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2009 Florida Sunshine Mix

fatdog - 2009-03-08 09:41

Originally posted by JT:
I will wear my S2G polo shirt insted!
That's even better!! Cool Nod Yes

enskanker - 2009-03-08 11:28

I will bring my Brotherhood Shirt and my S2G shirt but I keep them wrapped in plastic so they don't get any contamination, I will take them out for an allowed viewing from 1 - 2 PM.
I'm also bringing my cake knife.

fatdog - 2009-03-08 14:18

Looks like Betty has a knife of her own too. Big Grin

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-09 16:08

holding a knife behind you at neck level, this may not be a good thing..

fatdog - 2009-03-12 18:47

The list of boomboxes that will be there has been updated in the first post of this thread.

Also, we're up to about 13 attendees. We always want more!!

sinister - 2009-03-12 20:35

wait a minute!!! theres gunna be cake Mad

gluecifer - 2009-03-13 08:44

I'll be there in spirit at least!

Well.. gin that is.

Rock On.

weylandyutani - 2009-03-13 13:48

I Agree I Agree I Agree No NoGin or Bourbon for me Rick

prime - 2009-03-16 16:33

I was hoping to see and hear a Panasonic RX-C52 at the event but so far
it hasn't been listed. It looks like a solid midsize with nice controls.
I always wanted to get one of those.

jt - 2009-03-19 06:57

I think I'll bring the Panny RX-DT707 I just got. Also going to bring the Sanyo 820

fatdog - 2009-03-19 09:46

Originally posted by JT:
I think I'll bring the Panny RX-DT707 I just got. Also going to bring the Sanyo 820
Sweet! My Sanyo 720 will have a playmate! Big Grin

enskanker - 2009-03-21 03:29

SO can we hook up 2 or 3 RX-DT707's in series and point them at the Pool, playing Guy Lombardo?

redbenjoe - 2009-03-21 07:34

UE --THAT would be the ultimate concert hall for the world of boxes --really !!


btw --for all members who wanted to attend --but cant -
do this ::

send a 6 foot cardboard replica/photo of yourselves to fatdog --
he will both enhance and display them all in a prime location at the meet

jt - 2009-03-23 07:33

Originally posted by enskanker:
SO can we hook up 2 or 3 RX-DT707's in series and point them at the Pool, playing Guy Lombardo?

I didn't read the list.... Sorry!

I'm not bringing the 707...!

transamguy1977 - 2009-03-27 14:19

tommorow it's on .
ima very exite.

redbenjoe - 2009-03-27 14:35

great for ::
boxes , people and food !!!
cant wait Smile

gluecifer - 2009-03-27 14:39

Have a great time guys, can't wait to see the photos and hear the stories.

Have a drink on me!

Rock On.

skippy1969 - 2009-03-27 15:00

YAY!!!! makes sure somebody takes lots of photos and maybe some video. That would be AWESOME!!!! Eek Big Grin

enskanker - 2009-03-27 15:02

I will bring my Cameras and charge Betty with official unofficial photographer and video taker.


skippy1969 - 2009-03-27 15:10

Very cool Ed! Big Grin

transamguy1977 - 2009-03-27 15:10

Boxes are ready to go.
Hope they all fit Laugh Out Loud

skippy1969 - 2009-03-27 15:28

WOW!! Very nice collection Frank. I'll bet they will fit in the 300C. That has a good sized trunk and backseat. Big Grin
I wished I was going....... Frown

weylandyutani - 2009-03-27 15:29

Have a great time and remember "STAY FROSTY" Which it will be in the southern hemi soon boohoo Frown

eddy - 2009-03-28 04:24

Have a great time guys. I'm lookin' forward to all the pics too.
So Frank , i see you still own the HP 800.
I thought you sold it Cool

transamguy1977 - 2009-03-28 04:34

It is confirmed!!! 8-medium to large sized boomboxes fit quite snugly in the trunk of a Chrysler 300 C Big Grin
Ed it didnt work out so its still mine for now.

- 2009-03-28 09:40

Can't wait for the pics Big Grin!


skippy1969 - 2009-03-28 10:32

Originally posted by transamguy1977:
It is confirmed!!! 8-medium to large sized boomboxes fit quite snugly in the trunk of a Chrysler 300 C Big Grin
Ed it didnt work out so its still mine for now.

LOL! most large cars have have a "Mafia trunk" and you got a "Ghetto trunk"....... Wink

driptip - 2009-03-28 12:45

guys any updates? please!?

bredgeo - 2009-03-28 19:45

Confused Confused Confused

Ira... I saw the "Bboxes" you think/thought you are/were bringing.... But...??? where is the Vinix


oldskool69 - 2009-03-28 19:49

Just finished cleaning up guys after everyone left. (Appleknocker and Prime just left about an hour ago.) JT and Fatdeezy will handle photo duties as I have clearly demonstrated my inability to post anything. ED has photos also. Good night all and be on the lookout... Big Grin

jt - 2009-03-28 21:02

I just walked in the door, Ford93 is headed home in is 93 Ford...

