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Inside my much loved crown 970...and an extra suprize for litfan...im the guy on the left..guys haha

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 13:50

lav.loo - 2012-11-11 13:58

gotta say that looks minty, probably the nicest looking crown ever made imho, inside looks mint too

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 14:06

Thanks lav lad.....well after seing inside there is no way id trade this for an m90 just love her cuz she is silver not dull and boring like an m90.....was offered an m90 by sombody sure GREAT box but i just spent half my time critisizing there looks....but you can't nock there sound......only box i would trade this for now is my old gf1000 that stereomad has as it's so sentimental but this imho sounds better than the gf1000


soz for the poor quality pics lads

litfan - 2012-11-11 14:38

Was the old hand tremblin a bit lad? You look a bit like rebus..

litfan - 2012-11-11 14:43

Seperated at birth, Radio raheem/john rebus .



lav.loo - 2012-11-11 14:48

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Thanks lav lad.....well after seing inside there is no way id trade this for an m90 just love her cuz she is silver not dull and boring like an m90.....was offered an m90 by sombody sure GREAT box but i just spent half my time critisizing there looks....but you can't nock there sound......only box i would trade this for now is my old gf1000 that stereomad has as it's so sentimental but this imho sounds better than the gf1000


soz for the poor quality pics lads

i'm defo with you on the m90 look, does'nt have the 80's shine like most boxes of the era.

id'e take that 970 over any jvc any day, if i was Lee id'e be offering up the gf 1000 back aswell lol

that 970 just does it for me, would love to have a play with it

if you don't mind me askin Reno, how the hell did you get your hands on it?

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 15:09

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Was the old hand tremblin a bit lad? You look a bit like rebus..

yea son tremblin away aint had food today...just couldn't be assed to go get any bro.....reminds me of your shots son when you were fixing my first pioneer 909....


speaking of wich sombody bought one off our ebay for well over 400 quid......there ok nice treble built like a tank but the bass is shit.......id rather shoot myself in the head than pay that lad.....such a shame as the pioneer 909 is one of the best looking boxes ever mate

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 15:22

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Thanks lav lad.....well after seing inside there is no way id trade this for an m90 just love her cuz she is silver not dull and boring like an m90.....was offered an m90 by sombody sure GREAT box but i just spent half my time critisizing there looks....but you can't nock there sound......only box i would trade this for now is my old gf1000 that stereomad has as it's so sentimental but this imho sounds better than the gf1000


soz for the poor quality pics lads

i'm defo with you on the m90 look, does'nt have the 80's shine like most boxes of the era.

id'e take that 970 over any jvc any day, if i was Lee id'e be offering up the gf 1000 back aswell lol

that 970 just does it for me, would love to have a play with it

if you don't mind me askin Reno, how the hell did you get your hands on it?

thanks lav lad.......bought the crown from a member here from france tiko.....but it was in one hell of a state and basically scrap.....deck needed belts motor new caps and a respray.....remember that day well had the crown and felt like chucking her in the bin and also my m75 went pop same day.....it's still here......just a well overated box imho......i know this because the m90 only just sounds good enough for me....and half the time i used to complain about the m90's sound.....the crown is just about as loud but better bass.....i have some expensive mission tweeters to go in replacment of the origionals......have to apologize for asking £750 the other day thats just mad but members pay way over that for n90's and to me this is a much better box in sound and looks.....thanks for your kind words lad.....id be hard pushed swapping this even for my old gf1000......the chrome rot that happens with these just makes them bin worthy......i know i gave a gf1000 away it was in such a state...couldn't bare looking at it lads

traveler - 2012-11-11 19:00

How much of a difference is there between a Crown CSC-950F ( if you have ever had the pleasure to hear One ) and Your Crown CSC-970?


Do you know?  If you do? could you please elaborate as there is so few or None comparisons of between the Crown model's


I like seeing picture's of the inside of a 970  

p.s. I have a Kaboom & I still cannot believe how Much BASS can come out of those little 6 inch woofer's in that - er - boom-tube

driptip - 2012-11-11 20:45

great pics radio raheem and thanks, hey is that you on the right? of that pic?

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 21:09

here is a better shot of the inside



im the ugly plucker on the left driptip hehe


had all the crowns apart from the 980 and this is by far the best....there is no comparrison.....eg the 980 only takes 9 d cells the 970 takes ten.....the only thing the 980 has that the 970 dosen't is dolby but the 980 is like the 850 with no handle...one of my pet hates

traveler - 2012-11-11 21:14

So where does the Crown 950 fit in the comparison of these as it takes 8 d batteries, No dolby.  Have you Heard this model?

radio.raheem - 2012-11-11 21:26

both the 850 and i should imagine the 980 are much better more power and warmer sounding the 950 i diddn't have it long wasn't that impressed.....the 850 is a cracker but the 970 is much louder better bass......had the 850 for yonks tried to help a member and diddn't put it back togeather so now it's somehere in my shed.....the 970 also has semi soft operation unlike any of the other crowns my friend

traveler - 2012-11-11 21:43

thanks for the above - I've some pondering to do

I'll get back to yah ere.

driptip - 2012-11-11 22:01

the 950 is not close in sound to the 850 or 970, it only has 6" speakers and hardly any bass, is more like a hitachi 8190, or the sharp 555.


hey radio raheem nice to finally see you in pic.

by the way the insides of that 970 looks just like the 950 weird!!!

samovar - 2012-11-11 23:50

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
had all the crowns apart from the 980 and this is by far the best....there is no comparrison.....eg the 980 only takes 9 d cells the 970 takes ten.....the only thing the 980 has that the 970 dosen't is dolby but the 980 is like the 850 with no handle...one of my pet hates

i wouldn't say that the only difference with the 980 is dolby, at least judging from the pic i borrowed from Blasterfanjens


Crown CSC 980L


the 970 is gorgeous, but the 980 is unique. look at the VU meters! why choose? i'd go for both

northerner - 2012-11-12 03:22

That 970 is a beautiful beautiful box, so much shiny chrome...lovely!


Mind that 980 is not bad either

radio.raheem - 2012-11-12 09:32

Thank you si son.......well she may be going to a new owner....im finding it har to resist an offer of an m90 especially when i have the origional paint to touch her up......the m90 has been such a large part of my life for years.....what to  chose crown 90 mmmmmmmmmmm im as bad as our lavloo and andy boombox hehe

northerner - 2012-11-12 10:36

Well I don't know the relative merits of each box but I have heard Docs M90 and it was impressive. I'm unlikely to ever have either as I just don't have the spare dosh but I can always dream! At least I'll never have to make such a tricky decision...ha ha!

Have you managed to dig that knacked m70 out yet matey LOL!

lav.loo - 2012-11-12 11:51

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Thank you si son.......well she may be going to a new owner....im finding it har to resist an offer of an m90 especially when i have the origional paint to touch her up......the m90 has been such a large part of my life for years.....what to  chose crown 90 mmmmmmmmmmm im as bad as our lavloo and andy boombox hehe

hey less of the lav loo and and andy boombox you cheeky bugger you Reno

radio.raheem - 2012-11-12 11:58

Ok then lav boombox and andy loo