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Black 3 piece box with square white speakers and an A-Hole

charlesdickens - 2008-07-14 11:51

OK... Mad

So, I'm on my way to the salvation army today when this homeless, drunken, loud, belligerent and horrifically smelly bastard walks out of the building holding this big beautiful bbx in his dirty hands. My jaw dropped when I saw it and he must has seen my expression because he called me a "mother f&cker" and then yelled "f&ck the police!" in my face (with his horrible poop-breath) at the top of his lungs as I walked by. Naturally he took the one decent thing at the SA today. I got beat out by some drunken stinkbag!!!! One the way back to my Jeep he was sitting on a bench with the boomer screaming some made up rap lyrics while clutching the silent boomer. I wanted to beat him with it. It was Black, Medium sized and had light colored square speakers. A Sony maybe? I don't know, I'm not very good at 3 piecers.

Well anyway that's my Monday so far...

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-14 11:57

Frown bummer,but honestly it's kinda funny,i could just picture that! Big Grin
Hope the rest of your day goes better CD.
This reminds me of a guy i used to see at the thrift store all the time,smelly yes,homeless uh... maybe maybe not! Laugh Out Loud
We beat ea other out of boxes at least once a month for probably 4-5 months in a row,one time was a killer he beat me out of a Beauty Panasonic Rf2200 sw radio. It was darn nr perfect! Frown I did get my revenge on him with a bbx a couple wks later and did find another rf2200 a month later at a different thrift store. Just remember you will beat him next time! Count on it! Smile Big Grin

jovie - 2008-07-15 07:57

Sorry to hear you missed out.Whenever that happens to me I just look at what I already have and am thankful for it.Be sure to enjoy what you have and use them as much as possible Smile

charlesdickens - 2008-07-15 13:06

Jovie you are right. I have some great stuff and I cherish all of it everyday! It wasn't so much on missing out though as it was losing it to a jerk who's just going to ruin it anyway. Frown

jvc.floyd - 2008-07-15 13:13

oh me i would have told him to go to hell and shove his box where the sun don't shine ,if i had time i would have gone home and gotten one of my destroyers and laughed in his face.

arkay - 2008-07-18 11:42

Just to put a different spin on this...

...this guy's life is already basically somewhere between hell and the toilet, or he wouldn't be the way he is. Or maybe his life is that way because he is the way he is; it doesn't really matter how much of which is cause or effect. But this God-forsaken miserable excuse for an individual finally just found something that means something to him. He --who probably owns next to nothing in the world-- found something he wanted badly enough to pay cash for it, cash that might have bought him a meal (or more Rotgut or whatever he would want), and he bought it.

He cradled it, and sat on that bench enjoying a moment "singing" (at least in his mind), having some pleasure in his miserable, pathetic existence, because he got that boombox.

In your life, I assume, there is a home, family, enough to spend on multiple boomboxes, decent food, shelter and clothing, loved ones, blah, blah... So let him have ONE boombox on the planet. You may get another crack at it, after he pawns it or leaves it somewhere, and it ends up back in the thrift. In the meantime, let the poor, miserable wreck of a human being have his moment of happiness. It might be one of the last chances he gets before the Grim Reaper comes to take away whatever is left of him.

Just a thought.

Of course, the other alternative is to offer him nine bucks for it the next time you see him. Catch him at the right time and he'll sell it to you for twelve, being the smart negotiator he undoubtedly is... Big Grin

Or you could, if so inclined, just wrest it out of his hands and run off with it... what would he do, call the police? (Just kidding!)