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Conion C100F owners....Spread word, this thread is a must see.

kittmaster - 2009-04-13 16:18

To the point,

Appleknocker and I have conferred and have agreed that this may be a viable solution for all owners and worth both of our time and efforts.

I have in my possession a complete, near perfect C100 tape tray with the front metal and wording in very good to excellent order.

While the logistics of who has what and so on and so forth are not important to this topic, what is important is that I'm in touch with a rapid prototyping house that can replicate this piece down to .003" in accuracy. The metal part can also be done, but still in the very PRELIMINARY stages of seeing what this will cost to do.

I would like to see a SERIOUS count of hands who would be interested in a single piece and/or multiples of the piece.

NO LAMERS, if you have zero intention of wanting one, don't bother adding anything to this thread unless it is truely constructive critism that will help get this off the ground. If you ARE interested then raise your hand and speak up now.

Also this is your chance to tell us what YOU think a reasonable selling price you'd be willing to pay for it. If your thinking $25....no $50....no.

The tooling costs alone are going to be 4 digits or better in which I will have to eat up front. So if there are like 3 people, forget it.

So please think CAREFULLY about this topic and respond accordingly. I will give updates and responses as they come in. Appleknocker may also wish to voice his opinion here as well, so lets see how this evolves. I'll post up pics of the tray later tonight.

If we get enough interest, we will gladly sell to S2G members FIRST, and then we will take it to eBay. I'm plenty sure there are owners out there that may not visit or even be aware of this site who collect.....and of course, the price will be a lot higher than to members here once all the details are laid out.

Regards to all,


+1 johnnygto

EDITED/ADDED: Pics of the donor

thafuzz - 2009-04-13 16:36

Way to go Chris and apple. Although I have a complete tray, I am however, missing the spring mechanism for it. Will you be working on that too? I've never seen one to know if it's a common onethat I can get anywhere, or a special one. Thanks in advance.

kittmaster - 2009-04-13 17:43

I have a spring here, I 'll be working to make it a complete set, the tray, the spring, and the black sliding "hold off" that anchors the spring for the tray to move in and out.

johnnygto - 2009-04-13 18:41

I'd buy one for $150-$200.

kittmaster - 2009-04-14 04:57

Originally posted by johnnygto:
I'd buy one for $150-$200.

Ok, added your name to the first post, I think this will be a good indicator and make it easier in the end to see who wants what, depends on how big thread gets. Thanks for you input.


king.of.rock - 2009-04-14 19:30

ill take one too i have a conion in serious need of a rebuild i would take any help i can get.anybody have a parts box or ideas for repair i would love it even repair manuals whatever. im new to the repair game so bare with me guys thanks..... hey kittmaster didnt you sell a led kit at one time?

kittmaster - 2009-04-14 19:38

yes, I still have the LED kit for it.

HOw much would you pay for the tray do you think?

king.of.rock - 2009-04-14 19:54

honestly 100 dollars or so but i would order two or three if they were 50 in hopes that i found another few conions! how do i get the led kit and do you have any other stuff?

johnnygto - 2009-04-14 22:00

No problem kitt, also pm on the led kit also.. is it easy to install?

petey.awol - 2009-04-15 12:04

wow..100- 150 for a tray? I had no idea this was such an indemand part. I know we are mad fanatical about our boomers, but wow.

What about door repros? That would be the sh*t.

Thats amazing work regardless of our addiction and willingness to spend our money.

Mine has a tray.

Just need the metal trim.

petey.awol - 2009-04-15 12:06

Just had a thought to myelf. Cant you just do molding work for these? Wouldnt that be much cheaper? Granted the plastic might not be the same quality but it is worth the idea. Like that dude who was molding knobs for the M-90's I seen in a thread a while back?

kittmaster - 2009-04-15 12:58

Originally posted by Petey Awol:
wow..100- 150 for a tray? I had no idea this was such an indemand part. I know we are mad fanatical about our boomers, but wow.

What about door repros? That would be the sh*t.

Thats amazing work regardless of our addiction and willingness to spend our money.

Mine has a tray.

Just need the metal trim.

The door could be done if a real door was used as a model. I guess that price sounds about right considering no one has a door to part with. I was looking for two of them......and still looking for two of them.....never found them.....so I guess there is some value to it. The tooling charges are staggering.

gluecifer - 2009-04-15 17:32

I've been thinking about this thread for a couple of days and have a couple of questions Kittmaster.

When reproducing them is it worth considering improving the design? I say this because when I scratchbuilt mine I changed the way it works to offer more protection.

The reason these things are mostly missing is because of the serious design flaw of having the drawer completely exposed and open to damage from the weight of the radio sitting on any uneven ground.

I just thought I'd ask to see if it's worth considering, I mean I don't know if it would be more or less of a selling point, or make them more attractive to people, but it's an opportunity to improve on the design to make sure it lasts a lot longer.

Also, what kind of time frame are you looking at for when you'd like to have them ready for sale? The reason I ask is my financial situation isn't going to improve for a few months.

Looking forward to reading more on this project!

Rock On.

kittmaster - 2009-04-16 09:20

Well, I'm not really sure how to reenforce something that must slide in and out. I suppose wings could be added that go underneath both sides of the draw area, but now you risk not being able to open and close the draw properly. And how much plastic would be needed to make the reenforcement worth while.

IMO, I think that any collector (at this point) would be a lot more care than the original owners ever were in losing it in the first place. But I will give it some thought......but the way its going, lots of views.....very little response......most likely this project will go no where.....but we'll see.

kittmaster - 2009-04-21 17:09

Well I guess this is a dead stick, will find an alterative else where.....good luck folks.

transamguy1977 - 2009-04-21 17:35

That sux!!!
I thought there would be more of a demand for this part.
I know its a mute point saying this but If i needed a part to complete my Conion I would be sooo in.

blah.blah.blah - 2009-04-21 19:02

realize this is about done, but had to add 2 cents (and I dont even have a conion!)

I cant see all of the trays intricacies but as Petey pointed out, looks to me like it could be cast from a mold without horrible difficulty.
of course the key ingredients being time and a donor tray (no need to be harmed in the process. I think should only cost around $150
to get the junk to try.

i had some nice casting plastic at one point that would have worked I believe strengthwise, though never seeing a tray in person hard to know.

Anyway sorry to see this not go anywhere, I love threads like this cause many of my boxes are missing just one piece. Mad

kittmaster - 2009-04-21 19:21

well we have the donor, but casting it can be done, but the metal clip that attaches to the front needs to be replicated from a machine shop and then screened with the proper text. I guess that isn't going to happen, just no demand for it, which is surprising considering how many own them and how many are missing the tray.

Oh well....such is life.