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Panasonic RX-5500 Review

retro.addict - 2008-10-14 02:43

Originally posted by drmz:
can you tell me what easy-matic does?
I've not tried this part out yet because the tape is running at the wrong speed. I wanted to get the speed right before I tried recording anything. I assume it's to switch from Automatic Level Control to Manual, where you select the recording levels yourself with the left and right knobs. I've noticed with other boxes that if you have ALC selected, the box adjusts the volume itself, it doesn't stay at one preset level. If something's very quiet, the box turns up the recording volume so the very quite noise can be heard on playback. And if something's too loud, the box turns the recording volume down so it's recorded at a more acceptable level. I found this out when a recorded myself. I said nothing for a few seconds, then shouted at the top of my voice. On playback, the second I began the shout, the volume was incredibly high, and it went down as the shout continued. It may be the same on this Panasonic. I'll try it out. Smile

2steppa - 2008-10-14 05:19

A box I've often considered bidding seriously on but never have, but I think you might have changed that Retro Wink

As you say, such a classic boombox style and packed with features, and not forgetting those super cool LED meters.

Very interesting review, I always like reading folks detailed opinions of boxes.

retro.addict - 2008-10-14 08:52

Originally posted by 2steppa:
A box I've often considered bidding seriously on but never have, but I think you might have changed that Retro Wink

As you say, such a classic boombox style and packed with features, and not forgetting those super cool LED meters.

Very interesting review, I always like reading folks detailed opinions of boxes.
Thanks very much for the appreciation, Chris. I love reading boombox reviews too, especially when they're well written. I like this Panasonic so much, you wouldn't believe! Big Grin I was playing it last night, and although being minimally disappointed with it's bass output, I was most impressed with it's mid-range and highs. I just leave the bass and treble at maximum, it sounds rather good that way! Nod Yes It's such a nice one to look at, and well built, that it doesn't need to be a bass monster. It looks fab in a dim light with the LEDs flashing! Cool

drmz - 2008-10-14 11:31

Thank you for your help, retro. Sounds logical to me and you´re right: the autogain-feature is no good if you record music, because music is dynamic and it´s part of the composition that there are loud parts and quiet parts. Trying to cut this to one level doesn´t sound good.