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JVC M90 - where is the spirit ???

isolator42 - 2009-04-20 05:40

gettoman is right.
To paraphrase Andrews in Alien3, M90 rumor control, these are the facts:

The M90 is great sounding... for a 1pc.
I personally haven't heard a better sounding 1pc boombox, but my relatively cheap Panasonic RX-DT 3pc is an easy match for it in terms of sound quality.
Look, the M90 sounds nice. Really nice, but let's not get all carried away. It's a boombox!

The M90 is surely the most consistently overhyped boombox around.
This unfortunately gives people unrealistic expectations, as reported here.
Sure, build quality is better than a Lasonic. However, there is plenty out there to match it & some from the likes of Sanyo, Panasonic & Aiwa to beat it.

M90 prices on eBay are, generally speaking, lunacy.
Another result of the over-hyping.
I had my reasons for paying what I thought was rather silly money for mine, but apparently I didn't do so badly by today's standards.

It's interesting to read others views here. Keep 'em coming! Smile

hifitom - 2009-04-20 06:12

OK, so where is the spirit?

jt - 2009-04-20 06:22

Originally posted by hifitom:
OK, so where is the spirit?

Here it is...

The M90 is the rocker, the M1 the elegant lady ...

ford93 - 2009-04-20 08:07

Let me tell you Floyd after walking a couple of blocks the M-90 with batteries it was like carrying a 50Lbs bag of rice!

That was when I was 20 yrs. old 1983.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-20 08:42

Let's not forget that these are hardly more than plastic toys for the big boys.
They were meant to be seen not just heard and with the limitations of a thin plastic case that is open air (not even ported) they will never be true Hi-Fi. I enjoy all my one piece boxes for the spectacular toys they are and for that the M90 is located around the top of the heap. I've never paid anywhere near $1000 for a boombox but I have paid dearly for a few I wanted and to me it's worth the pleasure I get from them. Ebay in conjunction with enough buyers has managed to drive prices to extreme levels but these are antiques in a weird sort of way and as such could sell for 10 times todays prices in 10 years, who knows where it will go. Yes, it's also possible that prices will drop 90% in 10 years as well but I think we are mostly in this for the fun not the investment. Smile

redbenjoe - 2009-04-20 09:16

Originally posted by JT:
Originally posted by hifitom:
OK, so where is the spirit?

Here it is...

The M90 is the rocker, the M1 the elegant lady ...


to me --there is spirit in:

1. "finally landed one" !!!! Big Grin Big Grin
2. the cool, subtle looks
3. the big, spacious sound

the 'spirit in the battery box' bit---

is for those with extreme weak batteries Smile
and/or thems devoid of spirit at all Confused Frown Frown Laugh Out Loud

we collectors are very lucky--
there must be as many as 500 !! terrific old classics out there --and in their own ways -
they ALL have sh1tloads of spirit Cool

this exact same type comparo --happened just yesterday ..........

the big crown 850 was THE ghettoblaster //
while the dignified 950 was the elegant lady

so - most often ,there are no losers -when we A/B our good boxes

peter.griffin - 2009-04-20 09:30

The "Spirit" is when you take one look at your "grail"(m90 or whichever your grail is) and instantly your transported 20 years(or more in my case) back in time, and a huge smile grows on your faceSmile My wife never understands me when I tell her thatSmile

transamguy1977 - 2009-04-20 10:10

WOW the thread seems to have hit a sensitive spot Nod Yes

fatdog - 2009-04-20 10:18

Originally posted by peter griffin:
The "Spirit" is when you take one look at your "grail"(m90 or whichever your grail is) and instantly your transported 20 years(or more in my case) back in time, and a huge smile grows on your faceSmile My wife never understands me when I tell her thatSmile
My wife is the same way. Roll Eyes But I love her anyway. Besides, she still gets giggly when she thinks of Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block.

Hey Frank, I dig your new avatar. Wink

jameswp67 - 2009-04-20 10:38

I agree with Peter G and Fatdog! Thanks for this thread, we don't have to all agree, but no one is rude, its just all of us weighing in. I remember two summer ago, the 777 were selling for huge money as was the M70 last year! It seems to be cycles of value. I have bought M90s for nothing, and for a few hundred dollars, it is fun! For me I try and restore them and put them back in circulation so others have one as well. I am not sure how a radio is overrated if its the best one of its type though...Its like saying Lebron James is overrated. I think you can only be overrated if you are NOT great! All these radios are overrated in terms of hifi sound, but we collect them for many different reasons, so who can decide if its meets a criteria or not? Its individual and this thread shows how opinions differ. Thanks for starting this thread thread Tom, its what this site is all about at its best in my opinion!

