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who stil has it ? the b.box love ?

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-08 12:22

I have been a member here now for over 4 years , I don't post as much , primarily as I am always away working , but I still love it , and love the boomboxes . .

Thanks to all and lets see more pictures of our awesome radios ! ! ! !

oh yeah - I got some spare GF 575's next to my AT-AT . . anyone ?

2steppa - 2008-08-08 12:42

I don't post anywhere near as much as some on here and am probably considered a fringe member and not a great contributor, but I still think it's an awesome site and one of the nicest communities I've encountered on teh web.

Hope it stays that way.

charlesdickens - 2008-08-08 12:47

2steppa is right about this place. Everyone is SUPER nice and people here actually give a damn, help out and wish others good luck. I have been a member of a few automobile forums and majority of those folks were d.icks only interested in one-upping everyone else. S2G is the best and I too LOVE it here! My love for boomboxes seems to grow by the day. The people at the thrift stores in my area recognize me now and say hi when I come in, they probably wonder why I never buy anything but cassettes though. I have never seen a single boombox (egg or otherwise) at my local thrisft stores but I go a few times a week anyway, just in case! HA!

This is Good thread r o y a l ®! Smile

P.S. I wish I had a spare GF-575... or an AT AT for that matter! Great Pic!

kid.sensation - 2008-08-08 13:04

well i started about 2 years ago.

And i still do have the love.That said it changed, but its still the same in a special way.

When i started i nearly collected anything you could define as "boombox".At the moment im stuck with the ones i really love.

And this love is like..well.Looking at them and feeling:"I will never sell you to anyone out there.You'll stay here with me" Big Grin

I think i could never part with them as they really grow to my heart more with every day.

gotta love this hobby/obsession.

And it's even greater to share this with all them nice people on here Cool

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-08 13:08

Kid , I was the same too . . would by anything at the local bootsale with a square shape and a aerial ! pass up loads now days . . thats all part of the game tho I think!

After a while you loose space , and for me , end up seeking certain models and a certain level of mintness ! no junkers !

kid.sensation - 2008-08-08 13:36

right on..same here.

Only looking for special ones at the moment with the same matter of condition.

guess that's a point every collector with a certain amount of experience will reach sometime.

space is an issue here too.But i have to admit that i could not live with 100's of boxes, even if they were the best you can get.I love to use them regularly and not to loose the overview.
so a small "keepers-collection" is just fine for me Smile

erniejade - 2008-08-08 14:07

I was on the old forum. When it gets in your blood, it does not want to leave!! just think most of us have had this in us since we were kids. It just got worse as we got older LOL.

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-08 16:25

I Agree Cool

- 2008-08-08 20:11

Well Now that I have bought more than my fair share of junker's so to speak and now climbing the ladder of what I am really after and that is eight batteries or more and a minimum of 6.5 inch speakers preferably 8 inch or better or something like that in a 3 piece or a box-1-piece and if an when I ever get it up and put these clutter-upper's on ebay then I'll be better at this and I still jam on my jvc rc 550 although when i am playing 103.7 fm houston texas outside some of the young twerps came by tonight an asked what kind of music is that !!!!!!!! ??? geez it is / was before your time - I wanted to say ,,, but I ignored them .... James

oldskool69 - 2008-08-08 21:20

Originally posted by erniejade:
...When it gets in your blood, it does not want to leave!! just think most of us have had this in us since we were kids. It just got worse as we got older...LOL.

I know what you mean Ernie. Growing up with a dad as a tech and seeing the greatest machines on earth, around the world mind you, was awsome. Being a military brat (and in the military) was a bonus getting to go overseas and see the wonderful items available over there. Big Grin

ghettogas - 2008-08-08 22:23

I still love it but find them harder to get these days. Royal check PM. Wink

thafuzz - 2008-08-08 22:55

I still have the B.Box fever. I guess I've had it since around 1982. Only I grew up too poor to have the really expensive boxes then. I'm now trying to make up for old times as I go. So many great, knowledgeable and helpful friends here. Thanks for the love all! Wink

2steppa - 2008-08-08 23:34

I look back on the days in 1985/86 when me and a friend at the time used to walk miles every evening around the town just blasting the Sharp 8989 (with spare batteries, money permitting).

And being insanely jealous of another friend who had a Panasonic RX-C100 (but his batteries didn't last five minutes ha ha!).

Oh yeah, this thing is well and truly in my blood!

walkgirl - 2008-08-09 08:19

I have the walkmans and miniboombox fever Big Grin

When I get e new one it does feel like Christmas
time in the 80s! Cool

redbenjoe - 2008-08-09 08:25

i have Walkgirl fever Smile

walkgirl - 2008-08-09 08:31


why that?, there are not many around!, and rather rare Big Grin


- 2008-08-09 08:33

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
i have Walkgirl fever Smile

I dont believe that.
I do believe that you have Black Cat, Eyes, Paws, & Tongue Fever !!!
As this is all that has ever been seen of this Feline! Nod Yes I Agree Wink Big Grin
Plus she's Married, so do the right thing.

redbenjoe - 2008-08-09 09:05

james -- she might not be married ...
but might have told YOU - that she is Laugh Out Loud

walkgirl - 2008-08-09 09:07


You seem to know more about me as myself!

