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Sunday Quiz

geoff.rcm70 - 2015-11-29 09:21

good luck guys my wife just came down with one of those looks

Was fun 

samovar - 2015-11-29 09:23

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Aiwa TPR-945

Michiel got it right first -- well done but I must say that today you're all a wonder!


deech, so far, got the three of them too bad I cannot give this to him as Michiel blitzed him out.


too bad also that Geoff must go -- well done pal, you almost got right all three -- first time you got the lady right, which is ok and in a way even better so to speak


Now this is really easy:




#4. which box is the lady carrying on? 





deech - 2015-11-29 09:23



samovar - 2015-11-29 09:27

Originally Posted by deech:



wow well done my friend! this must be the fastest answer ever produced to the quiz so far 





now just a two minutes break before I upload the right pic for the final countdown... 

michiel - 2015-11-29 09:28

Disco Lite!

michiel - 2015-11-29 09:29

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Disco Lite!

Oh man! Dude!

samovar - 2015-11-29 09:34

you ready? here we go:





# 5. which box is the lady advertising? (now that's a big help!) 

michiel - 2015-11-29 09:42

Sharp GF-9191! Maybe

samovar - 2015-11-29 09:44

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Sharp GF-9191!

a shot in the dark or you have been blinded by the lady's beauty Michiel  unfortunately, it is not the 9191

samovar - 2015-11-29 09:48

a little help -- or more confusion, depending on what you're focusing on 




deech - 2015-11-29 09:52

Pioneer sk-909



deech - 2015-11-29 09:54


Woo hoo !

Goodnight from me too !

samovar - 2015-11-29 09:55

and the winner is...




deech, the man with steel nerves and inhuman self-control!   


samovar - 2015-11-29 09:58

here's the statistics:


#1. deech, Geoff

#2. Geoff, deech

#3. Michiel, deech, Geoff

#4. deech

#5. deech


thank you all, this time the Quiz was quick and fun. Goonite everybody & see ya next Sunday 

samovar - 2015-12-13 08:50

hi folks,

first of all my apologies for skipping one quiz. Last Sunday I run into a last-minute problem which, in fact, lasted almost the whole week. I'm back now, although I confess I still have to put my pics in order.

As a warm up, try to find out what's the box featured in the following pic. I decided to use it because of the succes of my last quiz and also as a way of paying homage to a related thread --Michiel's on half-naked Sonys 

I couldn't swear that I know which box is portrayed in the following pic -- although I have my ideas So no matter if the pre-quiz is solved or not: just have some fun until I post the first cue of the real Quiz. Here we go:


deech - 2015-12-13 09:55

Aiwa CS-350 definitely 

samovar - 2015-12-13 10:00

deech posted:

Aiwa CS-350 definitely 

that's precisely what I had in mind!  It would be interesting to see if anybody has other ideas, but as far as I am concerned you won the warm-up stage so to speak- well done Mr D!

samovar - 2015-12-13 10:04

time for the real quiz. please forgive the low quality pics but I am experiencing troubles with the upload of new images (thanks hoop.la for making life easier on s2go ). I am using an old, low resolution image. hope it's clear enough:



deech - 2015-12-13 10:13

Warming up, Just bring Metad and Michiel in the arena !! giphy warmup

samovar - 2015-12-13 10:23

deech posted:

Warming up, Just bring Metad and Michiel in the arena !!

lol that's right! thinking of Michiel, here's a pic I found online of today's mystery box. being unable to upload my own HD pics, I decided to post it. it's the stripped version of the box, so to speak

screen-capture-4before you think that I am paying too many homages to Michiel, here's my homage to James -- apparently back in business with apparently good news for me: a second inside out pic


metad - 2015-12-13 10:53

taiwanese Telefunken 100


jamesrc550 - 2015-12-13 10:55

Really tiny Clue # 1


samovar - 2015-12-13 10:59

metad posted:

taiwanese Telefunken 100

er... when metad enters the arena there's not much left to his --none the less excellent -- competitors. the master is the master: indeed today's mysterious box is my beloved...



well done again metad, champion of champions

metad - 2015-12-13 11:07

deech - 2015-12-13 11:08

Wel done Metad !! 

 I was ready to enter the arena when you showed up !

giphy excite


metad - 2015-12-13 11:11

come on deech buddy, this gif is nasty 

samovar - 2015-12-13 11:14

well done you all guys! I guess it's fair to say that today's statistics are:

football league -- winner: deech

champions league -- winner: metad

see you next week

deech - 2015-12-13 11:22

Metad I think Caesar gif represents Sals exact feelings this moment !!   Entertained from us competitors !! Football League Sal eh ?? Got to try harder ! Metad is untouchable.

jt.techno - 2015-12-19 07:10

samovar posted

today's mysterious box is my beloved...



