which one?
Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
which one?
I mean the boombox you`re currently using...

Look, there is mops!

Please rub that lamp for me Jens, and wish
that I win the nice walkman this evening!

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-24 04:23

marantz 4803S
listening to Npr - Bedroom
yeeees -

we need pictures....
Here's a Glue's eye view of my X620k that I'm currently using/loving.
Be cool if the next person taking a pic of them near their pc's take a photo with my photo on their screen with TPR's photo in my screen, and so on and so on... could get a cool litte slice of S2Go all in one pic after a dozen or so images.
Rock On.
on the left is my (Currently Using either Sansui CP-77W or Sanyo M-X520-is on presently) in the chair is a RX 5080 needs belts ... James went full screen with this pic...
topshelf L to R, is a GF-575, Magnavox D-8623, GE 3-6000B, GF-8787-nib, Lasonic 931, GF-9000, C-100F, Sanyo M-X960K.
heres mine

right. I shall wander around with the camera tonight...
Jens, is that your Kaboom?
Nicolle, is that your new laptop?

is that your Kaboom?
geoffhartwell - 2008-07-24 11:17
Here's the beater power player at work. I usually have it on a side desk or in the warehouse but for the on going theme.....

Here is my desk. It is usually not that organized,LOL!!!!
Here are mine:
Cool Jens - didn't know you were one of the Kaboom people

...dammit, I can't find a digital camera anywhere, & my 1 year old has to go into hospital for some tests tomorrow, so turning the place upside-down isn't on the cards right now.
ah well, next time...
Way up on the top shelf of my corner computer desk...

That is a tall radio Jovie!, it almost does reach
the ceiling!
OK, I finally found the camera.
In the lounge - Sony ZX-7:
It's line-out goes into my main stereo system (as does the iPod dock in the foreground). Sonically, that disc-drive, auto CrO2/metal, Dolby cassette deck with music search is a dead ringer for a half decent seperates deck. Also, rarely, the wife approves of it. Hopefully it's not just because it's the same brand as the TV

In the dining room - Hitachi 3D95:
Sounds really smooth at lower volumes, when the ASW system produces rich low bass. It's digital tuner receives FM crystal clear, transmitted via the
C-Crane from the lounge sound system. My otherwise perfect wife prefers the look of this b-box to my M90 in the same place. See what I'm up against?
In the Kitchen - Panasonic RX-DT610:
Solid performer with grown-up sound & lovely bass. It has a digital tuner that can pick up stations most b-boxes can only dream about. Even though it's at the other end of the house, I can listen to the lounge sound system on this thing, no problem. One deck is a bit tempremental now, however.
...& upstairs to the bathroom (I feel like an Estate Agent / Realtor

) - Sansui FX-700R:
After it's showing at the Florida meet, I could probably sell this for a handsome profit

but I wouldn't part with it. Makes me smile every time I see it & it runs for ages on 4 rechargeable AA batteries (with adaptors up to C-cell size).
& Finally into my 9 year old son's bedroom - A Hitachi CX-W500:
He loves this thing. All those speakers, a CD player, remote (with motorised volume knob!) & he runs his iPod into it too. He doesn't play it too loud - so he must take after his mum there.
...&that's it, for now...
There's another 5 b-boxes in use around the house.
charlesdickens - 2008-07-29 16:00
I have a great wife! I mean, how many guys get away with this in the bedroom?
(I sure made that sound sleeeezy huh

transamguy1977 - 2008-07-29 17:16
These are my areas,
Sound room
Living room
My sons room
My bedroom
Next to the computer monitor, now a National RQ546 ... I usually put there the newest box I have after a service to enjoy while testing.
Isolator42, careful with that plasma ball next to your Hitachi CX-W500! I am a big fan of plasma balls too, but they generate field of high frequency/high voltage. Not very healthy for the various electronic parts in a boombox. Hold a fluorescent tube in one hand next to the running plasma ball and you'll see what I mean. Now imagine that going into the Hitachi's antenna!
I keep the plasma lights at least 10ft away from valuable boomboxes and analog synths.

Cool thread! I may have to get out the camera. But, my house is kind of a mess right now...
Nice M70 Transam!
My TFK Studio 1M at my terrace...
It currently drives the Grundig Audiorama globular speakers ( the 2 white balls with silver rings which are hang down from the ceiling )
Originally posted by analogboi:
Isolator42, careful with that plasma ball next to your Hitachi CX-W500! I am a big fan of plasma balls too, but they generate field of high frequency/high voltage. Not very healthy for the various electronic parts in a boombox. Hold a fluorescent tube in one hand next to the running plasma ball and you'll see what I mean. Now imagine that going into the Hitachi's antenna!
I keep the plasma lights at least 10ft away from valuable boomboxes...
Interesting - thanks for the info. I'll be in his bedroom tonight, moving the plasma ball away...