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andyboombox - 2011-07-05 06:46

well guys just taken delivery of a black on black bang and olufsen beosystem 10.all i can say is damn.what a fine piece of equipment this thing is.the looks are fantastic.the sound is incredible.all from a package no bigger than a sharp gf 4646!its so heavy,it weighs as much as a much bigger boombox.and there is the point in question-is it a boombox?i mean,to look at it its not got the box look-to drawing room or library-i mean,you wouldnt have took this out in the day would you?but the sound it produces is incredible-ive had many a fine box and it wipes the floor with them.and the best part?straight swap for the 9191-i didnt mind too much because the internal amp was going on it i think anyway lol.so,who else has one of these,and in your mind is it a box or a piece of true home equipment?

radio.raheem - 2011-07-05 08:57

What piils are you on andy....they sound ok but that's about it.....congrats tho mate...btw send me those pills

billy.the.binman - 2011-07-05 14:25

photo of said box or its bull shiza

metad - 2011-07-06 02:01

Leave him alone

there is no need to make fun of him.




walkgirl - 2011-07-06 07:30

lav.loo - 2011-07-06 13:23

sounds sweet ANDY, but i would defo of kept the 9191

claret.badger - 2011-07-07 01:23

Yeh I got both

and the Sharp smashes the B&O imho (which is really a Grundig or a Philips anyway)

The B&O does have a certain something - but it isn't presence


andyboombox - 2011-07-07 02:11

thanks for the replies guys-ive run out of those pills you mentioned tim lol it does have a great sound guys,just not the true image of the quintessential boombox we all know and love!

cheers for the pic metad,theres no saying which of those shady characters best resemble moi lol

hey superflyguy i know what your saying about the 9191 versus the b&o,but when i saw the slab sided lines of the beosystem 10 i just had to have it.....plus when my mate gets bored of the sharp i may end up with it again any way lol

hey claret badger it is true that some bang and olufsen products are made up of other companies components-this model i have was nade in japan,rather than denmark like most of their stuff-but to call it a grundig or a philips?thats a little harsh lol


claret.badger - 2011-07-07 04:58

dang - you're right, I just checked - hmmm and I got the matching wall bracket too!

I felt for sure this was made by one of the EU brands.

Certainly not a cuss in rgd to Philips or Grundig who both make solid boomers

isolator42 - 2011-07-20 00:56

I have one of these - it's build is amongst the best I've ever seen in a boomer & the looks are, well... B&O. If you like B&O, you'll love it (that's me), if not, you'll hate it.

Sound? well, it's good enough, but I don't think it's anything particularly special. The stereo-wide is nice & the single tone control is one of those very rare types that actually boosts the bass if you turn it down. Most are just variable treble controls. Ours gets to be used in the dining room because it passed the toughest test of all; my wife likes the look of it   

radio.raheem - 2011-07-29 12:36

I belive this is the B N O some guy is trying to get £999 for on our ebay....what a GREEDY sod....i hope the seller gave you more than a 5ver for it andy..

radio.raheem - 2011-07-29 12:45

Ohh it's dropped to £499 what a bargin lol...you guys must go and buy it....First let me shoot myself in the head..




isolator42 - 2011-08-01 01:42

it's down to £199 now. If it keeps going in that direction it'll be the right price soon. I paid £40 for mine2-3 yrs ago, & that's about right IMHO... 

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 01:53

Originally Posted by isolator42:

it's down to £199 now. If it keeps going in that direction it'll be the right price soon. I paid £40 for mine2-3 yrs ago, & that's about right IMHO... 

I agree 100% iso

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 02:23

Just try and put some better drivers in paul....that normally improves things on most boxes,,,

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 02:41

Good to see you on here lad....I would like to see your complete 3d colection...even if nobody else does...i mean that is true dedication, of wich i helped to compete lad...if only in a small way

isolator42 - 2011-08-01 02:45

You're right, Tim, I need to get that done.
Y'know, my 4 year old son has that CX200 in his bedroom right now & loves it. CDplayer, tape & radio still working 100%. It could do with a new centre woofer though, I never did manage to stop it's crackling sound...


I may have been a bit wrong above about the Beosystem10. I think the internals are Japanese & the drive units do have reasonably sized magnets.
Here's my post with pics from way back:
LINK ERROR.8#193392314112064698

& for those who care, here's a link to a PDF of it's Manual:


radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 03:18

bless ya...your son has my old 3d....i hope you cleaned it in demestos before you gave him it..lol remember what a state it was...hey those b..n..o woofers look half decent with the cloth rolled edge..I diddn't expect that....

isolator42 - 2011-08-01 03:39

While were mucking about down memory lane, I've dug out my post on the CX200 clean-up; yes every last component got a damn good clean, & damn, did it need it!


Good little boomer really - so long as you don't need big volume ...& my 4-year old definitely does NOT 
Just want to drop in a good replacement centre woofer...

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 04:39

That's not fair paul....that was after my clean up.....but realy i have just noticed something bro....if you look close you actually got rid of those marks on the front case....I diddn't notice it before but i have a much bigger screen now.....how the hell did you manage that....well my foams have just arrived....time to refoam my toshiba

isolator42 - 2011-08-01 04:46

yeh, should've said every component on the inside needed a damn good clean 

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 04:58

haha iso....well that was short work the foams are too bloody big

radio.raheem - 2011-08-01 06:58

All is not lost...the foams fit another box perfect...i always thought the pc55 speakers (for refrance) were 5 "" mmm they must be 4""