Just received one of these in the post - a very warm and full sound - I was pleasantly surprised and it is also a very solid box but does not weigh a ton - will need a clean up and replacement dial bulb but very pleased with this overall - it was a great subject for your last weeks quiz :-)

samovar - 2015-12-19 12:41

The Funky CR-100 is one of the best-kept secrets around. I've got two, one of them in superb conditions. It gives many a point to bigger and more titled boxes. It can play very loud without distortion and, conversely, with incredibly pleasant sound.

jt.techno - 2015-12-19 16:08

Indeed - let's keep it that way and say no more ... although I also got a CR-30 this week too and not bad for a £30 (including shipping) basic box ... but the more accomplished CR-100 takes the crown ... maybe the 850 Crown at that ... ooh ... controversial ... lol ;-)

samovar - 2015-12-20 03:08

Hi folks, sorry for spoiling it again but I must quit in a few minutes and don't have the time to prepare a proper quiz. Thought it was better to post so that today you don't wait for an opportunity to break metad's record See you next Sunday on this thread, and tomorrow or possibly even tonite on others

samovar - 2016-01-10 07:53

Ready for the first SQ of the year, folks? Hope so cause I may quit soon so a quick solution is welcome  Here's the first clue:


samovar - 2016-01-10 08:11

Mmm... let's speed the process up. Once in a while, clue n. 2 is a real giant step forward:


samovar - 2016-01-10 09:17

Two decisive (?) ones -- at least to determine the family of the box:




samovar - 2016-01-10 09:36

bonus track 


samovar - 2016-01-10 09:56

This box, well-known and definitely worth having, is endowed with detachable speakers


hisrudeness - 2016-01-10 10:08

Aiwa CA-100?

samovar - 2016-01-10 10:20

hisrudeness posted:

Aiwa CA-100?

very close (at first I even thought you got it right). try again 

hisrudeness - 2016-01-10 10:27

imageNot this one?

jamesrc550 - 2016-01-10 10:29

DSL = Dynamic Super Loudness - by Aiwa

Aiwa CA-W10 I have and is the closest I can think of to the picture's that you are showing

From Left 2nd down 2nd stack is the one I think in todays quiz  

IMG_2536 Slight angle various Three Piece Boombox Bedroom Shelf

Ok well I messed up the formatting of this reply there are 3 pictures ....

Third pic one is of these almost same from the rear as nobody ever show's that in a stack

IMG_2539 Left Marantz PH-32W Panasonic RX-DT680 Lasonic L.30K Center Top to Bottom Yamaha PC-9 Aiwa CA-W10 Aiwa CA-W20 Right T to B Aiwa CA-30 Aiwa CA-100H Aiwa CA-70 Sansui CP-99W

samovar - 2016-01-10 10:30

It's not the Aiwa C 100 because today's mysterious box has a double deck:


hisrudeness - 2016-01-10 10:33

The other one in James picture....underneath the 100 third box in the stack...

hisrudeness - 2016-01-10 10:34


samovar - 2016-01-10 10:35

James got it right! The box is indeed the:



Congratulations to both, it was not an easy quiz 

jamesrc550 - 2016-01-10 10:39

samovar posted:

It's not the Aiwa C 100 because today's mysterious box has a double deck:


I just cannot find a picture of this model all by itself - sigh - oh well

IMG_2410 Aiwa CA-W10 on top with orginal speakers on top

jamesrc550 - 2016-01-10 10:47

samovar posted:

James got it right! The box is indeed the:



Congratulations to both, it was not an easy quiz 

I finally found some really Old pictures of this model & for the few people out there that have received a broken 3-piece bbx in the mail this is how I request these to be shipped as I do as well ( I never ship a 3-piece assembled as the connector's of the speaker to the main unit can and will break, as I first learned so long ago)  expensive lesson and then there are those that have these pre-packed ....

jamesrc550 - 2016-01-10 10:59

hisrudeness posted:

imageNot this one?

This particular model looks so familiar ... Hmmmm ...


IMG_2448 AIWA CA-100H Stereo 100 Carry Component MS Music Sensor System 1983 BOOMBOX

IMG_2448 AIWA CA-100H Stereo 100 Carry Component MS Music Sensor System 1983 BOOMBOX