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added a panasonic ct 900

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 16:13

yeah so today i found a amazing little store filled with tons of old audio stuff. i mean it was just over the top. tube amps vintage fried egg tweetered speakers and just so much goodies i could barely believe it. i spotted only a couple boomboxes tho. one pioneer and one panasonic ct 900 platinum series in fantastic shape.
it was really cheap too. i decided to check it out. i wasnt really prepared for hunting today and i had a three mile walk ahead of me to get to band practice. everything tape radio clock ect was working. my heart kind of sank when i tried the balance slider and only one side played but after a few minutes of stripping and rehooking up the speaker leads we were back in business.after the days business of practice and such i got it home and gave it a bit better listen at volume. compared to my panasonic cobra top 707 i dont really think its as good sounding. it looks very cool with its big chrome rings around the speakers and it seems very well made.
i noticed this unit has two ohm speakers rated at fifty watts each.
this is a neat looking boombox, i dont like the digital tuner to much tho. i would have prefered this box to have a analog tuner i am not overly keen on the digital tuner on it.
ok so its a very nice boombox i need so more time to listen to it and try a variety of music through it.

tpr - 2008-12-02 16:19

great story!

I agree about the digi-tuners- do not like them as well.For example the digital tuner from my rv-nb10 is indeed crap.Very weak reception compared with
the tpr950,this one has a perfect fm-tuner.
Also there`s no mono/stereo switch on the rv,just to change with the remote...
And I really prefer a mechanical tuning knob or a tuning disc...
On the other hand:
Right,it`s a looker with the crome rings...

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 16:34

yes i find the digital tuner is this to be just well blech. same as the kabooms. i mean i have some grundigs wich have digital tuners but they are quite good. i am going back there tomorow first thing in the morning. with a hand cart so i can bring home some more things.

oldskool69 - 2008-12-02 16:40

I've got one as well. Not loud but does have a rich sound. They are nice boxes nonetheless. By the way, what Pioneer did you see? Smile

tpr - 2008-12-02 16:41



Great- with a hand cart - then you MUST take a picture of that cart ,when it`s loaded with grails-OHO!That picture will have a place of honor in the base!

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 16:46

well it is a small hand cart.but tomorrow i am going for the tube reciever if its still there. it wieghed almost sixty pounds i would say. now i am pretty strong in fact i could most likely carry fifty pounds for a very long ways miles.however i do not want pay the price the next day. the little cart i have is quite good. it folds up into a little brief case kind of thing then it can unfold into a milkcrate on wheels.
allthough perhaps i can convince the girl friend to skip off work tomorrow and go there with me.
shes a executress so she should make a executive decision to take her man shopping Big Grin
so as for the pioneer i saw. it was a very interesting mid sized boombox. not very big. it looked like a grey brick. it was not so good looking. kind of like a jvc m80 but uglier.

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 16:50

Originally posted by oldskool69:
I've got one as well. Not loud but does have a rich sound. They are nice boxes nonetheless. By the way, what Pioneer did you see? Smile

there is really good seperation on it. the eq on this boombox seems to be more functional than most boombox eqs. i mean it can really boost or cut quite well.
the little pioneer was mid sized kind of looks like a jvc m80 but not as good. i would have taken it home too but i was just not so energetic and i needed to save something in the tank for practice. i did walk so far with the panasonic today. i mean you dont think a lightwieght box like that can wiegh heavily in your hand after a while but it sure does after the first hour you have been holding it.
the boombox travelled today by boat bus and train and car and foot. he had a adventure for sure.

redbenjoe - 2008-12-02 17:00

I Agree
with you guys about digi-tuners --
even when they are accurate --they take away some of our old boombox fun Smile

and bill --you have probably learned NOT to bring boxes home and immediately put them right next to the 707 !!
that kills the fun , also Big Grin
its like 'no fairs' !!
so give those other boxes a peaceful hour--alone.

and -- btw - here from the bbdb is a shot of a platinum rx-ds650 -
to some - its the 'best of all worlds' for this series :
analogue tuner --more compact with one deck --and a CD player up top.

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 19:18

Originally posted by billpc55:
wow ira that boombox looks awesome. so yeah usually the compare box i avoid is the m9998k. to me that boombox and my sk-95 have really fabulous sound. warm and fairly accurate for a boombox what ever accurate means to my ears anyways. the 707 is also another fine sounder to me that some people dislike. back to this ct 900. so plugged in the ipod listened i like it a lot more this way than through the tuner. i dont know what it is about these digital tuners that sound so crappy. so as for the tape deck. it sounds pretty nice through the tape deck.
i just listened to the joshua tree wich is a real challenge for any boombox as it is truly a oddly recorded and mastered album. pretty much every track has some crazy low end sounds being thrown through mr enos massive plate reverb. in fact i can remember when this was released many people complained about its sound and how it was mastered. the ct 900 handled it fairly well only choking on some of the heavier walls of verb.speaker design here.i can kinda see what they are trying to do and how they are trying to do it. it sounds pretty nice tho. i think that it shall earn a place in the stereo room.
after tomorrow once i get that amp tho. thats it i am putting the brakes on the collecting. the problem is i keep finding these ridicullously cheap well preserved stereos. i mean if i was really paying for these,( and trust me i am practically finding them for the prices i am paying) i am pretty sure i would be single.
very nice boombox tho in terms of its looks and for the prices they do fetch on ebay i think they are good value.

jovie - 2008-12-02 22:21

I have a number of black 3-piece '90s boxes.Usually only the larger more powerful ones are interesting enough to add to my collection.They also must be very close to new in condition.These tend to be much more available at thriftstores than any of the '80s vintage boxes in any condition.Usually prices for them are very reasonable considering what they cost when new.Besides,I like variety when taking a box to work with me everyday.Though most are not able to go as loud as many '80s boxes,I don't always like to push volume when listening.Depending on my mood they can deliver the goods nicely and I can focus on their unique functionality and looks for a day.

Your platinum CT 900 looks similar in style to my less powerful CT 810.To me key desirable features of both would be the CD/line-in function and the 5 band manual EQ.So many post '80s boxes had no inputs and only sound type presets.Personally I like the bright mids and highs you got from many '80s boxes.EQ sliders helps to tailor the sound for more of a similar effect despite the lack of excess power from '90s units.At full tilt my CT 810 sounds clean and has just enough volume for most closer range indoor uses.I can only imagine how nice it is to have the louder and more powerful platinum series CT 900!It's even better looking than my 810 for sure.I wouldn't hesitate to buy a 900 if I was lucky enough to run across one.Good find Nod Yes !

btw-does the 900 have cone style or piezo disk/plate tweeters?

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 23:43

you know i cannot tell for sure what kind they are but they kind of look like domes to me.