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-20 12:10

I Agree James there really is no right or wrong, it's up to each individual to decide what each box means to them and how much to pay. We more often than not won't agree on everything, especially price but this is what collecting is. Nod Yes

billpc55 - 2009-04-20 12:13

the spirit
in you the listener and owner
everything else is just plastic wires and circuits.

radiohier - 2009-04-20 14:02

some people will never find the spirit
radiohier is collecting boxes like faces
the m90 is one of the beautyfull faces.

success - 2009-04-20 17:12

Come on !!!

Nobody with a 5350, 5500, 7200 or a 7700 to explain which boomboxes really have a "soul" ???????

Not just the sound, but through the years, your personal grail would become some sort of "friend" for you. Putting a tape in it, and seeing it working as the first time, will bring you a smile for sure.

gagaeyes - 2009-04-20 17:39

I agree with success guy too I Agree Ifeel a boombox does not have to be like a grail m-90...a boombox has a connection with someones soul..a friend if you might say...people rave about the m-90 alot of the time and it''s not my personal grail...I''m more into the portable hi-fi''s myself and they don''t cost as nearly as much as a m-90 or a conion c-100...I heard the m-70''s ..nicely constructed box..but lacks the hi-fi..but that is my personal taste

hifitom - 2009-04-21 01:55

I have a few bboxes which I exactly know where the spirit is.

One of those is the Rotel RPM-10 - a small, heavy hifi-unit with a great production quality and a sound which blow you away. I love this bbox - she look's so fine ...

Even the Telefunken M1 - next to (for my taste) the best sounding unit I ever heard, you've got to think about the time when this monster was built. To put so much power, such a unbelivable sound in a portable bbox is in my eyes a ingeneur-masterpiece! The mother of all the high-power bboxes that followed - a piece of history ...

Or the Mars HS 100 - the bulldozer, the monster. No other bbox I know looks so brutal - I love it! Ok, this one got no battery-box, but I don't care. It's more a carry-combo, but one of a very special kind ...

Best wishes

isolator42 - 2009-04-21 05:48

Originally posted by billpc55:
the spirit
in you the listener and owner
everything else is just plastic wires and circuits.
One of my very favourites is a cheap Philips which is underwhelming in every way, apart from the fact that it was my very first stereo boombox. I get a little twinge of excitement when I see or use it, because it connects me back to that very formative time in my life...

radiohier - 2009-04-21 11:21

[QUOTE]Originally posted by hifitom:

But to tell me, if I'm collecting boomboxes because the sound, I'm wrong in this forum must be a joke! A boombox is made to play music - what's wrong to go for the bboxes with the best sound? ...

nobody said you are in the wrong FORUM,
Roddy said you are in the wrong GAME.
thats a difference
and i mean you will never find the Spirit ,because you are asking for it too loud.

and to bug you darling

we are still bored about sounddiscussions

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 11:32

Originally posted by RADIOHIER:
radiohier is collecting boxes like faces
the m90 is one of the beautyfull faces.

I Agree radiohier, my first reason for collecting boomboxes is the face. I like the boxes to sound nice but it's not always required or needed.

I live with the fact no boombox can compete with a true HiFi system so I don't worry about it, when I really want HiFi I turn on the home system. When I want to enjoy boomboxes I don't worry so much about Sound quality. That's just me and anybody collecting for Sound first is just as valid for doing so, it's a personal decision and arguing about it certainly isn't going to be productive since there is no right or wrong in how or why anybody collects. Smile

radiohier - 2009-04-21 11:43

you got me wrong masterblaster

i totally agree with the things you say,
and i dont wanna be the Spirit-Hitler here,
but me and Roddy are bored to pieces about "thebestsoundblabla"
this is what we want to say.


masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 11:50

No sweat radioheir, I didn't mean to imply you were trying to start something. I was trying to expand a little on your point so I don't think we misunderstand each other at all. It's kind of crazy to see any of us arguing that collecting for either the look or the sound is right or wrong because there is no right or wrong.

Your also right that the sound argument is an endless topic because it's just opinion, same as arguing about the looks. Knowing this I think most of the time it's just in fun and gives us something to focus on and have fun with. Big Grin

radiohier - 2009-04-21 12:00

Knowing this I think most of the time it's just in fun and gives us something to focus on and have fun with. Big Grin[/QUOTE]

i didnt mean it ironically,yes you are right.
Fun is the thing we want to have here.

why "no sweat"?????

