I stayed up until 4am last night negotiating for something I really wanted.
And...I now have a C100F on the way.
Sorry - just had to let the happiness out somewhere..the Mrs and kids simply don't understand..!
Will post shots when I get it
And you know what's funny. I wake up today and find myself changing my signature to the below.
Is that the addiction kicking in!?
geoffhartwell - 2008-10-16 13:01
congrats ewen, im very jealous
Maybe they'll understand when they see the £400 dent in their Christmas budget.
Great grab, there aren't many of these in the UK.
Originally posted by Ewen:
And you know what's funny. I wake up today and find myself changing my signature to "Wanted: M90".
Is that the addiction kicking in!?
We tried to warn you, but apparently you didn't listen.
Congratulations on the C-100F. You've made quite a few of us jealous.
Nice work ! ! where did you source that little , well , big gem from ! advance congrats
Backdoor eBay - was bidding and contacted seller to take a punt on what we'd both be happy with for early ending (was always taught if you don't ask you won't get!) Negotiated into the night and got (IMHO) lucky.
AO is right though, and good job the kids like chocolate money and Satsumas
Awesome pick up Ewen! Well played indeed.
Please be sure to document your new arrival when she gets there.
Rock On.
The kids might be allright, but the wife you'll greatly owe!
Congrats the back door is the only way to go if you want somethinh cheaper.