hifitom - 2009-04-06 02:29
One year ago I wrote about my new baby, the Marantz 53. A mini-hifi-system, just as big as a cigarette-pack. Sound is as good or even better as the one from my PMS 7000. Those little active speaker system is great!
Now, after one year of searching I found the rest of this unit - the equilazer + the stereo-mircrophone! (the rest I gonne offer in the selling corner, also a complete set = tape, amp, tuner, active speakers + active antenna).
I'm very happy that I could completed this beautiful set! What a babe ... check out the photos ...
Best wishes
WOW, this is very nice.
I like the speaker design. Soundsystem style.
Very cool and very rare Tom.
masterblaster84 - 2009-04-06 08:52
Horn loaded drivers on a boombox, very cool!!
what a interesting micro stereo. that is really tiny. so does each speaker contain its own amp. how much power is it rated for . i am curious.
the clips on the front of the speakers. do they hold something in place like a dust cover or something.
it is a really cool little stereo. i really love it.
panasonic.fan - 2009-04-06 16:40
Why sell part of it? I mean, why not keep it all or sell it all. Seems like the buyer would be getting a partial system, with no hope of completing it until you decided to sell the other parts.
transamguy1977 - 2009-04-06 18:51
That is a neat little mini component system.
Is there a case cover that comes with it?