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jvc m90 speaker re-foaming

soundboy - 2012-09-12 10:23

im getting my m90 speakers re-foamed and may repair the cones also

can anyone give advice on this repair ?

the technition is strickly a speaker repair service

but is it better to just re-foam or is it better to re-cone and refoam?

shound is request any sertin matearals for the cones or the foam ?

thanks. im off th work and will check this post tomorrow before i go 

radio.raheem - 2012-09-12 17:18

I would get them reafoamed and recoiled...imho.....without testing them i couldn't say whats wrong with them....also i would suggest using rubber surrounds instead of foam...tbh

driptip - 2012-09-12 19:27

my m90 dont have foam surrounds, is all paper. 

maxx134 - 2012-09-14 03:55

Mine also are all paper so unless your mistaken or just want to repair the edge you can buy those kits and fix the surround yourself.
I never herd to recoiling them.
If th cones had any other edge I would assume they are not original,
and so would just replace them alltogether.

soundboy - 2012-09-14 08:29

thank for your reply, when i got there the guy told me that they are paper and if he replaced them with viynal i would lose my mid range. he gave me some glue and i glued the inside of the speaker,around the edge . this has been a lesson in "if its not broke dont fix it "

redbenjoe - 2012-09-14 08:52

other than painting a few woofs --

i never repaired any speakers -

we are very lucky to have a local pro speaker shop here-

in case you guys need some good help

these folks ship anywhere

SpeakerSaver.com, Unsurpassed Quality In Speaker Reconing, Repair and Reconditioning!

superduper - 2013-08-01 17:13

You guys might find this repair interesting.