I will be posting pics and maybe some vids relatively soon. If I get a second wind, I may try tonight, but don't count on it... Feel like I'm gonna pass out.

The meet was nothing short of awesome. I think the total count of boxes came in at 104!!!

At this point, I gotta extend a huge thanks to:

1) Fatdog for the generous gift of the GF-666.
2) Ira for the generous gift of the Sony box, I hope you can get that Sanyo 820 singin' sweet!
3) Ed for the Boomboxery t-shirt and doing the swap for the Nak, I hope you enjoy the Onkyo deck and the Sansui tuner!
4) Appleknocker for the awesome T-Shirts and for swapping me the Maxell Vertex for one my equally prized MA-R's, Hope you like the mix on there!
5) And, last but not least, Juan for all the music and for talking me into buying the M90 the other day Smile
6) Those of you not mentioned, thanks for coming, being cool, and contributing to the awesome vibe!

Oh, Skilphil, thanks for the Prince tape!!!! That sucker jams!

As for the pics, you all are in for a treat. There's some real gems among them!

Oh, one more thing... Transamguy77, I have your trophy (for the royal a$$-kicking your Telefunken M1 laid down) as well as an RCA to 1/8" cable that we all think you may have left behind... PM me your addy and I'll send this stuff your way!

Stay tuned!

fatdog - 2009-03-28 21:38

I think we had 111 boomboxes and 3 walkmans represented, which completely shattered last year's number. I typed the list on Ed's laptop so he should be posting the final roster soon.

The 2nd Sunshine Mix was absolutely fantastic! I don't know how next year's meet can get any better, but I'll be there to find out. Nod Yes

ford93 - 2009-03-28 21:52

I too would like to extend many thanks to Linda for just a wonderful meal you rock Linda!! Ahardbody your hospitaly A-1 dude thanks.

Ira thank you for that little green beret boomer, pics. soon.

Appleknocker these S2G T-Shirts with the M-90 on the back kicks big time tushi thanks for letting me take an extra one.

JT thank you for those Tapes you gave me. I hope you like those Lounge/Deep House CD's I mixed.

The meet was a success I have to say that Franks aka (Transamguy) Studio 1M won from the many comparos. My M-90 came in very close so that says alot about the M-90 guys. I enjoyed this meet very much thanks to all for the love!!


ford93 - 2009-03-28 22:02

FYI you guys and gals are going to love JT's immitation video of DM4U it is hilarious!!

Prime, Appleknocker, Enskanker and Skilphil glad to have met you guys. Nod Yes

weylandyutani - 2009-03-28 22:39

Oh dam Guy,s sounds like a kick ass time.. Wish I could get one of them T-Shirts down here. Great stuff Big Grin Cool

71spud - 2009-03-28 22:51

Sounds like it was a blast!

We will have to do a Northern Sunshine Mix soon... if we ever get sunshine again that is...

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-28 22:57

here are the pics I took, first I want to thank everyone for coming to the 2009 Florida Sunshine Mix , I think I can safely say everyone had a great time, Linda and I wish to thank everyone for their contributions, the meet was a lot of work but the end result is more than worth it.if there is a 3rd Sunshine meet here next year we will be honored to once again host it, there hasn't been a friendlier group of people than those that were in attendance today. For the members who couldn't make it, I hope you enjoy these pics and more will follow from some of the other members. Lastly I want to say I was glad to meet all the new members and the wives that were here this year.

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-28 23:00

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-28 23:05

redbenjoe - 2009-03-28 23:33

what an absolute tremendous good time -

and especially tony and linda for all the preparations and work and delicious cooking---
and for being responsible for the comfort and safety of our big crew of loud, nutcase collectors--

plus thanking oldskool and fatdog for being the original founders of the sunshine mix
--from what movie was the line .......
"we formed ya" ?? Smile

also - bredgeo i did bring my vinix --
and while not the big show hilite --
it did hold its own
Big Grin

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-28 23:33

sorry if there are any duplicates

vladi123456 - 2009-03-28 23:47

Awesome pictures! I see one very cool upsidedown box (5350), and no BigBens! Smile

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-28 23:59

nope, no bigbens

ahardb0dy - 2009-03-29 00:00

ok, it's been a long day I've had it, going to bed talk to everyone later.

billpc55 - 2009-03-29 00:48

looks like a wonderful meet up. good times.
good pics.

jt - 2009-03-29 01:07

Pics from JT's camera

Okay, its 4am, I finally got through all of the pics. Too lazy to imbed them into a post, plus there's way too many.

Check out Page 2, dedicated almost exclusively to Ira! Just to prove he needs to chill on boxes for a week or two and spend some money on a new camera for his porthole instead!!!

Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to thank Linda for the wonderful food, and Tony for being a gracious host!!!! Thanks a bunch you two! I loved the baked Ziti & Meatballs!!!!

eddy - 2009-03-29 01:58

Looks like you guys had a awesome time.
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing Cool Cool

bredgeo - 2009-03-29 02:39

They did, did they not Eddy????!!!!!

I wish (like a lot of other members) wish I were/I had been there!!!!!!! Nod Yes

Need more pics and vids!!!!!!!

Any other links for those other pics and vids, or is every one going to post here??????

Tap Toes

kid.sensation - 2009-03-29 02:42

great pics as last year.
wish i could've made it there!Cool

great weather , great boxes, great guys/gals - and a pool in the neighbourhood Eek

now that must have been a blast!!

enskanker - 2009-03-29 02:47

To one and all "Tenk you veddy much".

Tony ahardbody and Linda, for the hosting and work of a excellent party. For those of us there we know that poor T spent most of his day running round and taking care of food and drinks and all the stuff necessary to allow the rest if the inmates to run free. Linda's homemade sauce and and all the Italian food was par excellent.

The list below was exactingly compiled and cyphered by fatdog so I can vouch for its accuracy.

Betty told me on the way home she did'nt think she was going to have as good a time as she did, and I have to thank Tara for being there to share the event with Betty.

Ira redbenjoe it was an honor, all 77 minutes,
Ramon ramon it was a pisser, and so are you,
Freddie oldskool it was a great speech, I wish I knew what is was about,
Tunya loves Freddie and Telefunken,
Jeff ghettoboom777 is the Fisher King,
Allen appleknocker is da T-shirt man,
Frank transamguy1977 is the Lord Caesar of the Boombox showdown,
John JT, the boomboxes were NOT out by the POOL,
Brett prime has the Pioneer Boxes of unbelievable sound and weight,
Bobby Fatdog has all the talent and a secret decoder light,
Juan Ford93, wear a seatblet when with JT and M90 sounds just as good as 1M,
Skilphil 'this sucker jams,' RX-6400 sucka jams, and wants Tunya to buy him a truck too,
Jake is young enough to be saved from this addiction...
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, to all for a great day.

Pics and eventually some video to come.

Aimor ST-808FS2
Aiwa CA-70
Aiwa CS-210H
Aiwa CS-600
Aiwa CS-770
Aiwa CS-880
Aiwa CSD-707U
Aiwa TPR-920
Aiwa TPR-950H
Bose Acoustic Wave Sytem
Conion C-100F
Crown CSC-850 (Black Edition)
Fisher HP7
General Electric 3-5259A (Blockbuster)
Helix HX-4630
Hitachi TRK-3D8W
Hitachi TRK-6700H
Hitachi TRK-8180E
Magnavox D1670
Marantz PMS-3500
National RX-7700
National RX-C100F
National RX-C300
Panasonic RX-5280
Panasonic RX-5350
Panasonic RX-5500
Panasonic RX-6400
Panasonic RX-C20
Panasonic RX-C300 2
Panasonic RX-C50
Panasonic RX-C52
Panasonic RX-CW30
Panasonic RX-DT680
Panasonic RX-DT707
Panasonic RX-ED90PP-K
Panasonic RX-F9
Pioneer CK-5 (Reverb)
Pioneer CK-5 (Twin Cassettes)
Pioneer CK-7
Pioneer CK-7
Pioneer SK-550
Pioneer SK-757L
Pioneer SK-900
Pioneer SK-95
Quasar GX-3621
Rising SRC-2015 2
Sansui Audio Note A4
Sansui CP-R7
Sansui CP-S99
Sansui FX-700R (Black)
Sansui FX-700R (Red)
Sanyo C9
Sanyo M7500
Sanyo M7900K
Sanyo M9800
Sanyo M9990
Sanyo M9998K
Sanyo MCD550K
Sanyo MCD-65K
Sanyo M-X720K
Sanyo M-X820K
Sanyo M-X820K (Woodgrain)
Seiko WKC-200
Sharp FXG-702A
Sharp GF-4700
Sharp GF-555Z
Sharp GF-666Z
Sharp GF-767
Sharp GF-777Z
Sharp GF-8
Sharp GF-8686
Sharp GF-8989II
Sharp GF-9191H
Sharp GF-9292X
Sharp GF-9494X
Sharp GF-9696C
Sharp GX-300H
Sharp Optonica JC-270(BK)
Sharp QT-5(L)
Sharp WF-939Z
Sharp WQ-T282
Sharp WQ-T484C (BK)
Siemens Planar 412
Sony 8FS
Sony CFD-G500
Sony CFS-219
Sony CFS-45
Sony CFS-65S
Sony CFS-7
Sony CFS-D7
Sony CFS-FM7
Sony CFS-W501
Sony DS-Z1
Sony MZ-1
Sony WM-5
Telefunken HP-800 2
Telefunken Studio 1 2
Telefunken Studio 1M 2
Toshiba RT-8065
Toshiba RT-8097
Toshiba System 1
Toshiba WX-1
Vector Research VMC-100
Vinix VPC 6704