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Out of the game...

bredgeo - 2011-11-12 07:53

It is interesting not buying any more... I still find myself looking at eBay every-so-often to see the prices and what is up for bids. Also go onto Yahoo Jap now and again. Been keeping mine up and running, clean and all.

I guess the only one I am missing is the Rising SCR 2005 (that I had one fair and square off of eBay Germany... But I was fUucked from behind by the seller).

That Rising that I had won, well... eBay did do NOTHING about that bad seller for I had not used PayPal for that. So in one go -if you look at it closely- I was fUucked twice from behind, once from the vendor and once ROYALLY by eBay... 'cause I did not use their money laundering system "PayPal".

Oh well... One day I might have that extra cash around and go back on the market for that Rising........ ONE DAY!

If not, who is still on the market and who is off? Let us know.

Later guys!

litfan - 2011-11-12 08:33

I can tell you my man, from experience. Don`t get shut of any boxes, you`ll regret it later. The way the market is now, it would cost me £1,000`s to replace all mine.

bredgeo - 2011-11-12 08:41

Hey Lit.... I know! But money, the evil of the universe... I think with time I will get that Rising, I hope...

retro - 2011-11-12 08:42

I stopped collecting years ago, but if something I really want pops up, I'm going for it.  I kind of lost the fire for a while, but regained it when I came back to this forum. Anyway, I hope you will still stick around Bredego.

bredgeo - 2011-11-12 08:55

Originally Posted by retro:
Anyway, I hope you will still stick around Bredego.

Ahhhhh.... I am on and off (like for the other site)... So, none of us are gone and none of us with REALLY ever stop, right?!

- 2011-11-12 09:15

well I have only 'bought' Three boombox's panasonic RX-a2, jvc rc-363c, sanyo m7770k this year sofar and have sold about 20 of my collection sofar, working on packing up two m90's & one m50 that have been sold,,, with more to be sold...

bredgeo - 2011-11-12 09:42

Ahhhh.... Leaving the trade. I wonder if I will ever do that one day??????

litfan - 2011-11-12 10:30

Well. I keep saying, i`ll stop looking at S2GO, as, it brings back all the memories of boxes i had. I only sold mine, because, they were lying round all over, and, it was impeeding my walking progress. I was alway`s falling over one. Like you say, if you don`t need the money, leave the boxes as they are, till the feeling comes back.

ghettoman - 2011-11-12 10:38

i know exactly what you mean brian..thats what i've been saying about ebay.de,most sellers wont accept paypal,only bank transfer,which i wont do because you have absolutely No Protection at all,when you pay through bank transfer you are in the hands of the seller,if they dont send the item and keep your cash,there is nothing you can do..i am totally with you that ebay and paypal are a COMPLETE CON,but when buying anything,i will only use paypal because you are protected, or cash in person,No Way would i use bank transfer !!


Richard did you say it would cost you a £1000 to replace your collection ? and the rest mate,if you sold your collection for a grand to roddy,i would have gave you that in a second,i did message you at the time and asked what you wanted for them all,even if you would have said £2000 i would have come up to yours the same day and bought them myself..

deliverance - 2011-11-12 12:26

i have seen some good stuff on german ebay ,  but no way bank transfer last week i asked can i pay with pay pal i even said i will give you a little extra for your trouble no go,  thers been a couple on here to be honest asked about them told other members on it ,   fair enough then seen them on ebay !  

geoffhartwell - 2011-11-12 13:16

i dont collect any more ,but still look on bay and car boot, any still see whats going on on the forums, its a hard habbit to total kick

ghettoman - 2011-11-12 13:16

like i said a couple of times,if i can get a JC2000,a Sharp GF858,GF787,GX400 (only found in japan) maybe lasonic 931,and one from my youth,a deccasound or worldswave,and now i want the little marantz 3 piece..that would probebly me done then,i would still look around (like a collector does) but i dont think i would bother buying any more..got too many now,its getting silly..


Edit..geoff,was it you that had a Hitachi TRK W1E ?

geoffhartwell - 2011-11-12 13:25

yes it was, and its got the top walkman compartment door

ghettoman - 2011-11-12 13:32

Ha ha you swine geoff :-) i had one of them when i was a young kid,got it brand new out of the catalogue,it broke so had to send it back..you must have rememebered me when i mentioned the walkman outer flaps are always missing lol.. have you got a pick of yours ? just for old skool sake ?

redbenjoe - 2011-11-12 13:34

hi geoff

do you still have your terrific collection ?

geoffhartwell - 2011-11-12 13:39

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:

hi geoff

do you still have your terrific collection ?


i do redbenjoe, will never sell them, well maybe when im very old and cant work on them anymore,


will post a pic of that hitachi soon beanie man

redbenjoe - 2011-11-12 13:41

thats cool -

and i remember your awesome display set-up = YES!!!!!!!

geoffhartwell - 2011-11-12 14:09

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:

thats cool -

and i remember your awesome display set-up = YES!!!!!!!

