What happened to all the smileys?
superduper - 2011-07-08 16:31
I thought we had a lot more to choose from, or did I remember wrong?
retro - 2011-07-08 17:56
superduper - 2011-07-08 19:52
Thanks Retro. Sometimes, it seems like the small number of smiley's isn't enough to express the full range of emotions to adequately represent the totality of a post. Remember that unlike face/face or voice to voice where vocal expression and body language can say a lot, it's hard to express the same with just plain text.
walkgirl - 2011-07-08 21:50
Smilies are good!
radio.raheem - 2011-07-13 20:24
Yes most of them don't work....We should have stinky ones too