ghettoboom777 - 2008-11-11 22:16
Hi everyone-This is something that I highly
Don't recommend and that's taking the resistor out of the plug on your high-end headphones.
Well I did this as to get more power to the speakers.Yes it sure did-it was nuts!
The bass and the volume were incredible and I'm not kidding it was very loud to!
Now I know why they do that and also not to blow up the little speakers that are inside.
This was on a home stereo untit I believe as I was about 16 when I did this.
I quit using them as it was like I was at a concert-to loud!
They were some higher end headphones-the big comfortable ones that they had back then-Koss or something decent.
The sound was really something as I recall!
I just had to tell you all about this-Have a great week-Ghettoboom777.
what i cant hear you i took the resistor out of my headphones...
I wonder if this can be done to boombox speakers? Mmmm, that's an idea...
masterblaster84 - 2008-11-12 13:08
The thought of hearing loss never crossed my mind when I was 16 either.
Huh?!??!? What?!?!? Can't hear!!! Resist what?!?!?
It's okay...I can't hear anyway but that's just cuz I'm old!!
(hey, I had to find some excuse to use the lol icon)