I guess I should have listened to the wifey from Jump st. I just never heard of Lloyds ? When I was dusting it off something inside was moving around so I took it apart. After getting it apart I found that someone else had been in there before me and lost a few screws. Well I had to use a few of the existing screws to get the power pack (I guess it's a transformer ? It was directly next to the battery tray) to stay in it's original location and now I'm short some screws for the resemble. Any ideas where I can find small enough screws to resemble these old cabinets ?

I have it back together but it is loose.

I did get it up and running though and it PUMPS !

When I put it on Stereo there a some pops and distortion but in Mono it really sounds good.

Any recommendations for cleaning the boards & other electronic components inside ? Don't want to mess it up

Anyway thanks for the help and the kind remarks about my Trick Star Smile

Cheers Brian

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 09:17

The one on auction is close but not exactly the same. Does anyone have a pic of the same model ? I'd like to see the graphics that are on the lower door. Any of you guys making replacement parts for any of this stuff or is that fronded upon ? I'd love to find an original door but would go for what ever I could find.

Here is the one from the auction

Also on another Box that is really bad with the green corrosion build up on the chrome sections. Any of you ever have your chrome stuff replatted ? (Well vacuum platted)

sorry for all the questions but I really had no idea there was a forums page for this stuff and I'm very happy to have found you guys Smile This site is the HOTNESS !

- 2008-03-10 09:19

I'm short some screws for the resemble. Any ideas where I can find small enough screws to resemble these old cabinets ?

Hardware store?
or here This is where I go for Really Tiny Screws Metric or standard

oldskool69 - 2008-03-10 09:23

Welcome aboard! Big Grin Nice units you have there and it's extra nice when you have the original cardboard box! Get ready for lot's of laughs, fun, and frustration trying to score "The One"! Laugh Out Loud

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 09:27

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
I'm short some screws for the resemble. Any ideas where I can find small enough screws to resemble these old cabinets ?

Hardware store?
or here This is where I go for Really Tiny Screws Metric or standard

I was at the Hardware store for like 45 minutes yesterday I'll have to try that link you posted Thanks for the warm welcome guys

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 09:33

Originally posted by oldskool69:
and frustration trying to score "The One"! Laugh Out Loud

I'm pretty good in this department LOL That GF777 cost me $40 last summer with the box and Warrantee card and the one in the beginning of the thread I got on Sunday for $15. I only have like five or six Boxes but I have been more then fortunate with the ones I've found and the amount I had to spend to get them

(Not boasting just thought I'd share a little with you guys about my collection and the luck I've had)

isolator42 - 2008-03-10 09:50

Originally posted by Smokin_Endo:
...I Got my dip-ship... it's right outside
Jump in now and I'll take you for a ride
Let's Jet out We'll cruise at Hyper-speed
I got the beat to move your feet
and that's all we need
Return of Capt. Rock ...Cool

...welcome to s2g. You're fitting right in already Smile

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 10:22

Thanks Man

I've had that signature at the bmx site I hang on for over a month and NO ONE knew what it was LOL

Probably because my old signature was Public Enemy lyrics and they were thinking 90's

I really like this site a lot and think I just found a bunch of new peeps who share the same sickness

ROCK ON ! Cool

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 11:50

So do any of you guys have a pic of this box with the lower cass. door attached ? I'm dying to see the graphics

Thanks in advance for any and all helps guys, I know I popped out of nowhere and I'm asking for favors already but I'm sure you remember how excited you were when you first found this place

tpr - 2008-03-10 11:56

welcome o`board smokin endo,

here ya go:

ned.209 - 2008-03-10 13:17

not really. put a wanted ad down in the wanted section, maybe look for a scrap one on ebay. someone here might have a scrap one. if you were handy with photoshop/illustator or indesign you could copy it from the photos, create a transparent photoshop or pdf file, bring it to a local printer and ask them to make a transparent vynil of it, then cut out the appropriate sized piece of plasdtic and assemble it.

maybe it sounds a bit much, but its three real easy steps.

look at it

copy it

cut plastic

tah daa Smile

ned.209 - 2008-03-10 13:19

actually i just twigged, it wouldnt even have to be transparent. you could just cut the centre section out of the print, and stick it on.

smokinendo - 2008-03-10 13:39

Thanks again for all the help guys ! Finding this place has made my week !

I do have a guy who makes me some decals from time to time to restore the old Freestyle bikes and I'm sure he can help me. That's one of the reasons I wanted to locate the graphics

I'll probably make a door cover if all else fails but I thought it would be my luck to go and make one then find out that they were available all along LOL

fuzzyduck - 2008-03-10 13:55

Welcome Smokin_Endo,
The Lloyds PT-003 is a lovely looking BBX for sure.

redbenjoe - 2008-03-10 14:18

hey ned -- as you know -- whenever we make any part for any object -- its usually 12 times harder than we planned -- buy at the end -- there is often that nice TAH DAA -- Smile

mafiagato - 2008-03-10 15:49

welcome aboard man!

nice units you have Nod Yes

have fun!

beatbox - 2008-03-11 02:02

Nice catch there Smokin' and a very big welcome aboard.

I see you've already made a lot of new friends around here, and I'm sure you're gonna love learning and discovering the many wonders this site has to offer.

Big Grin