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broke my budget rule for this one

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 12:42

so yeah flea market trip. not much there walked around. i came across this sorry about the bad picture but camera is wierd today. got it for 40 guy wanted 100 hahahah. handle broken but i think i can rig it up pretty good. overall the cosmetics are very very very good. except the doomed membrane of death over the tape transport. tape deck wants to work but but i suspect the belt is dead. who cares this boxs has one of the coolest analog echos i have ever head i mean its enough to make lee scratch perry smile i am sure. i wish i could control the time and stuff over the delay as i love it.
the radio works works very good. dont know why they didnt put a eq on it.
no am as well on it as in no am.
now as for how does it sound.
it is extremely loud and very nice sounding. in fact it is one of the loudest ones i got.
there is 109 db silk screened on the speakers. it also has a button on each side you depress to open up the speakers.
i think the disco button is super cool. dont really know what made them come up with that wierd effect or if its even working properly but it seems to introduce some wierd dub like delay on the echo.
so yeah i have no regrets about opening up the budget for this one a wee bit. its a awesome boombox and it is very loud and totaly different.
lets face it this is a karoke machine with a flashy name however its a bloody cool one.

tpr: photo edit

jvc.floyd - 2008-01-20 12:50

it looks similar to the pioneer disco robo ,is there a brand name on it?

tpr - 2008-01-20 12:51

wow, you got one of these "pioneer#-j7-disco-robo IBBN 7-01823"-meanwhile very rare!

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 12:51

oops i forgot to mention
this is a pioneer disco robo....... heh heh heh

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 13:05

so after spending some time now cleaning the switches and sliders i have discovered the disco button had been not working before.....
where are my ear plugs. omg this thing might not be super bassy but is super loud in capital letters with red ink

ghettoblaster68 - 2008-01-20 13:09

Eek Eek

this one is really hard to get!!


big big score

if you ever think about to sell it?? Cool



billpc55 - 2008-01-20 13:12

yes it is like the ones in those photos. and with the exeption of the handle and the membrane its in excellent shape.
i just ot it i dont know if i would sell it but if i ever do decide to sell my boxes i will most likely sell them here rather on ebay.
thanks man

beatbox - 2008-01-20 13:22

I love this box!!! Its totally unique, and typifies everything that was the 80's. Great score!!

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 13:31

me thinks i a going to have to use this for some video fun with some other old school eighties electronic stuff. it is neat as it has a fairly flexible built in mixer on it. very cool.
and yeah not super bassy but really loud better pictures coming up and i did notice the eject button is also not there but its no big thing.

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 13:39

better photos and in case you are wondering the red electrical tape transport controls came with the unit hahahah

nelsongf9696 - 2008-01-20 13:52

Congrats on the awesome find.It looks pretty good. Smile

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 13:54

its not perfect but its not completely thrashed either. and it is super loud

oldskool69 - 2008-01-20 14:15

Now there's a rare Pioneer! At least here on this side of the pond, east or west! Nice score! Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 14:37

thanks. you know it nearly got aways from me the guy i bought it off of was quite the character i mean i think he was probably lucky enough to rescue this from a dumpster.
i just used some fibre glass epoxy to mend the handle i think it will work i mean its a clean break where the duct tape i have on it in the photo is.the baterry compartment is super clean i dont think it was used much allthough i do think it was neglected ie kept in the garage for many years.
so i have spent a few hours with this boombox. i can honestly say i think it is really awesome. it sounds really good and well it has a very nice layout of inputs on it wich can be mixed together. no other boombox i have seen has this set up. some people may argue its not a boombox based on its shape ect. i think that this would be a awesome rig for someone who busked or did any kind of experimenatl street electronic music.
i think that it really just is super cool.
this could be my favorite boombox i have owned its kind of a portable pa system well that is what it is. funny as this really has so many different possibilites for someone who wanted to do hip hop back in the day. i mean their is room for the drum machine a microphone and a secondary instrument as well and as i say they could be mixed all at once together with a line out. i would bet that without a doubt it had been used by some people back in the day in that fashion for doing just that.
i mean there is nothing similiar to it and it sounds great. its really a fun boombox. there is things about this wierd boombox wich puzzle me.
the lack of ability to turn off the radio or the other line ins you just reduce the volume to nil. i really like its strange design. i can see why they are rare tho i mean that membrane switch ugliness lead so many of these to the dumpster i would think.

arkay - 2008-01-20 18:29

Congratulations! A rare box with an almost cult-like following of fans out there, and now you are one of them! I still don't know if this is a "boombox", though ...but who cares? What's in a name, anyway? It is still a very distinctive and cool piece of audio history!