that was a fun day,




ao - 2011-11-12 14:52

I stopped buying years ago (Walkmans too) but as Retro says, if something tasty is dragged past my eyes I will chase it.  In fact, I did find a boxed yellow sports walkman local to me here in France and bought it, it felt weird but the sad truth was that as soon as the postman delivered it i didn't even bother getting it out of the box, slightly worrying.


saxonman - 2011-11-13 03:36

I am out but still look!!! my collection of only 6 fully working box's is enough for me now!! sorry to hear about your bad experience on ebay i agree about paypal!! but i must say i have had some great deals on ebay and havn't got any problem with it but i may just be lucky!!! got my 767 sanyo 9996 and a hitachi 8600 all of ebay all well packaged and good price!!  

- 2011-11-13 05:58

Originally Posted by agentorange:

I stopped buying years ago (Walkmans too) but as Retro says, if something tasty is dragged past my eyes I will chase it.  In fact, I did find a boxed yellow sports walkman local to me here in France and bought it, it felt weird but the sad truth was that as soon as the postman delivered it i didn't even bother getting it out of the box, slightly worrying.


Ditto recently with a rare to me wm-10rv won-used.  But, not worrying!  Am used to this 'idea' now, I'll remember it once again soon like just now

bredgeo - 2011-11-13 06:13

Hummmm... I then think we all agree that if that "Special One" comes along we would go for it (Bboxes or WM)...

erniejade - 2011-11-13 21:28

I stopped ebay hunting and just do local hunting now. I have thinned out the heard but, i still have like 40 units here lol.   

ghettoman - 2011-11-14 04:42

same here,i've got about 60 boxes,i did have about 80 but i sold,thrown,gave some so now i'm down,but sometimes having this many can get a bit ridiculous and they end up in the way,but you find that even with this amound you still get attatched the them and dont want to give any up,even if you have more than one of the same box,when you know you have to get rid of some to make more space,its a horrible dilemma deciding which ones have to go..

isolator42 - 2011-11-14 05:13

I'm not a buyer anymore either. Still watch eBay as part of the interest in boomers though...

blaster - 2011-11-14 07:45

i had sold my entire collection unfortunately because of my debt...i regret it so much...i stayed with only one my 777....but i will get back again my favorites someday..

- 2011-11-14 11:42

Originally Posted by Blaster:

i had sold my entire collection unfortunately because of my debt...i regret it so much...i stayed with only one my 777....but i will get back again my favorites someday..

Curious as to which Brands/Model's were Your Favorites?

Your Top Ten perhaps - not knowing how many you had?

ghettoman - 2011-11-14 11:43

i think i have an idea of his fave james,probebly his GF1000..

litfan - 2011-11-14 15:25

Sorry for the late reply paul lad. I only sold my boxes, coz, the physyio`s paid a visit to our house, before i came out of rehab. They were absolotutely flabergastered, when they saw the boxes on the floor, in my bedroom. They came to see me, and said, richard, i`m afraid those radios will have to go. The money didn`t matter, i just wanted them out of the way. It was only after, when i regained some of my senses, that i regretted it. I didn`t really know you wanted em paul lad, i kept it all hush-hush. Ah well, never mind. I gave roddy 2 m9994`s. I asked him to repair 1 and send it back. Haven`t heard from him since . Bit of a bummer.

radio.raheem - 2011-11-14 19:05

Rich lad...just about half the world would have wanted you're collection lad....I remember...you were the first to have an m90 then me....now there common as muck....


but hey I have nearly sold my whole collection more than once....it's easily done in times of sevire depression....

- 2011-11-14 19:13

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Rich lad...just about half the world would have wanted you're collection lad....I remember...you were the first to have an m90 then me....now there common as muck....  but hey I have nearly sold my whole collection more than once....it's easily done in times of sevire depression....

words escape me ...

radio.raheem - 2011-11-14 19:45

James the m90 is a superb radio....one of the best....if not the best....but it still dosent alter the fact that there more common than the pet dog now.....back then it was different...i posted up here .....with 3 or 4 m90's and it felt like the world stood still.....ohh and i don't have a dog...see what i mean lol

erniejade - 2011-11-14 20:25

I still don't have a 90   one day   thats still on my wish list for sure. 

- 2011-11-14 20:34

Originally Posted by erniejade:

I still don't have a 90   one day   thats still on my wish list for sure. 

1,089 mi, 18 hours 8 minsI-57 N

sold three of them m90's so far - just a day trip - hmm - I could see my aunt's n uncle's an grandma an...

redbenjoe - 2011-11-14 20:34

hey rich -

reading your post about the 9994 rip --


hoping your entire great collection did not go to waste ?

blaster - 2011-11-14 20:44

yeah i had about in my collection say 13 grails in my collection...and couple ipod boxes .....all of the 777 family...4 japaneses versions and both domestics versions i had
c100f, c126, t999....rising 20/20....toshiba tx-1....and the sharp HK-9000 and the lasonic ipod box...and this other retro mini one....so 15 in total....but my top favs are the 1000 999 777......the conion of course the 100F...
Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:
Originally Posted by Blaster:

i had sold my entire collection unfortunately because of my debt...i regret it so much...i stayed with only one my 777....but i will get back again my favorites someday..

