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The love of fixing boomboxes

buzz70 - 2012-04-25 06:49

The past couple of years have been tough on my wife and I - losing jobs, losing a few loved ones, and sports ramping up for my son.  A few months ago, my wife suggested I start back up with my passion of fixing things.  I've fixed a number of items for neighbors, co-workers, and friends, but the past few days I've taken some time for my old passion - boomboxes.


I still have a few in the basement that need work - only it's been so long, that I couldn't remember what their issues were.  So, I started checking them out.


An awesome Panasonic RX-C60 had an issue with buzzing.  Found the diode culprit, and some beautiful music poured out of that amplifier.  Adjusted the bass, treble, and turned on the loudness button - and like before, I just loved the sound coming out of that machine.


I turned to my favorite mini: the Panasonic RX-C20.  This box wouldn't power up, and suffered some damage when someone left batteries in too long.  After a long clean-out and replacement of several wires and a couple of solder patch-ups, life breathed into the machine again.  The soft touch controls pushed with ease, and the tape mechanism sprang to life.  I music-searched to the next song on the Journey tape.  I was content and happy again.


Finally, another Panasonic RX-C41 had a transformer issue.  Replaced the transformer with another I had, and that one came right up as well.  Three resurrected boomboxes in two days - and what a joy it is.


Keep rockin' your radios, boombox fans!  There's no limit to the joy they can bring.

lav.loo - 2012-04-25 06:53

great to see members finding the passion again, welcome Buzz70 hope you keep it up and enjoy it as you should

brutus442 - 2012-04-25 06:59

Keep rockin' your radios, boombox fans!  There's no limit to the joy they can bring.


Amen Buzz70 and welcome home!