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 18:47

this is a boombox beyond any shadow of a doubt.
it meets all the critea long established for being a boombox.
it has a handle
it runs on batteries
it has a tape deck
it has a radio
how is it not a boombox. it is the shape.
is it the speakers wich swivel out.
this is a boombox a jambox a ghettoblaster theres no doubt of it.
it might be a brixton briefcase mind you.
however this definately is well cemented in the minds of many as being a boombox and part of urban hip hop culture.
some people may not think so but i think most people do. i mean it is a portable stereo a portable radio with a tape deck ect.
how is it not a boombox.
just out of curiosity.
i am curious as to how it could not be a boombox.
is it just a feeling you have about the shape or its size.
i just am trying to understand the logic of someone saying that its not a boombox.
i mean here in north america this would have not been sold as a karaoke machine or marketed as such as there wasnt really a karoke scene here back in the day it was made.
it was sold as a portable stereo with a handle a tape deck wich ran on batteries.
it for sure is a boombox even tho its shape may not appeal to all it is a boombox.
allthough for some i could see why it would not appeal to them.
definately a boombox tho. i mean its not a toaster. it looks like a robo bolanger but its not one of those either.
i Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud tried to get it to do the dishes but that didnt work.
i put a dvd on top of it but it didnt play.
hmmmm lets see what else could it be a beer dispenser. nope that didnt work i am stil thirsty. hmmmmm i tried to ride it to the store so it cant be a bicyle.
hhahaaha well if it isnt a boombox i dont know what it is. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
some people may find them ugly i could understand it as that is aestetics but it is without a doubt a boombox.

billpc55 - 2008-01-20 18:58

in fact i would like to also point out this page


there is also a photo on the bottom of the page wich i found also interesting as well.

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
i am still trying to figure it out tho. i mean i tried to get online with it but that didnt work so i know its not a computer.
i tried to put the garbage into it but that didnt work either.
i will confess its a pretty bad robot however it dosent actualy say robot on it. it does say robo.
Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
i tried yelling exterminate through a ring modulator to it but it didnt run about shooting things out of a plunger like in dr who. i am still confused.
Laugh Out Loud
damn i wonder if its some sort of ultra space age eco toilet hahahahah. hmmmmm nope i dont think it would work for that either.

damn i thought it was a boombox now i am confused. i guess i should put it outside now for the trash man to pick it up Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud.
i thought it was a boombox but i guess i was wrong.
i mean if aliens landed and there was a m90 and a disco robo once they figured out how to use them wouldnt they both be considered to serve the same purpose. i mean its just gotta be a boombox.
i mean i know i have bad spelling but i am sramt enough to know its a boombox Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
all meant in good fun of course

isolator42 - 2008-01-21 05:43

It's a boombox alright, just a funny-shaped one.
Broadly speaking the Kaboom falls into the same category with it's designers making a determined effort for it to appear completely cylindrical.

Anyway, a nice score, billpc55.

Tell me, are you bored with your Hitachi CX200 yet Smile

peter.griffin - 2008-01-21 05:56

wow, good stuff Bill. A M80 and now this, lucky week for you. I didn't know they even brought those into CanadaSmile

billpc55 - 2008-01-21 10:08

[QUOTE]Originally posted by isolator42:
It's a boombox alright, just a funny-shaped one.
Broadly speaking the Kaboom falls into the same category with it's designers making a determined effort for it to appear completely cylindrical.

Anyway, a nice score, billpc55.

