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sharp GF9696

boehm145 - 2011-07-22 15:05

help!!my casette player sort of crapped out.when i select the tape a humming sound comes through the right speaker.but when i push down on the edit button and hold it down it goes away..any ideas....

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 15:23

hi man,try pressing record then stop a couple of times (with either a blank tape,or a tape with music on that you dont care about,then try playing a tape again..

boehm145 - 2011-07-22 15:33

HEY!!!! that seemed to work out good!! how did you know that.?. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

boehm145 - 2011-07-22 15:39

Originally Posted by boehm145:

HEY!!!! that seemed to work out good!! how did you know that.?. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

i could just kiss you dude!!i had this problem foe awile too..funny it seemed to happen with batteries only and not the ac cord..

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 15:43

Its no problem man,its a common problem on boomboxes,they have an internal record lever/switch that often gets dirty and it can cause problems..its happened to me a few times in the past..Glad i could help..enjoy that box,i have a 9696 but its in poor condition,but it  sounds nice..

radio.raheem - 2011-07-22 15:48

He used to work for sharp...and knows his stuff


New smilies cheerz  paul. retro

boehm145 - 2011-07-23 08:34

hello beanie my man!! now that my radio is in great health again.would i do damage to the casette player if i demagnitize it? and how would i know when and if it needs to be?? thanks,yours truly

ghettoman - 2011-07-23 12:41

how doo again man..no it should'nt harm it to demagnatize it,i have done it to mine a while ago,is the one you are going to use a cassette with an red l.e.d ? mine was like that..it never made any difference to the sound of any of mine,they just sounded the same..

davebush - 2011-07-23 13:39

turn the volume down when you do it or wear ear defenders man

radio.raheem - 2011-07-23 15:13

I have used a demag unit...mind you it was the old type...like a solering iron...my point is it trashed the heads...on my technics tape deck...so I don't recommend it