Tap Toes

redbenjoe - 2008-08-09 09:11

well - (just between you and i) ...
i like both what i do and dont know Smile

walkgirl - 2008-08-09 09:13

yeah, me too! Tap Toes

ford93 - 2008-08-09 12:01

Since I started in 1978 and now 2008 still have the love for this great hobby. It will not go away ever it's intoxicating!!!

monolithic - 2008-08-09 14:34

I haven't been collecting boxes that long (less than a year) to really say anything, but the fact that I kept my Lasonic TRC-931 for 20 years says alot, I guess. Smile

driptip - 2008-08-09 16:35

i like to think that i do! i am still looking for radios everywhere i go.

retro - 2008-08-09 20:19

The love is still there, although I haven't been on much.

blaster - 2008-08-09 22:02

hey ret, welcome back...long time...missed your great work!!! Cool

blaster - 2008-08-09 22:06

yeah been a b-box fan since the 80s...its what keeps my sanity in check...

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-10 00:17

Great to hear from everyone and thanks for pulling it back on topic.

So cool that everyone has the memories , I was born in 1975 , so i'm younger than the majority, but I used to rent beat street every time I was sick from school , loved melle mel and breakdancing , all of it . . The 80's in general.

Thats what first got me into collecting them , I wish I started collecting from 1990 , not 2002 ! !

Imagine the hauls you would have ! ! ! !

monolithic - 2008-08-10 04:43

Whoa, I don't even wanna go there! Some of the boxes I saw in store windows like the JC2000 (I remember it like it was last week,... I thought it was a wannabe Conion) and others, I wish I had bought 'cause I had just started makin' my own money then. Frown

But who knew? We thought these boxes - especially the big ones - would stick around longer than they did. Frown

BTW, in my opinion, Beat Street was, is and will always be the best Hip-Hop movie ever made! Cool

enskanker - 2008-08-10 06:07

Ja, dat old forum in that funny color seems so long ago now...

That old forum was the catalyst that started a buying/collecting binge for me....

Not so much anymore, I guess I have mellowed...

Oh, hi retro....

daiwa - 2008-08-10 06:36

Hi U.E. You "mellow" is like most on acid. Razz
But seriously, I get what you're saying. I like finding a gem (like my last purchase, the little Sony at the Vintage Expo) but I'm not obsessed with finding an expensive grail anymore.

This still is a great forum with great, helpful people. I have dropped off a bit from my postings too. I don't run my home business anymore, so I'm not around as much to bump around S2G. It is a great diversion from recent major lifestyle changes.

pacwestuk - 2008-08-10 06:42

royal please check pms thanks mate Smile

jcyellocar - 2008-08-10 08:20

This has to be the friendliest online community I've ever encountered. Best of luck to all members here. Smile

beatbox - 2008-08-10 12:17

Still got the love. But so much bad stuff has happened to me this year that I've become a little cynical about the whole collecting side of it. I love the boxes I own and want to keep, am seeling the ones I can live without and don't collect anymore.... for now.

Trimming and pruning.

fuzzyduck - 2008-08-10 12:33

I first fell in love with BBXs back in the summer of 83 when I saw one for the first time.
That love will stay with me forever.

jimski - 2008-08-10 17:42

Well,i guess the love is still there thou,if i see something cool ill pick it up and realease it here for 10 Razz.

isolator42 - 2008-08-11 05:37

As soon as I saw a b-box, I wanted one.
As soon as I had a b-box, I wanted a bigger one.
There's no end to it, really...

Royal, please check your PM Smile

chordeater - 2008-08-11 13:10

Well, I'm a newbie in this adiction. My first bombox experience was with a Sanyo M9925 my father bought around 1980 from abroad. I remember these good sound, better that the other stuff of my friends (here in Spain it was difficult to find any decent bbox). I dreamed for some years with the best things I saw in the first 80's on the audio catalogs.

The design, but mainly the sound was the feature that a like the most on a music player. So the natural way was the Stereo Hifi Equipment. And 25 year later (Blaze, great album!), now that I'm an HiFi fan in the final step, I recover the love for bomboxes; maybe they don't sound with high fidelity, but they sound pretty, and I love them in a way I can't describe. And this site make this love greater everyday!

Best regards.

gusg - 2008-08-12 02:09

I remember when I found my first box on a thrift store. It was a philips d8644 an i felt happy for weeks about that radio. Today, I propably wouldn´t be as happy even if I found an m90 for 10$. I still love my boxes, but it takes more to give me that magic feeling when I find something. I guess its the same with all hobbys, when you catched your fisrst half kilo bass you were happier than if you catch 5 times bigger fish today. You just have to accept that.

peter.griffin - 2008-08-12 06:16

Wow, this is like a "reunion". Nice to see so many "senior" members make an appearanceSmile I have to admit, I kinds stopped "looking" around. Three factors, room(or lack there off), wifey, and lack of $$$Smile

I promised my wife I'd only buy "grails", so there's still hopeSmile