How much do you this Panasonic is worth?
walkman.archive - 2012-09-29 06:37
Hi all,
I came from "downstairs forums" up here to ask you for a few help. My sister has a boombox that she wants to sell.
It's a Panasonic RX-ED77, a cobra-type boombox:
It's in excellent cosmetic condition. All functions are working perfectly, except tapes, that doesn't play, although capstans do work.
It has also the remote and probably the original user's manual (but she still didn't find it).
Can you please tell me how is worth. I think 100-150 euros, but I'm not sure at all.
thanks in advance,
deliverance - 2012-09-29 06:40
hugo over here on ebay they go for £30/£40 if that some times . maybe a little more with the remote .
litfan - 2012-09-29 06:48
Bang on chris. They are very common over here. The ED-90, is a rarer beast.
stereo.mad - 2012-09-29 08:05
litfan - 2012-09-29 08:12
I would deffo take one, if it was free, as, they aren`t that bad.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 09:13
had one sounded utter shite.....not worth much imho
bison - 2012-09-29 09:22
as eggs go these must be pretty high up on the food chain,
if i seen one in the wild i would snaffle it
litfan - 2012-09-29 09:35
You wany yer flippin ears washin out, raheem lad .
walkman.archive - 2012-09-29 09:35
Thanks all of you.
I got the idea: not worth so much
Probably we put it for sell in an auction, however...
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 09:40
You wany yer flippin ears washin out, raheem lad .
i heard one brand new was no good even then
litfan - 2012-09-29 09:41
I won`t argue with you lad, just disagree.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 09:49
I''ll never argue with you lad.....hey wanna sell your 9000 that's in the shed....i can't find a decent one of those radiograms on the bay lad
litfan - 2012-09-29 09:56
9000? . If you mean, the general, with synthesizer tuner, it`s spoken for lad, sorry. I`ve never seen anything by panasonic, that was rubbish. Same with sony.
litfan - 2012-09-29 09:58
Which music centre do you mean, the sharp sg500? I`d love one of these.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 10:00
ill swap you a boxed bombeat 40 hehe had a mint boxed dt707 but that's gone now....only boxed box i have now is my dp200 bro
litfan - 2012-09-29 10:00
litfan - 2012-09-29 10:07
A boxed BB40. Even indiana jones, wouldn`t find one of these.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 10:09
thats sweet just junk on ebay lad or no postage
litfan - 2012-09-29 10:12
Yeah. I`ve seen a few. Pick up only.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 10:12
A boxed BB40. Even indiana jones, wouldn`t find one of these.
i think when he does..somebody i know on this thread is gunna be brassic ha ha
litfan - 2012-09-29 10:16
Yep. You`d have to sell your mums old vibrator.
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 10:20
haha i meant you ya'e never be mad enough or rich enough to buy one
litfan - 2012-09-29 10:29
Nah. I was tempted, by that m90, passed it up. I gave in, on the tosh sx1000. A boxed BB40? How much, do ya think? £5k?
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 10:33
what you didn't get the 1000......if stormin normin sold a boxed bb40 poss £8k and i mean our money not mickymouse $$$
litfan - 2012-09-29 11:24
No, i got the 1000. Hey, did you hear the one, about a woman, who get`s a vibrator stuck?
She goes to the doctor, he has a look, and say`s, it`s lodged, i`ll have to send you to the hospital. She goes to the hospital. Doctor say`s, i`m afraid, you`re going to have an operation. She has the operation, and, she`s laid in bed, coming round. The doctor walks in. She say`s, how did it go doctor. He say`s, i`ve got some good news, and, some bad news, which do you want first. She say`s, the bad news. Doctor say`s, well, it was so deep in, we couldn`t do anything. She say`s, well, what`s the good news. Doctor say`s, we managed to change the batteries .
radio.raheem - 2012-09-29 11:29
chuffin hell lad haha iv never been any good at jokes bro...that's a good un
how much that tosh set you back lad.....looks to me like the fine tuning knob is missing also son...(advantages of 50 "" screen)
litfan - 2012-09-29 11:39
Nah. It just look`s like that. One slider is missing. It was about £700.
walkman.archive - 2012-09-30 13:41
You wany yer flippin ears washin out, raheem lad .
Litfan, what do you mean? Because I don't understand a word...
lav.loo - 2012-09-30 13:46
Litfans saying the panasonic sounds good, he's telling Raheem to get some soapy water down his lugs so he can hear better
walkman.archive - 2012-09-30 13:59
Litfans saying the panasonic sounds good, he's telling Raheem to get some soapy water down his lugs so he can hear better
thanks Lav. I still have to learn so much "street language" ;-)
lav.loo - 2012-09-30 14:50
ha ha no worries mate, it's not really street language just good old british humour
litfan - 2012-09-30 15:15
That`s it aaron. If anyone from yorkshire, goes down to london, you might as well be talking swahili. There`s a girl i know, she`s going out with a cockney bloke, and, it`s f`in this, f`in that, every sentence.
lav.loo - 2012-09-30 15:20
ye it's pretty mad Rich, even back in greater manchester where i'm from you only have to go a few mile down the road and the language changes dramatically.
here's an example, instead of saying bus they say buz, it's bloody mad really