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jaredscottfla - 2008-07-16 19:15

SmileHi All!
Today was a Really Good Day!
I Took My Kids to The Dentist (Exc Ck up for Both Btw! Big Grin) Across The Street From Their Dentist is A Thrift Store. I hardly Ever Go there as They Have Had Real Garbage and Prices to the Moon Lately. Since The Kids Did so well at The Dentist were Real Troopers I figured what The Heck Let's Ck this place out again. Well The Joint Must Have Got The Message Re: The Quality of stuff and Prices,Completely Re did The Entire Store,Prices Back To Normal and Placed was a Mob Scene! Kids Immediatly Went and Ck'd out the Toys,My Daughter Loves Dolls Found a Nice New Dolly For Her,My Son Loves Cars,Found a Nice New Electric Toy Car For Him,Dad was resigned their was nothin' for Him,when Lo and Behold VOILA!
A BEAUTY APPEARS! Big Grin The Guy Brings it out from The Back Puts it on The Shelf ,Right in Front of Yours Truly!
A Fisher PH W-803BA
HUGE HUGE HUGE and HEAVY! Dual Cass Am/Fm, 3 Way SURROUND sound Speakers,Everything Works and it is Absolutly Mint! He Popped The Price Tag on Her 19.99,No Prob 20 Bucks For one in This Shape,Sold American,I bring it Up to Pay Along With The Kids Stuff Even My Dog Got a Gift Today,A NEW Dog Bed for 10 Bucks. Big Grin
Best Part of This Story i get to the counter The Boombox Has a Yellow Sticker,Everything in The Store with a Yellow Sticker 75% off!! Eek
Box Cost is now FIVE DOLLARS!!! YES YES YES!!! Cool I know all will want Pics,If asnyone has one to throw up(Jens...?) Please Feel Free Shleping This Monstor and Grinding with The Kids,I'm Beat,! Can't Mess with My Crummy Digital Camera Now,So I'll try To post a Pic Tommorow,if No one Else does,Take Care all! Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-07-16 19:26

Awesome Jared, can't wait to see some pics. I'm sure glad good fortune smiles on some of us once in a while, it keeps the excitement alive. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-07-16 19:26

oh jared - i was down there before you -
and passed on it --thought the 5 bucks was a bit $steep Laugh Out Loud

(awesome score)

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-16 19:27

WinkThanks Guys!

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-16 19:28

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
oh jared - i was down there before you -
and passed on it --thought the 5 bucks was a bit $steep Laugh Out Loud

(awesome score)
Big Grin Big Grin Laugh Out Loud

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-17 16:25

Smile many thks to Jens for the pic post,i'm listening to my scandel tape,this box sounds soooo good,loud,clear crisp,what a find for a fin,! Cool

jovie - 2008-07-17 19:43

I'm a big fan of Fisher boxes.You realize you basically got that blaster for free,don't you? Eek To say it was a "good" day is a gross understatement.Congrats and many more Nod Yes Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-17 21:08

Big Grin u are absolutly right jovie! it was an awesome day! Big Grin