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 12:08

No sweat just meaning not a problem or no big deal. Big Grin

metad - 2009-04-21 12:09

Hype + Crowd = "M90 spirit"

hifitom - 2009-04-21 12:10

"and to bug you darling
we are still bored about sounddiscussions"


Who is "we"?

Take a look how many people where interested in this tread ... this speaks for itself. So mybe you are the only one who is bored ... because, you never give me a positiv reaction of any of my questions (don't matter which tread I opened). It seem you are a kind of vain, "darling" ...

... and "loud" is just the picture of your avatar ...

Best wishes

radiohier - 2009-04-21 12:25

Who is "we"?

Take a look how many people where interested in this tread ... this speaks for itself. So mybe you are the only one who is bored ... because, you never give me a positiv reaction of any of my questions (don't matter which tread I opened). It seem you are a kind of vain, "darling" ...

RADIOHIER is two persons : RODDY and me = we

This thread is hot !

the AVATAR is loud because its business

its the second time i am talking to you
and we never want to hurt your feelings,

See you in Berlin


hifitom - 2009-04-21 12:32

Thank you honey, now I can sleep well ...

Best wishes

radiohier - 2009-04-21 12:34

sweat dreams

still bored

peter.griffin - 2009-04-21 12:41

I was just getting my popcorn ready, but looks like everything got settledSmile

radiohier - 2009-04-21 12:46

I am sad he went to bed too

beatbox - 2009-04-21 13:02

I love my Telefunken 1M, and my M90 is cool too.

But they both sound like utter shyte outside in the park compared to my JVC RC550 Mono.

This thread is interesting only to the point that it has somewhere, somehow and at sometime been implied that the M90 has a 'spirit'.

I, was not around to witness this.

Boomboxes do not have spirit. Never have and never will. We breath life into them.

That's what I say.


hifitom - 2009-04-21 13:12

... the childrens went to bed (2 girls, 8 months and 3,5 years), and I'm still awake ... next round?

To beatbox:
Yeah, I know what you mean and you are right. They can't play music by theirself ... Smile

Is this JVC 550 realy so good? If yes, I need one ...

beatbox - 2009-04-21 13:17

Hey their hifitom. I dont know what it is, maybe the big 10 inch speaker is able to physically move more air and create a bigger sound, but my JVC RC550 is the loudest radio I have used OUTSIDE. I took my Telefunken 1M out once, and it was very very poor performance-wise. However, it still remains one of my favourite OVERALL boxes.

But yes, it seems weird that the Mono should beat the other guys, but it does, outside that is!

radiohier - 2009-04-21 13:19

lets talk in Berlin

are you coming,beatbox???

jameswp67 - 2009-04-21 13:31

When using batteries the Telefunken drops off considerably Mirko, as I said earlier, a very fun thread!

transamguy1977 - 2009-04-21 13:38

Originally posted by jameswp67:
a very fun thread!

Laugh Out Loud I Agree Laugh Out Loud

radiohier - 2009-04-21 13:42

what is funny ?

teasing ?

transamguy1977 - 2009-04-21 13:44

Interesting reading ,opinions and rib poking
thats all. Wink

radiohier - 2009-04-21 13:46

rib poking i like

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 13:47

Well now your pissing me off with statements like that radiohier. Wink Big Grin Laugh Out Loud

radiohier - 2009-04-21 13:49

now i cant sleep tonight

hifitom - 2009-04-21 14:08

... this tread is drifting off ...

So everybody got his own mind about this wimp (wimp is my own opinion). If somebody offer me a brand new M90 or a hard used M1 it would never be a question for me - my personal grail is and stays the M1 ... or a Grundig Party Center 2000 hifi, Rotel PRM-10, Uher mini port, ... and so many others ... cool down - this is just my taste ...

To Radiohier:
If this is your business you could answer me this one question which tired you so much; which - for your own taste - is the best sounding bbox next to the M1? Which are your personal top 3 sounding bboxes? ... now I'm excited (no blabal or avoid - just name and type) ...

radiohier - 2009-04-21 14:16

Originally posted by hifitom:
... this tread is drifting off ...

So everybody got his own mind about this wimp (wimp is my own opinion). If somebody offer me a brand new M90 or a hard used M1 it would never be a question for me - my personal grail is and stays the M1 ... or a Grundig Party Center 2000 hifi, Rotel PRM-10, Uher mini port, ... and so many others ... cool down - this is just my taste ...

