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Its running free Yeah, Its running free...

sega - 2011-09-19 03:29

Well I got the bugger to go at the right speed, it wasnt maiden I was using to test it, it was acctually Moog and Bowie tapes I got down the local charity shop for 10p a piece.

The tape counter doesnt work atm as I took the belt off that runs it and havent seen it since and theres a bit of a static noise but it goes away after a bit and I reckon thats just where one of the wires is a bit close to something and the EMF is affecting it.

Now its onto cosmetics which will be fun as Im going to be using a Modelling clay known as green stuff and I need to figure out a paint that will blend the parts in, then its getting the glass cut and milled as well as finding an appropiate sticker to hide the crack on the front, could be a case of ordering some maiden ones again.

After thats all done and the glass is in I reckon I can put it all back together as I think I can fit the tuner dial from the outside.

Ive also sorted out the floppiness of one of its ariels so you can now get the full alert rabbit ears effect.

- 2011-09-19 06:56

It's great to make a 'new thread' but, Just what in the 'heck' are you texting about ???

Make? Model? Version? 

Yes it's known that this in in the boombox area but just what it this?

sega - 2011-09-19 07:09

It was my Crown CSC 950 that Ive been at war with, it now sort of works, Im about to go pick up the glass for it as I type.

- 2011-09-19 07:24

Originally Posted by Sega:

It was my Crown CSC 950 that Ive been at war with, it now sort of works, Im about to go pick up the glass for it as I type.

thank you Sega

radio.raheem - 2011-09-19 08:45

Now who is spamming lol no seriously...nice one sega .....my crown is still in bits...just feel to down to put it back togeather

sega - 2011-09-19 09:05

I almost didnt put mine together, it almost found itself kicked over the back fence, its not properly together yet as the front is still loose as Ive still got cosmetic work to do.

Ive got the glass, the guy gave me 2 bits as one is 1mm short, not that you would notice when it was on, Hopfully my dad can machine the last bit of it so it fits right.

It does stick a tiny bit but its barely noticeable, it appears to be down to a worn part in the mechanisim that I cant do much about.