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ned.209 - 2008-01-27 05:47

oooo - kayyyyy. herewego. i won this last week, for the paltry sum of - E 2.20

its tiny, its lightweight and its sony. ideal. the idea is, to get rid of the frikkin wires.

help me get rid of the wires, please!

so, theres two routes - use this with an fm transmitter sellotaped on to my archos 404- or - do the same thing but using a bluetooth transmitter and reciever. bluetooth appently would be better quality, but whatever the solution, its got to be lightweight and small. apologies for the tatty thread, im a lil worse for wear, but i said id throw it out there and see what came back.

so -

anybody know of any sweet lil fm transmitters, or bluetooth recievers thatll run on AA or AAA batteries ?

ned.209 - 2008-01-27 11:48

well, i searched, and i found...



all i need now, is cash.

ao - 2008-01-27 14:03


ned.209 - 2008-01-31 15:06

Jesus Agent.

anyway, im about to have a bluetooth blaster

reciever (runs on an AA battery, handy)

bluetooth enabled mp3 player

goodbye to wires. course it may nmot work out, but hell its worth a try