To Radiohier:
If this is your business you could answer me this one question which tired you so much; which - for your own taste - is the best sounding bbox next to the M1? Which are your personal top 3 sounding bboxes? ... now I'm excited (no blabal or avoid - just name and type) ...

i am not tired i am bored

grundig party 2000 ugly but good sound
bombeat 40 goodlooking and good sound
Rapor mg-345 same

radiohier - 2009-04-21 14:26

I am going to bed thinking of what my masterblaster said.

roddyradiohier - 2009-04-21 15:21

Video from TPR Jens.

Nice sound test.....???? Listening to ping pong music with a dynamic range mobile phone. Don't know how much evolved out of that test... LOL

ford93 - 2009-04-21 16:36

I will only say this, the spirit is when you think back at the time when Freestyle Break dacing was being born.

All those Boomboxes including the M-90 played a role in that part of History also Rap music now known as Hip Hop and lets not forget Graffitti.

That mix is what made Boomboxes back then and still do today a love for them. I remember kids battling on a piece of cardboard doing all kinds of funky moves my personal favorite were the Rock Steady Crew. Next to them a Boombox playing some funky beat.

It's that era of history that in my opinion makes Booboxes special and I'm glad I was part of it.

To me all Boomboxes are not wimps they are part of that history when you can go out and truly have some fun. 1981 in New York City man the memories.

This is why I collect Boomboxes.

success - 2009-04-21 19:36

Come on,

Lots of threads where someone (including me) is near to take a boombox so is trying to figure how does it sound ....
If the boombox is bass shy, I'll skip.
I don't expect too much, but I don't like all the boomboxes. I won't buy another 838 for example because the lack of bass. But I'd buy lots of RX5200. Not only because I love National/Panasonic, but it sounds good (for me)
And sound good AS A BOOMBOX, but far from a HIFI separates.
Almost members talk about bass, power, highs, and mids. If it has loudness, or a superwoofer.
So sound performance is important, but don't forget that it's a portable device which runs on batteries and mass produced.

bredgeo - 2009-04-21 21:14

An M90 hater.... Frown

True, if you compare an M90 to mini "Portable Hi-Fi units" it is not going to sound as good as.....

Well, let me take the M1 and clompare it to my Hi-Fi System (true, my Hi-Fi system does not take batteries... Laugh Out Loud)... Gee! My Hi-Fi system sounds beter than the M1 Eek

I guess, like others have said, it is in the person's -"Collector's"- personal "Love" for any article. An M90 will rattle when it is too loud, but where is the actual pleasure when any type of music unit is too loud?

Most of us only put our "Collectables" very loud to test for a few seconds and that is it.

So, for a "Single Bodied Unit" the M90 will ALWAYS be top Nr 1 (even for the haters who will never admit it).... And any good "Portable", multi-piece, Hi-Fi unit (taking bateries or not) will most likely always sound better than a sigle bodied unit. The speakers are enclosed in a separate enclosure, some type of "Bass Enhancing" cloth will be in the speaker enclosure, etc. All made to sound what they are made to sound for/like... a Mini Hi-Fi unit or a Massive boom BOX.

Big Grin Razz Wink

driptip - 2009-04-21 21:52

Originally posted by bredgeo:
An M90 hater.... Frown

True, if you compare an M90 to mini "Portable Hi-Fi units" it is not going to sound as good as.....

Well, let me take the M1 and clompare it to my Hi-Fi System (true, my Hi-Fi system does not take batteries... Laugh Out Loud)... Gee! My Hi-Fi system sounds beter than the M1 Eek

I guess, like others have said, it is in the person's -"Collector's"- personal "Love" for any article. An M90 will rattle when it is too loud, but where is the actual pleasure when any type of music unit is too loud?

Most of us only put our "Collectables" very loud to test for a few seconds and that is it.

So, for a "Single Bodied Unit" the M90 will ALWAYS be top Nr 1 (even for the haters who will never admit it).... And any good "Portable", multi-piece, Hi-Fi unit (taking bateries or not) will most likely always sound better than a sigle bodied unit. The speakers are enclosed in a separate enclosure, some type of "Bass Enhancing" cloth will be in the speaker enclosure, etc. All made to sound what they are made to sound for/like... a Mini Hi-Fi unit or a Massive boom BOX.

Big Grin Razz Wink

I Agree I Agree No No
its been said many times here that a 3 piece most of the time will sound better than a 1 piece unit b/c of the enclosed speakers, but for me 1 piece unit still M90 one of the best sounding units out there.
by the way i dont think none of us here collect hi-fi units so you----tom---- might really be in the wrong website, is there any other websites for hi-fi collectors?

vladi123456 - 2009-04-21 22:48

Wow, 6 pages long!! Eek Big Grin