isolator42 - 2009-03-27 05:01
...My lad on Christmas day (thanks to Uncle Ed):
better late than never, eh?
The i931 still looks great now, all shiny in amongst the shedloads of stuff in his room (so that's where all my money goes).
We all know it's no M90/PC55 beater, but really, that's not the point. The picture here says it all; the i931's looks shout louder than its speakers ever could.
The next kids party we host, I know which boombox we're going to use - perfect for pass the parcel & musical chairs...
...remember, these are as rare as rocking-horse poo in the UK. Anything exclusively from the USA stacks up the kudos with kids, apparently.
nice box /cool kid/ ed is ed
charlesdickens - 2009-03-27 06:56
Great, Paul!
Your son sure looks proud of his Lasonic!
I wish I had one when I was his age!
yeh, kids these days don't know they're born, etc. etc. ...