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kballenger53 - 2011-04-26 07:00

Sorry I've been away for a while, but moving from Jacksonville, FL to West Orange, NJ can take it's toll on you!!!  But I'm really digging the new layout here!!!  NICE!!!  For all the new Cats out there, I'm KBallenger53, one of the Veterans here at Stereo2Go.  Lot's of members went on to other sites, but I'm going to be Posting here again like Old Times!!!  Enjoy your stay and have FUN!!!



docs - 2011-04-26 08:46

Welcome back.

driptip - 2011-04-26 08:59

welcome back and hope to see lots of your postings man,

tho i have to admit i dont remember your name KBallenger53, did you go by other name before?

kballenger53 - 2011-04-26 09:10

Originally Posted by driptip:

welcome back and hope to see lots of your postings man,

tho i have to admit i dont remember your name KBallenger53, did you go by other name before?

Nope, I'm the One and Only!!!  I still have the same Avatar I had when I joined 3 years ago!!!  That's my Pride And Joy:  Realistic SCR-2 by Radio Shack!!!



kballenger53 - 2011-04-26 11:30

Thanks Lav!  I'm glad to see you're still here!  Is Bendy Cat still around with his BMX's?


retro - 2011-04-26 21:12

Welcome back KBallenger53, it's always great to see members return to the forum.

brutus442 - 2011-04-26 22:00

Welcome back  KBallenger53!



kballenger53 - 2011-04-28 06:50

Ah, I'm feelin' the love!  You're making me blush!!!  Thanks Guys!!!  I'm even glad to see that Geoff Hartwell still has that Dancing Bear doing the Splits!!!