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bit of TLC for the M90...

isolator42 - 2008-11-30 06:29

Last night I finally got time to get on with some little jobs that've been building up on my M90.
With my wife Julie firmly ensconsed in front of X-factor with a plate of food, I broke out the toolkit, cleaning stuff, multimeter & soldering iron.
I hadn't used the M90 for a while, so I popped in a tape for a quick listen... & it jammed, heads half-way up Frown
Damn, that's 3 jobs to do now - hope I can fix it.
Thankfully, just a turn of the flywheel sorted the deck, but I vowed then to exercise it more regularly. Heart-stopping moment over with, on with the TLC.

...replacement tweeters from SINISTER:
In they went & very nice they look too. The originals worked but had been repaired & looked a bit grim. The new tweeters sound a bit clearer too - I've never heard another M90 to compare.

...dodgy FM stereo:
A twiddle of VR1 on the radio board & we're in the stereo business once again.

A general clean around inside & out & back together during X-factor Results. I was happy with my now 100% working M90, & Julie was happy 'cos Ruth was kicked out of X-factor Smile

Today Julie's off at Bluewater having a damn good go at propping up the retail economy single-handed, so I have the kids & the freedom to exercise the M90 like it should be.
I dug up some old tapes & have been enjoying BDP & KRS-1, Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince, C&C Music Factory, Inner City & a song the kids instantly recognosed: Real 2 Reel's "I Like To Move It". Now they're watching Madagascar again...

Anyway, here's a shot of my youngest making sure things sound just right:


...just the 3D75 to sort now & I can haul out the dozens of 3Ds for a complete collection photoshoot...

redbenjoe - 2008-11-30 07:30

kids in command/control Smile
nice 'save-as' shot

ford93 - 2008-11-30 08:16

Thats a cute pic. Isolator42 Smile, I too haven't excercised my M90 so I think I'll just do that now. Nod Yes

devoltoni - 2008-11-30 08:22

Great pic Isolator. Nod Yes

Here you people looking at in future one of the best DJ. Big Grin Nod Yes

viennasound - 2008-11-30 08:38

So you can see, babys likes music! Nod Yes

l.lopez - 2008-11-30 19:12

Beautiful pic man, The baby is enjoying the tunes Smile.

fatdog - 2008-11-30 19:21

That's the best way - start their love of boomboxes while they're young!

ao - 2008-11-30 23:39

I loved the audition part of X-Factor, the glitzy performances of the 'chosen' remaining hopefuls is dull. Those deluded freaks who choose to ridicule themselves on TV are the real stars.

isolator42 - 2008-12-01 00:15

Thanks for all the kind comments Smile
Luke scared himself a bit with the volume control, just after that picuture was taken...

Originally posted by agentorange:
I loved the audition part of X-Factor, the glitzy performances of the 'chosen' remaining hopefuls is dull. Those deluded freaks who choose to ridicule themselves on TV are the real stars.
I'm with you there Cris.
The early "point & laugh" X-factor shows are an highly enjoyable 21st century version of a freak-show circus, with the difference that the freaks happily volunteer for national ridicule...
Now Saturday evenings stretch out with hours of X-factor based "entertainment". The kids listen in upstairs (via the FM transmitter) to the results show, as it's past their bedtime. I die a little every week as I look toward yet another x-factor based Christmas number one. I'd rather have Cliff back up there.

btw, the key to staying sane with 4 kids:
Claim your evenings back with "Quiet time", where the kids are in their own rooms for a while before bedtime & lights out.
We've always done this & it's definitely instrumental

smokinendo - 2008-12-01 06:55


I dug up some old tapes & have been enjoying BDP & KRS-1, Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince, C&C Music Factory, Inner City & a song the kids instantly recognosed: Real 2 Reel's "I Like To Move It". Now they're watching Madagascar again...

It's New
It's out of the ordinary
It's ratter extraordinary
So Yo bust this Commentary
A Literary... Genius !
and a Superior Beat Creator
Have Come together
and We've made A
Musically Politician
which We think is a Remedy
Ta cure All the Dance floors that's Empty
Jazzy Jeff...The Fresh Prince Bustin out with the Brand New FUNK !


I love listening to the classics when I'm cleaning a box, it really puts the whole thing into perspective for me. Congrats on the repairs it's pretty satisfying when you fix something that may have otherwise never worked again especially when working on such a beast of a box ! Hope to someday have one of my own.

Great Picture Smile what a cute little guy he's going to be all about boomboxes. My kids love Madagascar too and your right about the quite time, even my 10year old hits his room at 7pm for an hour of free time and an hour of reading before lights out. I think this is part of the reason they are so mild-mannered & respectful compared to a lot of the kids in neighborhood ?

johnnygto - 2008-12-08 16:42

Love the pic!!!

Thats a keeper photo if I ever saw one!!

Congrats on working on the 2-DO list! I have plenty myself - I too find the time when the wife is side tracked Wink

Good job once again.


oldskool69 - 2008-12-08 18:41

Looks like a lot of fun Iso!Big Grin And that photo with your young one should be your avatar! Nod Yes

ford93 - 2008-12-08 18:50

Yep discovered that my M-90 needed some attention. The right side highs was not sounding during tape playback on the tuner both channels were operating normal.

So I sprayed some contact cleaner on the function switch, volume, balance, bass and treble left her while going to work.

Now I first checked with my headphones so far so good. I then tried the speakers itself on tuner played normal. Then tried the tape deck all is well Smile. These babies need to be turned on every so often Nod Yes. I neglected her for awhile not anymore! No No