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Graffiting BOOM BOX! Whoever comes up with the best phrase...

jackness - 2009-02-09 13:23

Hey guys...and gals,

It is simple, in the last few weeks, I have been bitten by the box bug! BADLY. I NOW EAT BOOM BOXES FOR BREAKFAST

Being a bit of an artist I would love to add some graphs to the front of my boombox, as I am never ever going to sell it!

The thing is, I'm new to this world and thought it would be more fun to let everyone who knows about boxes to come up with the phrase or word I should put on it!

Any suggestions??

baby.boomer - 2009-02-09 13:26

How about, "Stop me before I ruin this box"?

r.o.y.a.l - 2009-02-09 13:31

Originally posted by jackness:
Hey guys...and gals,

It is simple, in the last few weeks, I have been bitten by the box bug! BADLY. I NOW EAT BOOM BOXES FOR BREAKFAST

Being a bit of an artist I would love to add some graphs to the front of my boombox, as I am never ever going to sell it!

The thing is, I'm new to this world and thought it would be more fun to let everyone who knows about boxes to come up with the phrase or word I should put on it!

Any suggestions??

I always think of breakdancing with ghetto blasters, so something along those lines !

jackness - 2009-02-09 13:38

Originally posted by baby boomer:
How about, "Stop me before I ruin this box"?

1. Thats way to long!

2. I'm actually a pretty sick writer, so its going to look amazing!

3. You may be a baby boomer smart arse! But I'm not, I'm part of what they call Gen-Y! So therefore I didnt have the priveledge of growing up with boom boxes, so they don't have any sentimental meaning of childhood or memories of adolecence, they just look amazing! So by adding my own artistic style, time and effort into something I love, means it becomes personnel to me and has more of an identity! Rather than just a great piece of kit!

4. What an incredibly funny comment! I'm glad that predictable joke came up so quickly and you got it out of the way for us! Good job some defintate intelligence there!

petey.awol - 2009-02-09 13:49

Originally posted by jackness:
Originally posted by baby boomer:
How about, "Stop me before I ruin this box"?

1. Thats way to long!

2. I'm actually a pretty sick writer, so its going to look amazing!

3. You may be a baby boomer smart arse! But I'm not, I'm part of what they call Gen-Y! So therefore I didnt have the priveledge of growing up with boom boxes, so they don't have any sentimental meaning of childhood or memories of adolecence, they just look amazing! So by adding my own artistic style, time and effort into something I love, means it becomes personnel to me and has more of an identity! Rather than just a great piece of kit!

4. What an incredibly funny comment! I'm glad that predictable joke came up so quickly and you got it out of the way for us! Good job some defintate intelligence there!

I seriously would not do anything to the box. Depends also on what box you have. Which is it? Use tinypic.com to display the photo here, works well.

Some of these boxes are highly valuable and painting them would turn it into instant rubbish. Maybe you might wanna consider painting a box with lesser value for its novelty?

Lastly, I would only paint the box only if its in a condition that looks like utter crap. I'm waiting to hear about a local Awia 770 that was used in a photoshoot that looks like someone threw a bucket of paint on it. Its a nice quality box and semi rare and has potential value$, but since someone has already took a giant turd on it, I was going to go the route of graffiti'ing it up like your idea. If I can somehow undo the gook thats been added I wont tho.

Hope this has changed your mind about possibly doing something that may seem regretable.

Side note: "...And Ya Don't Stop" would be my graff phrase.

r.o.y.a.l - 2009-02-09 13:52

well i'm a massive graff fan . . As you are a writer I would go with something you write a lot.

The boxes are hard cause there pretty small, pen tends to look a bit crappy . . .

Just a tagged up box would look good.

this is my fav out of all the graff'ed boxes I have seen

the grills on these 777's come off real easy , so it's a good set of grills to paint

oldskool69 - 2009-02-09 13:59


1st: Jackness, don't get worked up by babyboomers comments. You have your reasons, he has his. Now, you did not mention what box (brand/type) would be the subject of discussion here for graphics. So what box is the subject de' art?

And also, remember, as we old farts are collectors, we see it a bit different than you will. These to us are not just memories but antiques as well with real value. Not just sentimental. That being said, I'm sure someone would take a vintage Corvette and "art it up" as well, that's their perogative as in this case this box is yours. As long as I have communicated with Babyboomer you can rest assured that he is only trying to let you know that you may have something very valuable on your hands. Thus my earlier question of what box are you going to do this with. So popping back is not the right response but rather, "Why would I be ruining it?" So he could explain.

2nd: Boomer, nothing but love and respect for you man. But I can see where this cat is coming from as well. If he wants to ruin it, so what? As long as we aren't out of any money for it, it is his to do with what he will. And as a younger guy he doesn't have a clue why we feel like we do about these beasts. Not necessarily a bad thing as hopefully they develop their own past and memories. And speaking of that, I saw many a posterized boomer growing up. It was common especially on the east coast, for many to have graffiti, stickers or images on the box throughout the 80's.