Curious as to which Brands/Model's were Your Favorites?

Your Top Ten perhaps - not knowing how many you had?

- 2011-11-14 21:10

@ Blaster - Of your list, have only had the 777's and recently sold both, C126, sharp HK-9000 - I never have had.

None of the one's that you have had, do I wish anymore

The one's that I presently have of your list are for sale.

( C100F & TC-999 ) wish to hang onto a bit longer till parts are installed - then sell'em

blaster - 2011-11-14 21:28

well the next one for sure i want again is the c100f...because that was my box i had when i was a young teen...i had two of them actually in the 80s....a c100f and a c100ff..

isolator42 - 2011-11-14 23:56

Lit, it's confusing me as to why a home-visiting physio would tell you to sell your boomers?


...tell me where to get off if I'm sticking my nose in, of course 

- 2011-11-15 01:07

Originally Posted by Blaster:

well the next one for sure i want again is the c100f...because that was my box i had when i was a young teen...i had two of them actually in the 80s....a c100f and a c100ff..

Now you have me curious as to what is the difference between the Conion C-100F and the Same thing With ( TWO F's )

bredgeo - 2011-11-15 01:20

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Sorry for the late reply paul lad. I only sold my boxes, coz, the physyio`s paid a visit to our house, before i came out of rehab. They were absolotutely flabergastered, when they saw the boxes on the floor, in my bedroom. They came to see me, and said, richard, i`m afraid those radios will have to go. The money didn`t matter, i just wanted them out of the way. It was only after, when i regained some of my senses, that i regretted it. I didn`t really know you wanted em paul lad, i kept it all hush-hush. Ah well, never mind. I gave roddy 2 m9994`s. I asked him to repair 1 and send it back. Haven`t heard from him since . Bit of a bummer.

The physio story is fuUcked! The M9994 is even MORE FuUCKED!!!


Some people!!!!!!!

bredgeo - 2011-11-15 01:44

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

Now you have me curious as to what is the difference between the Conion C-100F and the Same thing With ( TWO F's )

Maybe one F is for Fantastic and two Fs is for Focking Fantastic...

ghettoman - 2011-11-15 03:45

richard mate,if you would have pm'd me back and said you would have took 2 grand,i would have come up that day and took the lot,i mean you had some serious grails eg M90,TOSH 40,Tosh with click out remote,GF999,GF1000,GF535,TOSH WX1,TOSH S90,and about 30 or 40 more,to me,they would have been easily worth good coin,no wonder roddy drove from germany to north of england,he knew he was getting an incredible deal..wish i would have got my hands on them,i would have bought them,and would have sold you some back when you got better..Damm,i'm finding it hard to talk about now because i missed on a Beautifull collection..But i'm also hurting for you too,knowing you will never see them again..

radio.raheem - 2011-11-15 04:06

im sure rich had alot more than 2 grand for his boxes paul lad...I wouldn't have answered the pm's door....for anything less

ghettoman - 2011-11-15 04:11

i probebly would have paid more lad..no probs,it would have been worth it !! i was thinking 2-3 geez at least..

radio.raheem - 2011-11-15 04:15

I know you would have lad....yea 3...4 k at least.....i have offered rich things nice for free in the past....dunno even what to say...as litfan is legendery in my book...and so where his boxes......made ben's (royals) look crap

blaster - 2011-11-15 06:33

the only difference between the two was the power consumption...the C100F had 45watts and the C100FF had 28watts...
Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:
Originally Posted by Blaster:

well the next one for sure i want again is the c100f...because that was my box i had when i was a young teen...i had two of them actually in the 80s....a c100f and a c100ff..

Now you have me curious as to what is the difference between the Conion C-100F and the Same thing With ( TWO F's )

litfan - 2011-11-15 08:18

Another thing. Roddy, and his mate, were so busy, collecting up boxes, they took a pioneer tube receiver by mistake.

radio.raheem - 2011-11-15 08:33

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Another thing. Roddy, and his mate, were so busy, collecting up boxes, they took a pioneer tube receiver by mistake.

Im 99 percent sure it was roddy....wich traded me his knackered elta for one of my m90's


the only thing i couldnt fault him on...he sent the elta in a hand made woodern crate to fit the elta....but both decks were screwed on the elta...so i soon got shot of that..

litfan - 2011-11-15 08:37

Well. He got my mint, fully working m90. Thought he would have been in touch by now, about the sanyo, but no.

radio.raheem - 2011-11-15 08:42

damn rich so many people get away with it lad....perhaps he may read these posts and feel some remorse