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How Does The 767 Compare With The 777??

ghettoboom777 - 2008-07-29 12:28

Hi everyone-I have to ask: How does the sound of the 767 compare to the 777?
I noticed that the 767 doesn't have all the tape copy and mix stuff that the 777 has.
I was wondering if you guys can tell me what the 767 doesn't have that the 777 does have.I did notice that there isn't any super woofer controls.Does that mean that they are like maximum all the time?

I have a 777 but am eyeing a 767.
I love the looks of the 767 with the blue dial background and I also noticed if I'm correct that the 767 also draws 60 watts power-the same as the 777.
Is the output the same for the 767??
I appreciate any info on this.
I need a near mint 777 or a 767.
I'm still restoring my 777 as I still need 2 grills and door 2 to make it really nice.
Have a super week-Ghettoboom777. Smile

gm - 2008-07-29 15:39

different tweeters :

my 767 and a half

rambo has both !

more info here

ghettoboom777 - 2008-07-29 19:06

Hi GM-Thanks for the info,now I know the differences.
Have a great week-Ghettoboom777. Smile

blaster - 2008-07-29 19:51

although the 767 may not have all the features the 777 has...but it does have a few things in common with its other higher end brothers of its family...it shares the same color grilles as the gf-999 and gf-1000 which are blue...secondly it shares similar knobs and switches of the 999 and knobs and radio dial color of the 1000..it is why i call it the prototype of that line cause it shares many cues from its other members of its family being the first in line of its kind and very rare!!! too...

blaster - 2008-07-29 19:56

and BTW i have one as well, and sure is one tough kookie!!!