We just grew smarter as we got older! Wink Big Grin Laugh Out Loud

baby.boomer - 2009-02-09 14:01

Originally posted by jackness:
I'm glad that predictable joke came up so quickly and you got it out of the way for us! Good job some defintate intelligence there!

Please don't me mad. It really was just a joke, and I was just trying to be a smart aleck. I apologize. I respect your talent and I'm sure you'll do a great job.

But you're right. I didn't grow up with boomboxes. Part of the baby boomer generation, I was already having my first midlife crisis when boomboxes came on the scene. I bought a couple of cheap ones in the mid-eighties, but never dreamed one day I'd be collecting them. They were too "new fangled" for me. I understood transistor radios and reel-to-reel tape recorders better.

I was also already planning my first retirement account when breakdancing and graffiti art were the sound and look of "the street." That probably explains why, even today, I kind of get the electronics of the boombox, but not the culture. I still like my boxes shiny and silver and dust-free. I keep a rag and a can of Endust next to my display shelves. I'm not exactly on the "cutting edge."

So... I'll leave it to folks way smarter than I am to give you suggestions for your art. But I'll definitely be interested in the results. Hope you post some pics!

redbenjoe - 2009-02-09 14:47

i thought the BB approach --was very funny Smile

so --on a modified version of that concept--

my advice is that you need a 'practice box' FIRST.

so - go to a yard sale or goodwill and find a similar size -similar looking $5 box -

and from that -you will learn what you like best.

and - no matter how it comes out -show your results -- its the fun Big Grin

billpc55 - 2009-02-09 15:41

i think it could be cool to do something with the word equalize. i mean you could do the word in some kind of font that looks like one of those early led displays. i dunno its a pretty personal thing.
i would love it if i could find someone up here to do my big sanyo or the jvc m80 i have.
i dont care if they are valuable i like cool urban art,and i think a boombox and graffiti art go hand in hand.
that just my personal opinion. i mean its kind of like how some people like restored cars and some like hotrods.
i have always been more of a hotrod kinda person anyways.
other things i like the idea of a boombox totally emblazoned with good art.
i cant wait to see what you come up with.
i mean i prefer a good tagged box to a pristine museum piece any day of the week. its all personal opinion.
i also think that with all the small led lights you can get now you could really do something amazing with leds and paint together.

master.z - 2009-02-09 17:13

If your a sick writer lets see some peices.
As for what you should put on a box how bout your handle, the name you write by.

Like everyone else said what box is it?
If its a Magnavox power player or the likes have at it!

Paul Z.

jackness - 2009-02-09 17:50

WOW! So many wicked responses!!! Thanks everyone, including yaself BB! You old timers sure are wise! ha!

At the moment I have 2 VZ-2000's, well 1...(picking up number 2 next week). Niether of which work, so I was hoping to strip one to make one work and then have my fun with the "outer shell" of the other if you will!

But I see where some of you are coming from, I would never "ruin" a box that was genuinly amazingly awsome it its own right! Some look "stereo" (excuse the pun) typically 80's which I absolutley love and would never change!! I am in this because I love the way they already look, before I get hold of them and so will only be doing this to just one of them. The rest of my (future) collection will remain loved and untainted. I just think having one stenciled up will be awsome as I also feel it is part of the culture of boom boxes.

Although I am not really in it for the value$$ side of things because I dont want to collect for future profit, more because I just have a strange addiction to them.

That all said! I love the idea of a practice box, more over, I love the idea of getting hold of a box that has easily removable grills! Because then I would'nt have to ruin a box at all because I could just replace the grills when I felt like it!

I'm definately loving the word equalize that would be awsome! I don't really believe in tags, just because my ideas are changing all the time and so is a lot of the graffiti, paste ups etc...I do. Its not about recognition, so I dont have a tag I can put on unfortunately. But ye wicked feedback, positive and constructive! Love it!

billpc55 - 2009-02-09 20:10

yeah man you could do a lot of things with the word equalize i mean i think there is tons of ideas you could use.
it will be fantastic to see what you come up with man.
you should post some of your prelim work before you commit it too the boombox. some people wont like it but there is a few people here that like painted boomboxes when they are done well.
honestly i think that it is noble to create art of any sort in this day and age.
so yeah painting your boombox is a cool thing.

billpc55 - 2009-02-09 20:13

oh and as for the vz that dosent work. i am pretty sure if you search here you should be able to find the uk fellow who totally tricked out a broken down vz. there is a couple of them on the site i think.
just really cool to look and see how people have modded busted ones. i think that you may enjoy those threads.