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Recycling Centre Find :-)

venturesforth2 - 2011-05-26 06:50

Following on from the GF777 and Bombeat, I found this yesterday. Its a JVC RS-WP1 that you wear on your back. JVC made some whacky machines and this is one of them that didn't seem to sell, so its very rare. Because it is designed to be worn as a backpack, they left out a transformer in order to save on weight, so we had trouble tracking down a power adaptor for it.


Its in a bit of a state, but it is definitely 'rescuable'. The only real issue is a rusty grill which looks far worse in the photo that it is, but when we take it apart, we can probably clean and repaint it neatly. The CD works, but the tape deck will need a new belt.


Everyone who has seen it, loves it!


Its awesome in respect of the sound, REALLY loud and no distortion at top volume. Okay, its only about 9 years old, but, like the Kaboom, I like it a lot.


Price?   £9 (about US$14)



bub - 2011-05-26 07:38

That is absolutely ridiculous and strangely awesome.


I can just imagine the meeting from which this was born.


JVC lead deisigner: "I've got a brilliant idea! Let's create a Boombox that you carry on your back and all the buttons are inaccessible EXCEPT to random irritated people walking behind you!"


Marketing executive: " It sounds like a great application for the teenage market we are losing nowadays. Just imagine: You can wear it like a backpack to school. Every other kid will think you are hip, cool, in, in and... what's the other word kids like to use nowadays?"


Random intern: "what?"


JVC Engineer: "We can sell it as a sports Boombox. Make it look real aerodynamic and smooth. Give it a CD unit, radio, cassette..."


Marketing executive: "Cassettes are not cool anymore. Make sure nobody can tell that it  has a cassette deck. Hide it in the back or something."


JVC designer: "I'll just make the window really small like everybody else does. This is epic, guys. We are on to something."




(I'm quite sure that it has a remote though.)

venturesforth2 - 2011-05-26 07:52

Originally Posted by bub:

(I'm quite sure that it has a remote though.)


I believe they did, but what are the chances of finding it in the bins at the recycling centre? (OMG, I just looked at the photos and realised that there is a pocket on the strap for the remote. It may still be there - will have to phone my mate and see if it is still there (as its currently in his shop awaiting restoration).


LOL, like you, I felt it was awesome, but bonkers, which is why I grabbed it. I'm sure people felt the same about the JVC kaboom.....

litfan - 2011-05-26 08:33

Mm. It`s ovoiusly not splash resistant. Is it bagless?

venturesforth2 - 2011-05-26 08:53

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Mm. It`s ovoiusly not splash resistant. Is it bagless?

Hmmm, come the fall, we're hoping we can blow leaves with it. Just need to find the right socket for blowing, and not sucking....

metad - 2011-05-26 10:18

this radio for teenage mutant ninja turtles, LOL



dragonhead00 - 2011-05-30 23:21

That's just ugly and stupid. I can't believe I want one. Quite a score.

bison - 2011-06-03 14:53

my local recycling centre now resembles tescos,everything is allocated its own container under supervision...its quite a big place and if you did see something you wouldnt stand a chance of getting it... ...nice find though

zx280 - 2011-06-06 15:28

This is absolutely amazing. Anyone know how long in production? What a great conversation piece and are you going to wear it!

radio.raheem - 2011-06-06 21:13

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Mm. It`s ovoiusly not splash resistant. Is it bagless?

Mmm looks like someones apendage strapped to 4 speakers...ever watch buck rodgers