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Info on Ferguson 3T22.... beat switch...

los.gizzuardos - 2012-04-29 09:20

Hi guys, 


what a fantastic site. I've just spent a great couple of hours browsing around. So many lovely boxes to gawk at!


I recently bought an Akai AJ-520 which I use all the time and really love.


Anyway today at a swapmeet I also bought a Ferguson 3T22. It's a little beat up and needs some love but I was wondering if anyone here with one could help me with something...


Is there a user manual for the 3T22 floating around on the net? (or even a user manual for the other re-branded types of this box)


Also what does the beat switch do? I can't seem to get anything out of mine... it has 3 positions.... I would love to know!


I had a read through this great thread and originally wanted to post these questions there but it was locked as its a few years old now



Thanks guys!


metad - 2012-04-30 03:54

Hello and welcome


the old thread with answer on your question


los.gizzuardos - 2012-04-30 11:06

ahhh, ok I get it now.... can you believe I was actually hoping for some sort of b-boy phat beats to start pumping out of the thing?


Im such a noob.

los.gizzuardos - 2012-04-30 11:06

oh and thanks for the reply by they way, I really appreciate it!

metad - 2012-04-30 11:26

No problem


Yeah I see, you were confused by the word "beat", I think it's a manufacturer's fault , they could name this feature a bit different. 


Enjoy your new hobby