Tell me, are you bored with your Hitachi CX200 yet Smile[

thanks funny you should mention it i mean i have been doing things with it lately wich are quite strange and i wont admit to. dont worry tho nothing has been harmed.

billpc55 - 2008-01-21 10:15

Originally posted by peter griffin:
wow, good stuff Bill. A M80 and now this, lucky week for you. I didn't know they even brought those into CanadaSmile

yesh it was a good week for boomboxes no doubt.
so yeah i just got to say this about this pioneer.
i think alot of people who have never heard one at volume really dont understand. i mean seriously just dont get how loud the thing is.
also it really is easy to tuck it aways.
i still dont see the robot connection tho i mean i think its just the word robo i mean it does sound pretty cool.
its so loud tho i mean really loud. i cant really say its bass shy either i mean its just not bass biassed and that is fine.
how loud is it well i had it turned up too three quarters and it was louder but not bassier than the kaboom. so i turned it down.
it is fantastic. i mean it really just blew me aways with how good it sounds.
i think alot of people have never heard one and also i think some folks are reminded of the tomy robot from the same era..
it kicks serious sonic mass

isolator42 - 2008-01-22 04:16

Originally posted by billpc55:
...i have been doing things with it lately wich are quite strange and i wont admit to...

Oh man, stop the the pictures in my head... Big Grin

billpc55 - 2008-01-22 11:10

fear not both the boombox and i are fully clothed.

allthough i am still wondering maybe disco robo is a girl robot.
scratch another of the possible devices other than a boombox it could be off the list.

jlf - 2008-01-22 19:39

Ha ha ha! Yes!

Bill.... Ive never been a fan of these until your thread here!

It looks great! I never knew the speakers moved like that either?!

Now Ive got to find me one! Smile

billpc55 - 2008-01-22 19:58

Originally posted by JLF:
Ha ha ha! Yes!

Bill.... Ive never been a fan of these until your thread here!

It looks great! I never knew the speakers moved like that either?! i tell you my friend it is amazing it is super loud and well it just really sounds good.
its louder than a pc55 i think alot of guys who have them must not have the disco button working beacause its kind of like a five hundred horse nitrous system. its not super serious in the bass depo but it does represent a very nice bass sound as it is. i mean its not hyped like on a kaboom. not that hyped bass is a bad thing.
it really does look cool too i mean i just has 1984 dance party written all over it.
yep those speakers opening up like that is pretty neat. i mean the speaker design on this box is pretty fasinating to me. how in the hell they can make four little speakers that loud i just dont know.
today i was running a drum machine through it in the studio and i tell you it is fn loud man i mean i would say it sounds like it must be over fifty watts to my ears i would say it sounds like a seventy five watt amp i am unsure tho that is my guess.
when i play it besides a hundred watt keyboard amp it is nearly as loud but it hasnt the crazy base. however it litteraly decimates my kaboom with regards to upper and mid range. there is no eq but the was the line in works is pretty flat in terms of adding or taking aways from the signal.
the coolest boombox i own and the shape of it is odd.
i mean the robot thing i still just dont see. allthough i will admit it does have a r2d2 thing sort of going on. its really a must have as far as i can see i mean it really sounds loud and it is a nice kind of loud. i mean the only way it could be better is if it had strobe lights.

Now Ive got to find me one! Smile

- 2008-01-24 22:37

nice boomer bill it looks between a boomer and 2 rubix cubes now imagine one done in that style congratis mate, nice to see you back

billpc55 - 2008-01-25 09:58

thanks man. its a wierdo that is for sure. i think it has a identity crisis and thinks its a dalek. its super loud too in a good way.i definatley think it would be odd in a rubix cube motif.

i think its going to start yelling where is the doctor at some point. heheh

i dont know i mean i have been using this boombox for a few days now and loud as well.
this is a really loud portable radio. in fact i dont know if there is anything this size wich can come close the amount of volume it has. i also think the bass is just fine on it. the disco button i have working now and i dont know if it turns on a second amp or what but its truly something wich will drop your jaw if you have never heard one before. if you have one without a working disco button i suggest you fix it. i mean how many watts is this boombox. i am thinking this must be forty real watts. the drivers appear to be pioneer five inch drivers like the ones in car stereos. again its just superbly cool